The moment of DECISION - what do you do?

Skinny100 Posts: 77
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello All!

What do you do at the moment of DECISION to help you make the right choices?

For example, let's say you had a long day at work and are in the drive thru at Tim Hortons. You are about to order a nice coffee with one cream or one sugar as a small treat for yourself, and then you see the yummy pumpkin spice donuts and the sugar lattes and something tells you "go for it".

That's just one example. What do you do, at that very moment in time, to make the right decision? Your mind tells you it's an unhealthy choice, but your desires try to take over.

Just curious to know what everyone else does during this time!
If we can share our tips and master our self-control, we can live very healthy lives! :happy:


  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    maybe a reward at the end of the week for being good
  • well, since I know I have no self control (someone brough dunkin donuts to my office yesterday and I had a pumpkin spice one - 300 calories - when I should have just gotten the glazed which is 180), I try to avoid those situations at all costs - avoid the drive thru, save the calories and the money!!
  • specialsong77
    specialsong77 Posts: 78 Member
    A nice NON Food related reward works better for me.

    Whether it is a sugar free fat free latte, or a new pair of shoes, or a bouquet of flowers for yourself... just something that makes you feel good and special. ;)

    Give yourself things to look forward to to stay motivated and strong.

    Another motivator I am trying out is I put a dollar or five dollars in a jar for every pound I lose or mini goal I hit and then when I meet my big goal I plan to go splurge with my skinnier me savings! :D

    ~Rachael :bigsmile:
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Another motivator I am trying out is I put a dollar or five dollars in a jar for every pound I lose or mini goal I hit and then when I meet my big goal I plan to go splurge with my skinnier me savings! :D

    That is an amazing idea! :flowerforyou:
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    All these ideas are good. YOu have to decide what motivates You? Everyone is different. Remeber every time you try a strategy you learn from each experience on what works for you. For me after a long day with the kids I cook dinner but then when my hubby gets home I get on the trampoline, swim or walk the dog and drink some water. In the tough situations I reach for sugarfree candy or try for a healthy substitute. If they go to a Chillis I order a salad and chicken breast. Just be creative and read books that teach you about fats, proteins, and carbs and stick with the plan. When you break it get back on the horse and try what works.

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  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Instead of going through the drive thru at Timmy's, get out of the car and walk in. You may find it reduces the amount of times you go there

    I love their cookies....but they are 220 calories each:noway: .... I don't eat them much anymore
  • Is it wrong that this post makes me want to RUN to the nearest Timmy's?

    Honstly, I just think "will this help me?" And every now and then I'll "pinch an inch" around my middle. It generally makes me disgusted with myself so I don't give in.
  • I try and guesstimate how many calories that donut would be and how much exercise i would have to do to work it off. That usually does it for me. Of course,I could still have it and buy it with that amount of exercise.
  • vraehn
    vraehn Posts: 1,008
    I would avoid the temptation by not going to Timmy's at all. After work is a prime time to overdo. Get home quick and have some peanut butter and cerery. The reward for me is not to have to struggle with "no" at a time when I would be so tempted to overdo.
  • jolinemariem
    jolinemariem Posts: 462 Member
    maybe order a little something but only order a small or ask for a sample to get your fix in
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I know this isn't really the answer you are looking for, but I just ignore those things. I make a meal plan out the night before generally, and if something isn't on my plan, I don't eat it. It makes me think twice about snacking when I think that that donut/cookie/muffin could cut into my dinner and make it so I can't have that critical piece of the meal that I want (like a serving of rice or a piece of bread).

    It's not to say that I don't give in to snacking, I just think about it more. Many times, the snack isn't worth the calories to me. Yeah, that donut was good for the whole 30 seconds I was eating it, but now I'm hungrier than I was before and I can't have a snack later. Just think it out, and many times you will decide against it! :flowerforyou:

    As far as the coffee goes, get a skinny pumpkin spice latte. Or get a sugar packet and sweeten it yourself so you can control how much sugar is in it. Just look away from those other treats! :laugh:
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I quickly look for something that is not that bad and eat 1/2.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    I try to keep in mind the big picture - the final goal. I ask myself what is more important - eating that one thing that will last for a brief moment - or reaching the goals for my health.

    I try to keep focused on the goal. :)
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    How do you make the meal plan? I tried something like that but not sure how it works? I plan meals in my head or pack my salad but no plan..:grumble:

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  • jadenfox
    jadenfox Posts: 43 Member
    Wow, some great ideas. If I really needed a sweet pumpkin fix (this time of year its hard) I would get a non fat pumpkin latte. It has way less bad stuff in it than the donuts (the donuts have 300 cal and 11 g of fat....)

    I am addicted to starbucks, and I found the non fat carmel macciato tastes the same, so I feel less guilt if I splurge. No more brownies, but I can have my special coffee treat and not be too bad on my diet. I also use it only as a reward now, and that makes them even better!
  • tlapdx72
    tlapdx72 Posts: 311 Member
    I haven't done this yet, but your comment got me thinking.... I think that when I am in a situation like this I am going to take the money that I would have spent, and put it in a jar. After a month I will look and see how much I saved by not eating all of those calories. Hopefully the money in the jar will give me a new found motivation:happy:
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    How do you make the meal plan? I tried something like that but not sure how it works? I plan meals in my head or pack my salad but no plan..:grumble:

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    I just mean that on my food diary I go to the next day and just enter in all my food that I am going to eat that next day. That makes my day a lot simpler so I'm not thinking about food all day, and I am sure that I will not go over!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I would avoid the temptation by not going to Timmy's at all. After work is a prime time to overdo. Get home quick and have some peanut butter and cerery. The reward for me is not to have to struggle with "no" at a time when I would be so tempted to overdo.
    I totally agree!
    I stay away from places that are tough for me to resist overdoing.
    Maybe you could stay away until you check the nutritional info & plan ahead with your exercise & food.
    Then it feels so much better when I go with a plan in mind.
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    Those things don't tempt me but I also feel very hungry when I get home from work, even though I try to have a good, filling lunch. For me that's a time where I really need to exercise self control and go for a healthy snack. Sometimes I find if I have to make it first, by the time it's done I'm not as hungry anymore so I believe it's more habit than real hunger.

    If Timmy's is your downfall, try to avoid it and save it for special occasions when you know you can afford the calories.
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