Any suggestions on what to do around that time of the month?

I know its no secret for women that when they are on their monthly they crave chocolate. However, I have noticed the week before and the week of my period I can't stop the cravings for sweets and carbs. Any suggestions on how I can help the cravings and not reach for the wrong things???


  • sofasophie
    sofasophie Posts: 3 Member
    haha alot of ladies don't have an answer for this, but I'd say drink lots of water and limit your sweets.. maybe only keep a small portion in your house. (:
  • PShep17
    PShep17 Posts: 221 Member
    I eat caramel snack a jacks (rice cakes) if I'm needing something sweet. Chocolate wise you could buy in snack size mulitpacks and have one if your reaching for chocolate. have some strawberries or raisins or something with it too so you're eating more if that helps. Might not be what you're looking for but I'm aim not to cut anything out completely so a lot of my food isn't actually low fat/low cal etc. I'm just eating in moderation and watching my portions :)
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Honestly, just eat a portion, log it and move on.

    No sense in depriving yourself of something.. and as long as it fits in your calorie goal, then you will be fine.
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    fruit-melons mainly! and a lot of water.

    smoothies with mixed-in vanilla whey are great alternatives to sweet treats!
  • babycakes1970
    babycakes1970 Posts: 111 Member
    Dark chocolate has anti-oxidants.
  • jaycee00
    jaycee00 Posts: 3
    The best thing I have found is to make sure I don't mindlessly eat. I am a stress eater along with time of the month eater so before I would eat and then reach for more because I really didn't remember enjoying the food and it goes on and on....I now won't say NO outright to myself, just no until I can take a real break and truely enjoy. It is amazing how one hershey's kiss can be enjoyed when you take 10 little bites and let each bite melt in your mouth and truely savor it. I cut my self off at 1 kiss or one spoon of ice cream. A couple of months ago I would have laughed at the idea of stopping at just 1....however if I stop and enjoy it, I am really satisfied...I don't recomend doing this while really hungry. That could backfire.
  • vicki81868
    vicki81868 Posts: 262 Member
    I keep protein peanut butter balls in the freezer for times like that. It's my "candy". It's 122 calories a ball (if you make 14 balls from the recipe). Here's a link to the recipe I use, although there are several different versions of it.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    It's the one time my moratorium on artificial sweeteners is lifted.

    NSA chocolate fudge pops.
    NSA blue bunny ice cream pops.
    NSA jello chocolate pudding

    NSA jello chocolate pudding and a peanut butter spoon.
  • monkey_la_femme
    monkey_la_femme Posts: 20 Member
    I take the time to make something decadent but still low cal; my favorite is banana fried with just a spray of canola, sprinkled with cinnamon and a carefully measured teaspoon of raw sugar. If I've got the cals to spare I add a spoonful of soy ice-cream and if not a spoonful of no-fat Greek yoghurt. Experiment with adding just a pinch of chocolate chips or a grated square of dark chocolate to peanut butter on crispbread or rice cakes. The key is to eat it slowly!
  • SLally
    SLally Posts: 33
    throw some semisweet chocolate into your protein smoothie, cut out diary and carbs 7-10 days before to decrease cravings, and take calcium magnesium supplements...not sure if you get pain but it helps with both!
  • HeatherDerexson
    HeatherDerexson Posts: 9 Member
    A) Buy the Special K Chocolate pretzel bars or the fiber one ones are good too or B) I like the Lindt Dark Chocolate w/Sea Salt, I buy the large bar at wal-mart, leave it in my fridge and limit myself to a square a day around that time of the month. And trust me, I'll feed off that square all day. Another good one is the Godiva Dark Chocolate Orange Bar. Just make sure you stick w/the dark chocolate. Sometimes its better to do that vs. depriving yourself to where you do end up indulging even worse.
  • MonicaT1972
    MonicaT1972 Posts: 512
    The only thing I have found is keeping my goal in mind and distraction.

    When I start craving really bad I go shopping for clothes...I try on one size smaller than I wear and see how close I am to getting into it and that alone cures the cravings fast!!!
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    Have yourself put into an induced coma each month. LOL I have mine right now and I just basically suffer through it with my cravings. It's sooooooooo hard I want to cry. :sad:
  • Sabrina918
    Sabrina918 Posts: 8 Member
    I can handle the craving, what I can not handle is the weight gain during this time. How long before your period do you ladies can some pounds? I am about a week away and gained a few and don't know if it is bc my period is coming or I am just gaining. HELP!
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    Those Special K pretzel bars are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet and salty in one!!!!:wink:
  • jenandten
    jenandten Posts: 9
    These are actually GOOD - can't tell they aren't regular chocolate. I have a half of one when I need a chocolate fix. Found them at Costco.
  • jillian769
    jillian769 Posts: 247 Member
    I can handle the craving, what I can not handle is the weight gain during this time. How long before your period do you ladies can some pounds? I am about a week away and gained a few and don't know if it is bc my period is coming or I am just gaining. HELP!

    I don't weigh right before my period, during my period, or until about 3 days after..I wait till all the dust settles. LOL
  • Justacoffeenut
    Justacoffeenut Posts: 3,749 Member
    I buy a dark chocolate bar at Aldi and break it up into pieces. Then freeze it. Takes it longer to eat. Also I try to drink more water. Sounds silly but seems to work for me most of the time. Also if really bad I make the hungry girl chocolate cake.

    If you get the dark chocolate cake mix at aldi + 12 oz club soda at Walmart mix till smooth back at 350 in a pan prepared with Pam cooking spray until done. But into 20 pieces for a reg size cake pan. Only like 8-9 cal a piece and very moist and very chocolate. I think it is in the MFP database.
  • reyopo
    reyopo Posts: 210 Member
    The only thing I have found is keeping my goal in mind and distraction.

    When I start craving really bad I go shopping for clothes...I try on one size smaller than I wear and see how close I am to getting into it and that alone cures the cravings fast!!!


    All I know is: it's amazing what a difference logging calories makes... so many fewer "that's what I want, I deserve it...hand it over! (and then devouring the whole thing)", moments. Now I only devour "just enough".
  • WhitneyT586
    WhitneyT586 Posts: 279 Member
    There is no secret fix for it. I've noticed that some months cravings really spike and sometimes I simply don't have them. The less I deprive myself on an everyday basis, the better I am. Have small portions, log them, and move on. Be sure to keep up your workouts and that will help you feel better and give you more calories. One thing I do almost every day is to keep my breakfast and lunch lower calorie but high volume (fruit, salads, lean proteins and protein shakes). This way if dinner ends up being a burger and fries its okay, and if its baked chicken and veggies I can have a bit of ice cream afterwards. Just keep experimenting to find what works for you.