I can't eat enough



  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I never get how anyone could have this problem. Eat some more fat.
  • angelashay42
    angelashay42 Posts: 286
    Are you sure you're logging correctly?

    60g of special k +1c lowfat milk + banana = 500 calories
    4oz chicken breast + baked potato + plain salad = 400 (add 150 if you add dressing or butter or sour cream)
    orange = 70
    yogurt = 120

    That's 1190 calories without you even eating dinner. I don't think you're logging your food correctly.
  • mes1119
    mes1119 Posts: 1,082 Member
    I'll eat some of your calories for you if you don't want them...

    oh wait? it doesn't work like that you say?
  • hCoots27
    hCoots27 Posts: 3
    I have this problem, too. It really concerned me. I think maybe if you did more small meals, instead of such a big lunch/dinner that might help. Also, just hang in there. Just make sure you get the right nutrition and that you feel ok. Maybe things will change and you can manage 1200 a day! I worked on it and now I can. I set my caloric goal to 1250 instead of 1200.
  • Erika_mae22
    Erika_mae22 Posts: 2 Member
    Like everyone is saying with upping you calorie intake by adding avocados, have the good monounsaturated fats in them, bananas are good but if you are planning to be in a swimsuit don't eat them they tend to cause a bit of belly bloat, peanut butter is a good one and i just found this stuff called "cookie butter" at trader joes, have it with a rice cake or celery makes an amazing snack!
    As your preparing your meals add things like brown rice, cheese, fruit, and veggies into your meals and instead of just sitting down and eating lunch eat a bit and then snack on it for a while. Makes it easier for your body to process as well.

    My big thing about calories and exercise is if your wanting to lose weight you are supposed to exercise a lot of what you eat off.. I ride horses and I still have to workout, that being said most days I will be burning close to 900 calories some days and I eat a TON of food throughout the day. As long as your not over doing it, your body will tell you what it needs.
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    Here are some previous threads that might help:


    No, don't eat unhealthy food just to increase your calories. But on the other hand, would you want to eat like you've been doing for the rest of your life? This should be a lifestyle, not a temporary diet.

    So... want an occasional cookie? It's good if it fits in. Some higher calorie foods are also good for you. What works for you may vary, but here are some ideas...
    * avocado
    * dark chocolate (or other chocolate)
    * almonds, walnuts
    * peanut butter
    * cheese
  • Sleepisam
    Sleepisam Posts: 24

    So... want an occasional cookie? It's good if it fits in. Some higher calorie foods are also good for you. What works for you may vary, but here are some ideas...
    * avocado
    * dark chocolate (or other chocolate)
    * almonds, walnuts
    * peanut butter
    * cheese

    I had a serious problem letting go when I first started making changes to my diet. I allowed myself one treat per fortnight. That was it, everything else was grilled chicken and salad. I've started letting treats sneak into my day because I think if you deprive yourself too much then it's not a lifestyle it's a punishment.

    Your idea about dark chocolate and cheese are especially appealing. I could eat cheese till it comes out of my ears. And don't get me started on chocolate :blushing:
  • Sleepisam
    Sleepisam Posts: 24
    bananas are good but if you are planning to be in a swimsuit don't eat them they tend to cause a bit of belly bloat,

    This explains why I'm slimming down in other places by my belly refuses to budge. Damn.
  • taxidermist15
    taxidermist15 Posts: 677 Member
    welcome to my world.. except m daily calories are 2200...... at 50% protein macros (dam you tony horton and your nutrition plan!) thats a whole lotta chicken!
  • isweatglitter
    So, how did you get fat again?
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    So, how did you get fat again?

    Really easily... slow your metabolism down, then eat a bunch. Starve temporarily to keep your metabolism down, stuff yourself again, don't exercise, eat big portions, when you aren't starving yourself... keep gaining.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    So, how did you get fat again?

    Really easily... slow your metabolism down, then eat a bunch. Starve temporarily to keep your metabolism down, stuff yourself again, don't exercise, eat big portions, when you aren't starving yourself... keep gaining.

    Doesn't really work that way. You still have to eat more than you can store and your metabolism won't slow down significantly.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    Make yourself a smoothie:

    Milk + Fruit + Protein Powder + Peanut Butter = 460 easy
  • Sleepisam
    Sleepisam Posts: 24
    So, how did you get fat again?

    I got fat because I was given the wrong medication that put me into a coma like state where I would sleep for 14 hours and when I woke up I was ravenous and only ate for about a month. I then found that I had a spine condition and wasn't able to exercise at all.
    Add that to low self esteem and a lot of take out.... and here we are. I'm not obese, I'm over weight through a serious of events, some within my control and others not so much.
  • Sleepisam
    Sleepisam Posts: 24
    Make yourself a smoothie:

    Milk + Fruit + Protein Powder + Peanut Butter = 460 easy

    I love this idea!
  • shannashannabobana
    shannashannabobana Posts: 625 Member
    I was going to say the same about avocado. Lots of calories/healthy fats and yummy to boot.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Are you trying to lose or gain weight? I'm kinda confused with your post :p.
    I have been doing just fine on about 900 calories per day, I'm trying to lose weight.
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    What about adding some healthy fats to your daily intake? Like nuts & nut spreads, some olive oil etc. This can add more calories without too much more food wise!


    I've had the same problem, and I found during that time that even though I wasn't hungry I started getting tired easily and some days would get dizzy. Once I added some nuts/avocados/other higher-healthy fat items I quit having the problem as much and it made my weight loss easier.

    If there is a day you still have trouble hitting your goal maybe try adding honey to your tea? I've done that a few times too and it's a nice treat for me since I normally don't sweeten my tea but am a total southern sweet tea girl.
  • michelechavez
    I take the 1200 calories as just a guideline of what I need to stay within. Some days, I eat close to it, but most days I'm full after eating 1000 to 1100 calories. I don't sweat it. At least, as long as I am still losing weight. I've only been at this since mid-April.
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    Are you trying to lose or gain weight? I'm kinda confused with your post :p.
    I have been doing just fine on about 900 calories per day, I'm trying to lose weight.

    900 calories per day isn't healthy for most people....have you checked with a doctor to make sure you're getting enough? Coma patients get 1200 calories/day just to keep their brains and organs functioning, that's why it is kind of used as a benchmark for "starvation mode"