anxiety/panick attacks



  • sorrelduncan
    sorrelduncan Posts: 69 Member
    Used to suffer with anxiety quite a bit a few years ago, depression too. Finally talked to a counselor after trying for a long time to trudge through it on my own. Was on antidepressant for about 2 years. Anxiety got better, but I gained about 20 lbs. Was also on birth control pill to control pain of endometriosis. November of 2010 I stopped both medications cold turkey. Seemed like the birth control was contributing to the anxiety, so I felt like I was taking medication to ease effects of another medication. I also started running about that same time. I would say that my anxiety is much more under control now. I still worry and freak out sometimes, but I am able to talk myself down a LOT better than before. Diet and exercise are GREAT ways to alleviate stress and improve personal moral.

    Good luck with your journey!
  • wingednotes
    wingednotes Posts: 279
    I think having an exercise program and exerting control over my diet has helped me curb my anxiety. For me, so much of the anxiety I feel stems from feeling out of control. When I mirror that in my eating and fail to exercise, I tend to be more anxious all around. But following a healthy lifestyle and experiencing the actual changes that are coming from good choices confirm that I do have control, I can handle what life throws at me, and I am less prone to anxiety.
  • seth26
    seth26 Posts: 1
    I have severe social anxiety and panic attacks. I'm on a medication called Klonopin. It makes the problem better, but it doesn't resolve it. As I type this, I'm feeling panicky as hell. Meditation, prayer/chanting, reading helps. Also, Valerian root can be a big help. You can get it at your local Walgreens.
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    I have anxiety and panic attacks, I also suffer from sugar lows brought on by my panic attacks. I tend to get super anxious then eventually it comes to a head and I have a panic attack immediately followed by a sugar drop leading to a sugary junk binge..yep its fun lol. I find eating healthy and keeping it spaced nicely helps keep my body on track, and taking the time to sit and breathe and eat helps my anxiety. Exercise is great too when I can I love to just get the anxiety out on the treadmill or go for a walk it helps sooo much ( I am not medicated btw, was once but stopped to have another baby and I felt the meds hurt more than helped).
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    I haven't had a panic attack since I've started exercising and losing weight. I used to have to be on medications for anxiety to sleep and now I am no longer on them. (I also got off anti-depressants which was tough). I started out slowly and increased the level of intensity of my workouts. I thought exercising harder would give me a panic attack eventually but it didn't! I am so happy that I can live normally again without bring xanax everywhere.

    I also got some counseling which helped along the way. Once you find out what you can do on your own and how far you can go, it's like a whole different world.
  • Beautycurvepose
    Beautycurvepose Posts: 18 Member
    I actually have serve social anxiety and use to suffer from agoraphobia but i would have to say it helps me out a lot!!!
  • batalina
    batalina Posts: 209 Member
    i haven't had a panic attack in a long time, but i have OCD and, if nothing else, when i'm working out my brain doesn't seem to get stuck in the little obsessive-y ruts than can lead me into full-blown anxiety... it's half-an-hour or however-long that i'm free from it, it seems.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    Exercise helps me more than anything. In fact, it's the reason I do it. Other things have helped: vitamin D, B, fish oil and getting off hormonal birth control
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Sometimes I have panic attacks mid-exercise and that's terrible, but generally I'd say it helps. I really like swimming for exercise with my anxiety, since most of my irrational fear is based around my heart health - I don't notice my heart rate as much in the water.
  • heyghoge
    heyghoge Posts: 153 Member
    exercise can trigger mine sometimes. i always have to prepare myself for the point where my lizard brain starts to associate the increased heart rate/sweat/other physical cues of exertion with an anxiety attack. however, exercise has helped worlds with overall depression symptoms, so if it starts happening, i time out, reassure myself that it's not a real anxiety attack, and get moving again. it's worth the extra effort, for sure.
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    I have had them and exercise helps a lot ! Check out this recent study (just google it) -- Researchers at Princeton University recently made a remarkable discovery about the brains of rats that exercise. Some of their neurons respond differently to stress than the neurons of slothful rats. Scientists have known for some time that exercise stimulates the creation of new brain cells (neurons) but not how, precisely, these neurons might be functionally different from other brain cells. etc......:indifferent:
  • lucylou9701
    lucylou9701 Posts: 194
    I have panic and anxiety attacks all the time :frown: They suck but exercising has helped.... great way to relieve stress :smile: I suffer from insomnia too :frown:
  • cloveraz
    cloveraz Posts: 332 Member
    I can remember, to the day my first panic attack, 9-11-01....I take meds.....Exercise, weight loss, and dietary change has helped some of my illness, but I'm one of the lifers...
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    I have panic anxiety disorder (I've had panic attacks so bad that I'm curled up on the floor in a fetal position screaming and wailing). I still have some issues with anxiety but I have started feeling better since I've started exercising and eating better. I feel more calm and in control. There have still been days where the anxiety is so bad I can't even concentrate on exercise but I have more good days than bad now.
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i get really bad attacks when i am walking alone in crowded areas. particularly downtown at night when i get off the subway on my way to work. event triggered. i am trying to get back into working out so i am hoping it helps!
  • Runners1206
    Runners1206 Posts: 4 Member
    I have had anxiety and panic attacks for 20+years. I am on an antidepressant and have been for 3 years. For me, yes exercise does help. Exercise is something positive to focus on instead of the anxiety you are feeling. Don't give up. You are not alone as you can see from all of the other posts. Exercise will help you get mentally strong and help you deal with whatever negative issues are bothering you. I did order the self-help info from the Midwest Center years ago and I do highly recommend it. It is a wonderful program that explains what is really going on when you feel stressed and panicky. Hang in there! You can and will get through this!
  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    I would have anxiety attacks from time to time after my wife passed away Jan. 2011. It happened in the middle of my weight loss journey, and I just pushed myself even harder and yes I think it did help. They would still happen but to a lesser degree. The weirdest things would set me off, like music. I had to listen to talk radio for months. Once I was standing in a Sam's club store near the childrens section and they had some hokey little kids song and I just about freaked out after listening to it for about 30 seconds, I had to leave, but I was confused as to how. Finally I regained my composer and walked away. Now I live music. Exercise was instrumental in helping me curtail the attacks.
  • wrevhn
    wrevhn Posts: 864 Member
    all the time. few times a week. been to the ER a few times, almost killed myself the guy said. getting a bit better at trying to control them now. but can't seem to stop them. they mess with my sleep alot too.
  • Skeels
    Skeels Posts: 929 Member
    Exercise helps for me, especially high intensity cardio sessions......There is a book called "Spark" which talks about the benefits of exercise on the brain.

    Hang in there
  • Peachycherries
    Peachycherries Posts: 14 Member
    My Doctor actually reccomended that I workout and change my diet because of my anxiety and panic attacks. I am dieting and working out now to lose weight but I havent been doing this long enough to know if it helps. I have had anxiety and panic attacks since I was about 3. This year I turned 25 and in February they were the worst theyve ever been in my life. EXTREME!!
    Ive been feeling better these past few months but still have had some episodes..... I just hate how bad I suffer with this disorder. It has controlled my life. Some days I literally sit and wonder if I should leave the house or not..... Man do I hate it =(
    I can relate to each and everyone of you that has been cursed with this horrible disorder.... =(
    I really hope that weightloss and my workouts along with a healthy diet can take away this issue.... Good Luck I hope you find something that works for you....