HELP! I'm Addicted to Cherry Coke!



  • astorminside
    astorminside Posts: 58 Member
    Prove it. Show me a link to an actual study by actual doctors.

    just wondering, why do you need an actual study?
    you're already on the internet, just look it up yourself lol
  • biglewswife2
    biglewswife2 Posts: 5 Member
    Phosphoric acid has been linked to lower bone density in some epidemiological studies, including a discussion in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
  • biglewswife2
    biglewswife2 Posts: 5 Member

    Not from the aspartame or artificial sweeteners : caused by the phosphoric acid in the soda regular Coke, Dr. Pepper and others are included....

    I'm curious, do you have any scientific studies that back this up? For the last several years all I heard was "Aspertame, aspertame, aspertame" until it became clear that the science didn't back up the paranoia. And now, suddenly, in every thread that mentions diet soda, it's "Phosphoric acid, phosphoric acid, phosphoric acid."

    I'm not saying you're wrong, I would just like to see some actual scientific evidence from SOMEONE.
  • teacupowl
    teacupowl Posts: 104
    I kicked the soda habit a loooong time ago due to problems with my bladder, but every now and then I just *have* to have something fizzy. So I keep several yummy flavors of sparkling water around, because it isn't the caffeine or the sugar I'm craving, just that bubble-bursting fizz! It's really hard to quit, but you can do it!

    (But I will agree that cherry coke is probably my biggest soda weakness ever. I will have a zero cherry coke maybe once every couple of months, just as a really special treat. :D)
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    Prove it. Show me a link to an actual study by actual doctors.

    just wondering, why do you need an actual study?
    you're already on the internet, just look it up yourself lol

    It's a hot button for some: the tossing out of facts or stats without any science based evidence. [Not to say that was what the OP did, I'm just commenting on why sometimes people will ask for a link.] Personally, I disregard most of what I read that throws out a "this is bad" comment, unless it is just a generic comment like "playing on the freeway is bad", which is common knowledge. People who can include a link to an article or website have a better chance of helping others to understand the point they are trying to make.
  • ncahigh
    ncahigh Posts: 10 Member

    Not from the aspartame or artificial sweeteners : caused by the phosphoric acid in the soda regular Coke, Dr. Pepper and others are included....

    I'm curious, do you have any scientific studies that back this up? For the last several years all I heard was "Aspertame, aspertame, aspertame" until it became clear that the science didn't back up the paranoia. And now, suddenly, in every thread that mentions diet soda, it's "Phosphoric acid, phosphoric acid, phosphoric acid."

    I'm not saying you're wrong, I would just like to see some actual scientific evidence from SOMEONE.

    I used to drink at least 1 coke a day. I stopped cold turkey last year for about 8 months. Some of the symptoms I was having went away. I was found to be VIT D deficient before stopping. I started drinking it again and some of my symptoms returned. I stopped drinking it again in April of this year. I had read some articles about phosphoric acid and calcium affecting your bones.

    Here is one:

    and the author lists her references. There are probably more. And as with lots of studies you have opposing results. There is a beverage and soda lobby which tries to curtail information released / hires its own labs etc. This is the way most of the world works so you just have to decide for yourself.

    The phosphoric acid put into colas is 75% to 85% phosphoric.

    My husband used to drink lots of diet pepsi when he was 19 or 20 and developed kidney stones which the doctors told him were from the sodas. He never drinked diet after that.
  • oldmanstauf
    oldmanstauf Posts: 202 Member
    I haven't kicked the soda habit and don't plan too, but I did find it useful to purchase cans rather than bottles. I tend to drink more just because it's available. If I only have 12oz in front of me, it's all I end up drinking. It's helped to drastically reduce my intake.
  • ravihira1892
    ravihira1892 Posts: 149 Member
    Cherry coke zero ?
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You have it once a week, or you have it daily every week? I don't really see a problem in giving yourself that treat once a week. It is obviously something you really enjoy.
  • kimcoop
    kimcoop Posts: 5 Member
    I drink Zevia sodas..Organic and sweetened with Stevia zero calories. They are at the health food stores. They might have Cherry flavor not sure.
  • JenniLisette
    JenniLisette Posts: 132
    OMFG Me too!! so i stay away from it comletely... cuz the sec i get a taste of ANYTHING i want a cherry coke, and once i start to sip a cherry coke i cant stop.. one day i drank a 12 pack on my own over the entire weekend :sad: but when i was out i didnt get anymore and never lookd back..but miss it everyday.. seriously all i drink is water and occasionally tea..:flowerforyou:
  • microwoman999
    microwoman999 Posts: 545 Member
    First I agree with ravihira try cherry coke zero second you have to really force yourself to get 8 glasses of water in a day and if you don't like that try the mio drops, crystal light or some other form of water intake. It will really help your body. Next give yourself the Cherry coke as a treat so you know you need to work hard for it. Make yourself burn the calories before you get to drink it :wink: hope this helps before long you will crave other things good luck
  • bfitnbfab
    bfitnbfab Posts: 79
    That's funny, I'm addicted to Cherry Coke too! I used to drink like a six-pack a day. I drink my 8 glasses of water a day, but I try to make a 20 oz. Cherry Coke last me a week. That way I still get a little taste everyday. :)
  • inkandsheep
    inkandsheep Posts: 101 Member
    I have a can of Pepsi Max or Fanta Zero a day, max. I've cut out a lot of unhealthy snacks and treats from my diet so it's a good substitute for now. The artificial sweeteners probably aren't great but I figure my lifestyle is pretty healthy for the most part so it's ok...

    I dink some flavoured waters if I fancy a sweet treat without sugar, too. But beware of some of the vitamin waters and such that actually contain sugar and have over 100 calories per bottle!
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I love my Pepsi!!! Regular not diet. So I switched to the mini ones, 7.5ozs. It gives me what I crave just smaller :) Sometimes I get the Pepsi Max 7.5oz, no calories in that one and it taste almost like a reg Pepsi. I do really like the new Pepsi Next, only 60 cals in a 12oz can.
  • I've basically kicked the soda habit. I have one maybe once every other week and I always always drink all of my water intake for the day or I don't treat myself. I've been loosing steadily and gaining muscle on top of it. For the most part I have a strict diet (I'd say strictish but friends say strict) but, i'll allow a diet soda every now and then as well with ice cream too ^.^ Just all that matters is my energy out for the week.
  • coolcatcan
    coolcatcan Posts: 133 Member
    I was a cherry coke/cherry pepsi addict as well. I just went cold turkey, that was what worked best for me. Haven't had a soda 1 1/2 years. It's really hard at first, but stay strong and those cravings will subside. I now just drink mainly water, and sometimes skim milk and unsweetened tea.

    Good luck
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    The rest of the day I do drink water, even w/lunch & dinner. So why not have that one Pepsi first thing in the morning :)
  • Veglady12
    Veglady12 Posts: 8 Member
    I had to due to my health. I was addicted to Diet Coke Lime. I know I was addicted because I went thru withdrawls. I gave up coffee too with no setbacks like the pop. My withdrawls only lasted three days. I craved pop when I had pizza, but did without. Now, it is a really big treat. I cannot due diet or aspertame. It gave me disease like states that increased my heartrate to 300beats a min during exercise, made me feel sick 100% of the time. Aspertame lives in your tissues for 3 months after you give it up. I felt 100% just two months after giving it up. Now, I drink Water with lemon. I have had two small pops, root beer and orange for a treat at a party, just sips really because it is too sweet now. It is an addiction. You just have to replace it and juices are no better for weight loss because of the sugar in it. The North American diet-pop every day, sometimes several a day-not healthy. It should be a treat on occasion.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    I drink diet soda.

    That being said if you're trying to kick my advice is to start making deals with yourself.

    "I'll have a soda but first I have to drink a pint of water"

    "I'll have a soda but first I have to wait two hours and drink a liter of water"

    "I'll have a soda but that's the only one I'll have for today, so I'll wait until after work and drink a gallon of water first"

    Build up to it.