HELP! I've fallen and can't get up!!



  • Dontneed60
    Dontneed60 Posts: 18 Member
    look at your self in the mirror,,if you like what you see theres nothing to be done but if you dont like what you see girl get up and do something about it,,,,,,do it to look hot ,,,do it for your kids,,,do it for your hubby,,, do it for your self your the one that counts more becuase you will gain control of your self,,wen you do this you will start to like you wen you see your self in the mirror..
    ''people wont see your value till you value your self'' it sounds bad but it happens all the time in this ugly world.go girl value your self!
  • eresin
    eresin Posts: 104 Member
    The fact that you keep starting means you want to do this. The fact that you keep starting is good. No matter how many times you have to keep picking yourself up, you're still doing better than people that make no effort.
    You are strong.
  • yuni1
    yuni1 Posts: 5
    oh, gosh! it's happening to me all the time. :laugh:
    I've tried to slim down from I was still seventeen because I was about to enter college and I weighed twice a girl of my age.
    I tried again for several times when I was in college, notably when I was about to graduate, but yeah... a shallow and temporary motivation like that was always gone when it was time. :huh:

    Now I'm 24 and I can say I have a little success (if not at all). :embarassed:

    After seven years full of so many failure, I can't believe that I'm still dared to try again.
    But I'm trying for real now and I know I'm not going to fail, again.

    I call it a lifestyle and healthy habit, instead of a diet, weight loss regime, or whatever.
    that kind of mindset makes me smiling when I see the scale does not go down,
    and smiling more wide when the scale does go down. :bigsmile:

    healthy lifestyle does not make us lose anything so just enjoy the process.
    be as patient and persistent.
  • optimistic101
    optimistic101 Posts: 10 Member
    am in the same boat as yurself, with moments [too many] of "weak and lazy" - but its time to change and get motivated, theres only one person can do this for me, and thats me
    feel free to add as friend, i appreciate all the motivation i can get :-)
  • Longbowgilly
    Longbowgilly Posts: 262 Member
    I am like this too, I start with great intention but fall off the wagon at any opportunity.
    I have a real good reason to get a grip on things as I have a bad family history of strokes and heart attacks, I am 60lbs overweight with high blood pressure, a real ticking time bomb but for some reason I CANNOT get my *kitten* in gear 100%.
    If anybody can give advice on how to combat this attitude I will listen!
  • NickAFitz_deleted
    Keep logging.
    No matter what you eat, log it and if it's not a good day, aim to make tomorrow better.

    Without doubt the best suggestion on line... Dont worry if you fail just stand up and keep going, If you want to succeed you will succeed.....just sometimes it takes slightly longer .....................
  • missyjoy6988
    missyjoy6988 Posts: 29 Member
    Log in every day, and log in honestly, even if it is a bad day. Forgive yourself for the times you fall off the wagon. For example, if I used to eat something fattening and unhealthy for breakfast, I would just give up on the whole day. I would eat whatever I wanted and not exercise because I had already ruined the day with the unhealthy breakfast. Not anymore. If I cheat or choose not to exercise, I shake it off and continue ahead. I don't use the excuse of one failure to keep making more that day. Also, take it one day at a time. I can't do any more than that without getting discouraged. I have 55 more lbs. to lose and that amount seems daunting, so instead I focus on just aiming for 2 lbs a week. That goal seems much more attainable. I also only weigh in once a week. Weight can fluctuate day to day and if I weigh myself every day it doesn't seem like I am making progress. You can do this!!! One day at a time!!!:smile: