30 day shred and what jillian says



  • Claire594
    Claire594 Posts: 349 Member
    I wish I could do this program, but it shredded my knees! I don't have great knees anyway, complicated I'm sure by the fact that I'm very overweight. I tried her 30DS, and liked it, but couldn't MOVE the next day. My knees hurt for ages after that.

    You were probably bringing your knee over your toes in the lunges. I did this the first couple of times too and then when i realised it an readjusted the pain went away. The first couple of days killed me both times i did the shred I cried walking down the stairs I was in so much pain :) but i found if you stick it out after a few days the pain goes away.

    It's a fantastic program and i lost 1lbs and inches. I'm about to start my 3rd round of it tonite.
  • lindalou0703
    lindalou0703 Posts: 226 Member
    I wonder if that info is on the dvd? I have it and I dont remember seeing it.
  • zumbaabby
    zumbaabby Posts: 59
    Ah, thanks for the info! I've had her dvd for a while, but I've not done it yet...I was like..um...I don't have 30 days straight to do this! I will start adding it into my workout this weekend...two days a week...and I teach Zumba as well, so hopefully that can count of my cardio!
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    On her other DVD "ripped in 30" she does say to take a rest day so I figured there might of been some back lash. It probably wouldnt be a big deal to do it straight for 6 days if you are some what fit but for those just starting I would think the 2 days on then 1 day off would be better because when you dont already exercise you are more likely to feel extremely sore or get injured.
  • prettyprpro
    prettyprpro Posts: 128 Member
    I wish I could do this program, but it shredded my knees! I don't have great knees anyway, complicated I'm sure by the fact that I'm very overweight. I tried her 30DS, and liked it, but couldn't MOVE the next day. My knees hurt for ages after that.

    So, that's why my knees been kind of hurting!!!!!!!
  • kcdoglover
    kcdoglover Posts: 8 Member
    I am so grateful for this information! I thought it was close to impossible for me to do any type of rigorous boot-camp style activity like this for 30-days straight. I'm surprised that she doesn't mention this routine that she is suggesting (2 days of Shred, 1 Cardio, 2 Days of Shred, 1 Cardio, then a Day of Rest) right up front on the her 30 Day Shred video. That would be the wise thing, so that people would treat their bodies properly, and not injure themselves!!! Ah well, thanks to MFP, there is this info sharing going on!!!!
  • Southernb3lle
    Southernb3lle Posts: 862 Member
    I wish I could do this program, but it shredded my knees! I don't have great knees anyway, complicated I'm sure by the fact that I'm very overweight. I tried her 30DS, and liked it, but couldn't MOVE the next day. My knees hurt for ages after that.

    It messed my knee up as well. I can't do it.
  • SuzieBikiniBound
    SuzieBikiniBound Posts: 114 Member
    That's really nice to know. I was so sore after day 1 this week that I just did cardio on what would have been day 2 and then did cardio and day 2 yesterday.
  • sdleischner
    sdleischner Posts: 34 Member
    i didnt know this! comon sense kinda told me this, but i read some other articles that made it sound like 10 days of each level in a row.
    I have been doing the shred mostly everyday strait through, with the odd day here and there i miss for curling or other physical activities. I have not been sore after the work outs, and most days i dont feel like 20 mins was enough of a work out. (and im not a super fit person). but i am seeing some results, i have not lost any lbs, but i have lost about 6 inches total, and i have about 9 days left.
  • I also had problems with my knees when doing this workout. I think it was the jumping jacks.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I remember thinking, "I got this." Lol Jill kicks yo *kitten*! I was planning doing her routines for the burn on off days. I know its going to take me a good 6 months of consistency before I start looking ripped (at my pace).

    Makes total sense to include rest days. I also bought her book. It had a lot of insight and good recipes. I like her because her body type is close to mine. That is an old video, but I love it. She's a good motivator.
  • dalh
    dalh Posts: 82 Member
    Thank you!!! I am currently doing the 30ds, again. The first time, I did it for 30 days straight, which I found very hard. I didn't have enough energy left over for anything else and ended up getting away from the running. ( And I've been running for 5 years and don't want to give it up! ). This time, I am doing 30ds one day and running, the next but I am not seeing results as fast as I would like. So, I will definitely try it this way! :smile:
  • EmmaLA16
    EmmaLA16 Posts: 94 Member
    Thank you for posting this, I was wondering that too. Is it the same with her 6 pack in 6 weeks workout too do you think?
  • Girlrose
    Girlrose Posts: 127 Member
    I just did three days straight and my muscles are seriously burning (they burn all day and kill when I do the 30DS the next morning). Does JM intend for us to do this every day? I really want to have great results, but I also don't want to injure myself. :ohwell:
  • Girlrose
    Girlrose Posts: 127 Member
    Thank you so much for posting this! I just finished my third straight day and I'm already struggling. Adding in elliptical, running, and a rest day will be great for me. My muscles definitely need time to rest!
  • You're not supposed to do this everyday, you're a supposed to take rest days 2/3 rest days a week. The program is designed to be done 5 days a week. Your muscles won't get chance to grow and change if you don't rest up. Resting promotes them to heal and grow. Doing this 30 days straight is not only dangerous but stupid!
  • FizikallyFit
    FizikallyFit Posts: 180 Member
    very interesting thank you!
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Interesting. Maybe that is why I only managed Level 1 and a couple of days of Level 2 before I gave up.
  • lea_sparkles
    lea_sparkles Posts: 6 Member
  • Varxje
    Varxje Posts: 2 Member
    Thaaaank you :)
    I felt so bad missing out on one day that I made up by working out twice the next day. :)