How to not have to poop while running



  • Mitzmitz
    Mitzmitz Posts: 1 Member
    caffeine works for me. usually about 20-30min before a run.
    here's a funny post on that subject from runners world.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    Coffee and immodium

    ETA: And I no longer eat carrots anymore. They are an awful trigger for this issue.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I often have this problem. I used to plan my runs around a bathroom (my house or public), but I have found that I can actually run trough it. It's uncomfortable for about 5-10 minutes, but then it goes away.
  • fzyfrog
    fzyfrog Posts: 456 Member
    I make sure to get up early enough so that I can eat and poop before I go run. It works 97.458% of the time.
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Take a Tums about 20 - 30 minutes before you run. It helps me settle my tummy before a organized run. :smile:
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    It's called runners' trots. I suffer from it sometimes, mostly straight after the run (as in: within 30 seconds of arriving home I MUST go). It seems to improve with time though, don't suffer as badly from it as I did when I just started out.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 994 Member
    Hit or miss is right. Sometimes I have to go while running or directly after and other times I have no issues. In fact this happened to me yesterday. I went #1 before leaving for the run and about 5 min into the run I had to go again. Darn it! I found a public bathroom and went. Then on the way back I was like oh boy I have to go #2 but I am not going in the public bathroom. I stopped running and walked the rest of the way back to work.

    I also had to go #2 before the Warrior Dash and couldn't go at home so about 30 min before the race started I had to go in the porta potty. I hate those things with a passion. But when you have to go you have to go.

    Maybe map out your run and see if there are places you can stop if need be and on your run that is coming up they will have plenty of porta potties to use.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I have the same problem, but I'm a walker. Doesn't matter what I eat or drink, I ALWAYS have to go to the bathroom on my walk at lunch. I'm fine in the gym for 1.5 hours, or hiking through the ravines for hours on end, but my lunch walk is terrible. I try and go before I walk, but sometimes that doesn't happen, so I pray that there's porta potties or that I make it back to the leisure centre before I have an accident. I've had to use the bushes a couple of times, and it's embarassing, but there's nothing I can do about it.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    you could always wear a diaper just in case
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I often have this problem. I used to plan my runs around a bathroom (my house or public), but I have found that I can actually run trough it. It's uncomfortable for about 5-10 minutes, but then it goes away.

    Does it go away after you have pooped your pants?? LOL
  • Like Meggon said, it's a hydration thing. And you might have to pee, yes. This is something that occurs more often with new runners, so it may pass after you've been running a while - your body will adjust to the exercise. This used to happen to me too - my body did get used to the running and now I can run a lot longer without having to go. Runner's World Complete Book of Women's Running says;

    Cause - "Troubles usually occur during lengthy or strenuous exercise, when blood is pulled to the muscles, leaving an inadequate supply in the intestinal tract. These problems are more common in untrained runners than highly fit athletes. The bad news: research shows that women are affected more often than men. The good news: a little preemptive attention can alleviate most problems.

    Treatment - "Maintain proper hydration; dehydration exacerbates reduced blood flow. During marathons and long runs of several hours, consume a sports drink to keep up your electrolyte levels. Don't eat foods that are high in fiber before working out: fruit, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains are notorious troublemakers. If you must have coffee or tea - both of which pack a double whammy of diuretic and laxative effects - try to give yourself a half-hour before running, which should allow time to hit the bathroom before hitting the road. Finally, avoid nonsteroidal anti-anflamitory drugs, such as asprin and ibuprofen, which also exacerbate alterations in blood flow to the gut"

    Hope that helps!!! :tongue:
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    touching cotton :laugh:
  • Jessaustx
    Jessaustx Posts: 130
    ... i was unaware this was a problem. i think i'm very glad for that time. it was a simpler time.

  • theoneandonlybrookie
    theoneandonlybrookie Posts: 341 Member
    I chug pepto before all of my runs that are longer than 5 miles. That seems to be my mileage trigger. And to the person that suggested coffee... coffee has always made the poop problem so much worse for me.
  • soontobesam
    soontobesam Posts: 714 Member
    I seem to be ok in the poop department (I usually go every morning) but I have to pee every single time I run. I can pee 6 times before I leave the house and its a guarantee that I will have to pee again once I get to the park (which is only ~10 minutes away).

    Last week I peed in the woods. :drinker:
  • chenrytc2
    chenrytc2 Posts: 48
    Believe it or not - I found this to be a common issue with relatively new runners. My questions to you are:

    1. Are you regular? You should be going around the same time everyday.
    2. Do you live a sedentary lifestyle or job that requires sitting most of the day? Walking and running activate muscles in your body that help move waste along and out.
    3. How much water are you drinking? Being hydrated also helps move waste along and out. Your urine should be clear/mostly clear a majority of the time you go.
    4. What are you eating daily? Take a close look at your food intake to see if there is anything that is causing this to occur.

    If you are still experiening the need to go while running, try a laxative one or two days before the 5k to ensure your system is empty/mostly empty. You may want to try this several times before the 5k so you know how your body will react. For instance, the laxative may only last an entire day or a day and half. This depends on how much you take and time of day of course. Either way, if your system is empty you won't be able to go even if you get the sensation to go.

    In the event your do go on yourself while running the 5k, hold your head high and act like you meant to do it cause you were kicking *kitten* running the 5k and didn't have time to stop. You can clean up after you accomplish the goal of completing the 5k. It sure won't be the first time, and sure *kitten* hell won't be the last.

    Best wishes and keep truckin'!
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I actually have this problem with just walking so I empathise. 30 minutes in and I almost inevitably need a restroom.

    The only solution I found was to walk in a circuit around an area that has a restroom. I pass it every 15 minutes, so unless the 'need' arises when I'm at the furthest point (7.5 minutes away) then I'm usually safe.
  • dalh
    dalh Posts: 82 Member
    This used to happen to me when I first started running....luckily it wouldn't hit me until after I was midway. It just REALLY motivated me to run faster, to make it home to use the washroom lol. I did start keeping tissues with me incase I just couldn't make it, and had to make an emergency pit stop, though. Fortunately, that never happened.... not a lot of tree coverage along my running route! lol. It no longer happens after 4 years of running though. I think the reason was that I had gone from drinking mostly 3 or 4 cans of pop during the day, and no water (I know! Terrible!!!) to suddenly drinking loads of water in an attempt to become healthier. My digestive system was not used to all that goodness and it took awhile for my bowels to adjust.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    No advice from me. I just wanted to say the thread title is TOTALLY attractive.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    No advice from me. I just wanted to say the thread title is TOTALLY attractive.

    Right?? I have been wondering it for awhile but didn't know how to word it so it wasn't gross.