How often do you...



  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Pretty much everyday I have a small 'treat'as long as it fits within my calorie goals. If I allowed myself chocolate just once a week I'd end up just binging on it and going way over my goal! Having just a little but everyday seems to work well for me.

    This. :)
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    For me a "treat" is defined as something yummy that I don't eat very often because it doesn't help me meet my nutritional goals. That said, I eat those pretty much whenever I want to. I may crave something during the week, but decide it's not worth it because it will put me over on calories & I don't want to do extra activity to offset. But typically on at least one day of the weekend I'm more lax about nutrition & just try to stay under my calorie target.
  • irisheyez718
    irisheyez718 Posts: 677 Member
    Every day I guess. I don't think of it as a treat though.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    When I am in the mood for one, but I made it a requirement that it can't be sometimes every other day :laugh: or week.
  • chica23GK
    chica23GK Posts: 100 Member
    Kudos to timvikroy - it's my desire & plan to get where he's at - to the point that good-for-me food is my delight rather than toxic packaged stuff. News flash (just learned the hard way thru mom's health issues): fatty liver comes from saturated fats (from packaged, processed foods) & fatty liver can lead to cirrhosis of the liver. Got my attention! I'm determined to become a clean-eater, someone who does not eat anything out of a box or can or package. :)
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    I eat whatever I want so long as it fits into my daily calorie allotment or I have the time & energy to workout. :)
  • tehpounce
    tehpounce Posts: 64
    You know those mini sized halloween version of candy bars? I have ONE mini sized candy a day, or every few days. I figure I'd rather have a mini than nothing at all.
  • firedancer8780
    firedancer8780 Posts: 338 Member
    I have what most would consider treats everyday as long as it fits into my calories. If I know I'm going to want a larger dinner or more snacks one night, I make sure I have a very low calorie lunch. I buy healthier versions of traditional treats to ensure I can still have them, but don't have the high calorie choices.
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    I agree with the people who said they're not on a diet but on a lifestyle change. So yes, I'll have a peppermint cup (Newman's Own) or a Cadbury's Curly Wurly or some Ben and Jerry's Frozen Green Yoghurt Raspberry Fudge Chunk. But I also love nectarines, pineapple, asparagus, avocado, guacamole, coconut, mineolas etc, so I guess I "treat" myself every day! :)
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Depends on how you define "treat". I don't eat anything I don't like (except the hummus sandwich experiment that didn't go as planned at all). If I'm in the mood for something that perhaps isn't the world's healthiest option, I'll find a way to fit it in or something close. I try to ride out cravings for a day or two, but the ones that won't pass-I'm going to eat it (just probably less of it). I'd be all kinds of pissed off if I didnt allow myself to eat something-then I'd end up eating an entire pizza instead of just going with it and having a slice. I like salad, I like veggies & fruit and fish & chicken and all kinds of healthy stuff. But sometimes, I just really, really want a bacon cheeseburger-and so I fit it in. Deprivation is not my cup of tea.
  • danihardy298
    Exactly! Usually once a day or so or i'd feel to restricted. If i took it away, i'd cheat so much more. i consider it more about the choice of what i eat instead of a treat.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    Every day usually, whether it be some milk chocolate, some 85% dark, some ice cream, a piece of cake, a frappucino or a packet of crisps. In amongst my veggies, fruit, fish, cottage cheese, eggs and greek yoghurt.
  • ThePersnicketyOtter
    ThePersnicketyOtter Posts: 147 Member
    Depends on what's going on. Normally, if nothing weird is happening, every Saturday is my cheat day and my treat is a meal from McDonald's because honestly, I love their fries and sweet tea. It's also the day I always hang out with a large group of my friends, so it works well because we're too busy to eat for most of the day, we'll just get one meal at night, so it doesn't kill my calories usually.
  • kroger7
    kroger7 Posts: 124 Member
    What do you mean by 'treat'? I eat foods I enjoy every day. Do you mean sweet foods? I have Kiwis or Stawberrys almost every morning for snack. Pineapple or Mango in the afternoon for snack. Sometimes I'll have grapes instead. In the evening I have an Apple with Peanut Butter on it. I love that snack! I also have about 1 ounce of 82% Scharfenberger Dark Chocolate right before bed every night. Do any of those count? I consider all these foods to be part of a fairly healthy diet, though. So are they really a 'treat'? I don't know.

    OH don't get me wrong I LOVE fresh fruit and eat lots of it, certainly good for a sweet craving and by no means do I ever feel bad for enjoying those. But sometimes I crave something a little less nutritious (maybe french fries every now and then or ice cream or milk chocolate) and I try not to eat those that often. To me that's a treat lol