Infinite Wishes

Blaqheart Posts: 235
Here's a fun game I thought of this morning.

You simply state your wish the next poster grants it, but puts a condition to it. That poster then states their wish ect...

Ex: Poster 1- I wish I had a Trans Am.
Poster 2- Granted, but you'll spend a fortune in getting parts because this car is no longer maufactured.
Poster 2- I wish I had a pie.
Poster 3 - Granted, but you will have to share with everyone here!

Enjoy! :laugh:


  • ConstableOdo
    ConstableOdo Posts: 104
    I wish I was a Star Trek character/redshirt/actor. Any would suffice.
  • angelakj23
    angelakj23 Posts: 51
    Poster 1: I wish I was skinny
    Poster 2: You can get there, but you have to work your butt off...literally! :bigsmile:
  • Blaqheart
    Blaqheart Posts: 235
    I wish I was a Star Trek character/redshirt/actor. Any would suffice.

    Granted, but remember you'd be stuck in space and have no idea where you were unless you can plot coordinates on the bridge.

    I wish I had a peach.