Frustrated...and in need of a boost

Hi folks!

I've been using MFP faithfully since January 1st, 2012. In the first month I lost 14 lbs! I was so excited. However, in the months since, I've only lost 20 more. I know that a 34 lb weight loss is nothing to sneeze at, but I have so much more to lose and had goal to have lost 45 lbs by the middle of June and 80 - 90 by the end of the year.
The weight is now just trickling off... 1/4 lb a week or less. I've even gained back a couple of pounds!!! UGH!!!

I am walking...a lot! 6 - 12 km a day. But not consistently.

Does anyone have any suggestions to help kick start my weight loss again?

I would love to hear from you!



  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    I can't see your food diary but here is my advice:
    1) Be really happy that you have already lost 34 pounds. That is excellent!!
    2) Try and switch up your exercise or atleast try and make it consistent.
    3) Be super excited that you are still losing. Even if it is slower than you would like, the scale is still going in the direction you want it to go.

    It took you awhile to gain that weight right? Then it will take some time for you to lose it. Slow and steady is the key. People who lose weight fast (through extreme diets) are more likely to gain it all back when they go off the diet. Make sure that this is a lifestyle change for you and try to lose in a healthy way.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    Someone just posted this link: in another discussion. It looks interesting - keeps your body on a varied calorie intake to spur weight loss and help break those plateaus. I can't confirm myself that it works, but may be worth a try.
  • meinbc
    meinbc Posts: 6
    Thank you! :happy:
    You're right...I need to be happy with what I have accomplished so far! I will try and make it about the Journey...not the destination.

  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Your body is very smart, so you need to keep it on its toes. The more that you do the same kind of exercise, the more accustomed to it your body gets, and the less calories it needs to do that activity. I walk daily and have for years, so I try not to eat back all the exercise calories I earn from walking because I know that since my body has become very efficient at walking, the number of calories I actually burned is lower than I see on my screen. Maybe switch it up with cycling or start taking an exercise class if you have the time?
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    With your diary closed and only minimal information, we can only speculate. My suggestion is either make it public, or allow access to friends. Only then can we truly give you opinions which may help
  • BigDaddyBRC
    BigDaddyBRC Posts: 2,395 Member
    Your body is very smart, so you need to keep it on its toes. The more that you do the same kind of exercise, the more accustomed to it your body gets, and the less calories it needs to do that activity. I walk daily and have for years, so I try not to eat back all the exercise calories I earn from walking because I know that since my body has become very efficient at walking, the number of calories I actually burned is lower than I see on my screen. Maybe switch it up with cycling or start taking an exercise class if you have the time?

    This is a 90% BS. You don't have to workout to lose weight. Im proof of that.
  • Vi0l33t
    Vi0l33t Posts: 117 Member
    are you changing your calorie intake when MFP suggests it or is it the same as when you started? Try switching to higher calories and try changing the foods you eat, it may just be small tweaks you need to make.
  • meinbc
    meinbc Posts: 6
    Hmmm not sure how to share my diary with everyone. Will research and do that. Thank you.
  • meinbc
    meinbc Posts: 6
    Your body is very smart, so you need to keep it on its toes. The more that you do the same kind of exercise, the more accustomed to it your body gets, and the less calories it needs to do that activity. I walk daily and have for years, so I try not to eat back all the exercise calories I earn from walking because I know that since my body has become very efficient at walking, the number of calories I actually burned is lower than I see on my screen. Maybe switch it up with cycling or start taking an exercise class if you have the time?

    Thanks! I've heard that before, will switch up my activity. Though being inactive before, I am quite impressed that I am still walking. It's one of the only exercises that I don't loath.