Overindulged!!! Help!!

I've just enjoyed overindulging far too much for the Diamond Jubilee and feel like complete rubbish today!!!! I'm now really struggling to get my motivation back.............................help!!!! I've managed to lose a stone since starting MFP and need to keep it up!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!! Any words of encouragement?!!!!!!!!!!


  • kimstwin
    kimstwin Posts: 136 Member
    It's only one day (I think). Don't let an episode of overindulging turn into weeks and months of indulging. Get back on today with your eating and exercise goals. Also, think how far you have come already.
  • suemorgan1969
    suemorgan1969 Posts: 132 Member
    Oh my goodness, this is me also!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx Need encouragement too
  • ksandford
    ksandford Posts: 9 Member
    It was 3 days!!!! Eeeeeeeeek! Trying to get back on track today!!!
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    Lots of water, and get straight back on the bus! One weekend won't undo your hard work, but a weekend that turns into a week that turns into a month has the potential to wreck it all. It's a good job jubilees only come round every few years!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    What's done is done.

    Now it's time to refocus and get back on track. I know how easy it is to let one or two days turn into one or two months, so don't allow it to happen. Tell yourself "Okay, we enjoyed ourselves. Now it is time to get serious" and then do it. No one can make you do it, you have to want it for yourself. Keep in mind what you've already lost and where you will be if you shake off the celebration and move forward. :)
  • debloves2ride
    sometimes stuff happens - just climb back on the diet wagon and drink lots of water, start eating right - you will do fine. I have even done that on occasion and then loose an extra pound or two.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    We've all (or at least I have) done this once or twice in our lives.

    The key is to not let this completely derail your efforts. You've lost a stone, that's freaking fantastic. Take that and build on it.

    Forget what happened, start over. Remember how you're feeling right now and the next time you go into overindulging mode, maybe it won't be as much :)
  • catelabow
    catelabow Posts: 77 Member
    Look at it this way: it won't get any easier tomorrow or next week or next month to get back on the wagon, so just do it today!
  • wellbur
    wellbur Posts: 240 Member
    Try not to beat yourself up. You enjoyed the weekend, which is good, Just put that behind you and start afresh today.
  • babykell19
    babykell19 Posts: 72
    dont let 3 days totally derail you. you cant change what you already ate, but you can change what you plan on eating today. or tomorrow. or the next day. prepare yourself for a possible gain this week (thats the worst that is going to happen) and say to yourself "i indulged for 3 days for a special occasion, but today is not a special occasion. so im back to it now" you can do this! :)
  • KrystieNye
    KrystieNye Posts: 123 Member
    I came across this on MFP recently, and saved it (I didn't save the name of the person who originally posted this, but I wish I had). When I feel like I've over-indulged, this really helps me get back on track! Hope it helps you! :)

    I bet you're thinking that. I know I have. But I read this and it put my mind at rest.



    Take a deep breath and put your thinking cap on.

    I’m going to hit you with some wisdom, ok?

    Take your weight loss calorie goal, and just toss that number out the window. We’re not going to talk about that right now. We’re going to talk about that minor (or major) freak out we sometimes have when we’re having a really good week, eating really well, then we lose our damn minds and stuff our faces with delicious delicious junk food.

    2000 calories is about what your body needs to maintain your weight and keep all your organs doing all those lovely keeping you alive things that they do. Your body burns all those calories at rest. That means that while you’re sitting on your *kitten*, walking to the fridge and back, scrolling through tumblr, etc etc.. your body is making you breathe and make new cells and **** and burns those 2000 calories.

    To gain a single pound, you’d have to eat another 3500 calories on top of those 2000. Thats 5500 calories. 5500 calories is a ****ing lot of calories, okay?

    Lets take a look at what 5500 calories looks like.

    One slice of a large pepperoni pizza from pizza hut is 330 calories. You’d have to eat a little over 2 entire large pepperoni pizzas to hit 5500 calories.
    One crunchy taco from taco bell is 170 calories. To eat 5500 calories, you’d have to eat 32 tacos.
    One double cheeseburger from mcdonalds is 440 calories. 12 of those is 5500 calories.
    21 cheetos are 160 calories. 714 cheetos are 5500 calories.
    Was whatever junk you ate probably a bad choice health-wise? Probably.

    Did you ruin all your progress? No.

    Did you even eat enough to gain an entire whole pound? Nooope.

    Are you going to survive, drink some water, go for a walk or run in the morning, and forgive yourself? Yep. You are.

    Know why?

    Cause **** happens.

    But we move on, and we stay determined.

    Stop freaking out. Forgive yourself."
  • hayley9914
    hayley9914 Posts: 80 Member
    That sounds sooo like me!! Why is it when you are 'on the diet wagon' you think "I feel so good - how could I EVER fall off this", but when you have fallen you think "how will I EVER get back on again?" ?????
  • lureque
    lureque Posts: 6
    Pick yourself back up!! You will have many distractions during your journey, and picking yourself back up and focusing on your goal will help you keep motivated!!! Ask yourself, Why?? Why am I doing this in the first place?? Why is it important to me?? And then affirm yourself that YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT, WORTH TAKING CARE OF WITH THE BEST FOODS AND EXERCISE THAT YOU CAN GIVE YOUR BODY. I always tell myself, "If I don't take care of myself, my body, no one else will." I attend to my job, my house, my kids, family, pets and whatever---Why?? am I not gonna attend to ME?? Just like I have to do daily work and chores in the up keeping of my house, I remind myself that my body, my soul, my mind needs upkeeping too!! Hope this helps!!
  • niss63
    niss63 Posts: 82 Member
    Sounds like you are dieting instead of incorporating a lifestyle change. If it is a diet, then you can "fall off of the wagon," but if it is a lifestyle change, there isn't a wagon to fall off of.

    So you went over one day ... no big deal. Pick up the next day where you left off and carry on. The scale is not your master - it is your indicator of the results of your decisions. If you don't like what it says, make better decisions. Just avoid going all OCD about the scale, allowing it to drive all of your eating decisions.

    Since starting this journey, I've had several days where I ate unhealthy foods and over 4,000 calories each day - with no exercise. Meaning that I ate almost three times my allotted calories those days. Sure it set me back in achieving my weight loss goals, but it was not an issue of failing - it was a choice I made. The next day I just get back on track and make better decisions.

    Don't sweat it. If you are to keep off the weight, you'll be eating like this for the rest of your life.
  • ksandford
    ksandford Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for all the words of wisdom!!! I am hitting the gym tomorrow and getting back on track!! Actually looking forward to eating healthily!!! I've got a wedding on Saturday but I'm determined to drink and eat in moderation! Good thing about recently having a baby is that I can't drink very much as I'm such a lightweight now so less calories!! ha ha!
  • Wwonderful
    I came across this on MFP recently, and saved it (I didn't save the name of the person who originally posted this, but I wish I had). When I feel like I've over-indulged, this really helps me get back on track! Hope it helps you! :)

    I bet you're thinking that. I know I have. But I read this and it put my mind at rest.



    Take a deep breath and put your thinking cap on.

    I’m going to hit you with some wisdom, ok?

    Take your weight loss calorie goal, and just toss that number out the window. We’re not going to talk about that right now. We’re going to talk about that minor (or major) freak out we sometimes have when we’re having a really good week, eating really well, then we lose our damn minds and stuff our faces with delicious delicious junk food.

    2000 calories is about what your body needs to maintain your weight and keep all your organs doing all those lovely keeping you alive things that they do. Your body burns all those calories at rest. That means that while you’re sitting on your *kitten*, walking to the fridge and back, scrolling through tumblr, etc etc.. your body is making you breathe and make new cells and **** and burns those 2000 calories.This

    To gain a single pound, you’d have to eat another 3500 calories on top of those 2000. Thats 5500 calories. 5500 calories is a ****ing lot of calories, okay?

    Lets take a look at what 5500 calories looks like.

    One slice of a large pepperoni pizza from pizza hut is 330 calories. You’d have to eat a little over 2 entire large pepperoni pizzas to hit 5500 calories.
    One crunchy taco from taco bell is 170 calories. To eat 5500 calories, you’d have to eat 32 tacos.
    One double cheeseburger from mcdonalds is 440 calories. 12 of those is 5500 calories.
    21 cheetos are 160 calories. 714 cheetos are 5500 calories.
    Was whatever junk you ate probably a bad choice health-wise? Probably.

    Did you ruin all your progress? No.

    Did you even eat enough to gain an entire whole pound? Nooope.

    Are you going to survive, drink some water, go for a walk or run in the morning, and forgive yourself? Yep. You are.

    Know why?

    Cause **** happens.

    But we move on, and we stay determined.

    Stop freaking out. Forgive yourself."
    This is the bomb!!!