I will admit... I am SCARED to lose weight!! *possible TMI?



  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    I would suggest the IUD, Implanon, to be honest I'm not sure if it is considered an IUD. It's a little tube (looks like a thick tooth pick but not as long) and all they do (in the dr's office) is insert it into your underarm and bam...you're good for 3 years. When i spoke with my doctor, we discussed the health benefits (or lack of health risks I should say) and my main concern was something when compared to other rates of birth control, would give me the highest rate of fertility after it was removed from my arm and also something that I wouldn't have to take everyday, or every month. In the end, we decided that Implanon was right for me.

    Good Luck!!
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I lost weight and got pregnant too.

    My doctor told me as you lose weight it helps with fertility.

    I am making sure I am on some good strong BC when I lose weight this time. Hahahah.

    As for anything else... I have a friend who cant use condoms becuz they cause a bad reaction and the hormones in bc mess with her body.

    The only options you really have is to get snipped or use one of the MANY sites to keep track of your ovulation days.

    Good luck!!

    & dont let all the negative comments get to you, some ppl just have no respect when it comes to others needing help.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I would suggest the IUD, Implanon, to be honest I'm not sure if it is considered an IUD. It's a little tube (looks like a thick tooth pick but not as long) and all they do (in the dr's office) is insert it into your underarm and bam...you're good for 3 years. When i spoke with my doctor, we discussed the health benefits (or lack of health risks I should say) and my main concern was something when compared to other rates of birth control, would give me the highest rate of fertility after it was removed from my arm and also something that I wouldn't have to take everyday, or every month. In the end, we decided that Implanon was right for me.

    Good Luck!!

    The implanon in fact has all the same things in it that the Depo does and can stop your period as well as cause weight gain.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I have a bad history of losing weight = getting pregnant!!

    correlation =/= causation

    You do know how people get pregnant?
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    if you REALLY are done and want NO chance of more kids, have your husband get snipped (most US docs won't do a tubal on a woman who is under 35). if he refuses, give him a baby name book for father's day. b/c either a vas. or two barriers are the only way to really be sure.

    Not true. She's had two kids, and I talked to 4 or 5 doctors in my area who said that most doctors will do a tubal if you've had two or more kids. I know a girl who is 23 and has had a tubal after her 4th pregnancy. I got my tubal done at 25. Though, if it were up to me to do over again, I'd have my husband get snipped... It's really messed me up. But, even that is worth not having more kids. I never tried the copper IUD, but I wouldn't suggest Mirena to my worst enemy. I hated that thing.
  • DMarkSwan
    DMarkSwan Posts: 56 Member
    There are worse things in the world than having three kids. But if you're sure, snip-snip is an option. Even as a man I think it makes more sense for us to do it unless you are having a c-section (apparently they can do it then). I had a vasectomy and it wasn't horribly painful, but it did take awhile to fully heal so I had a lot of discomfort and anxiety for almost a month. But I was trying to get back to triathlon training.

    FWIW, I wouldn't trade my 3rd son for anything, but our budget and sometimes our sanity has been seriously strained.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    if you REALLY are done and want NO chance of more kids, have your husband get snipped (most US docs won't do a tubal on a woman who is under 35). if he refuses, give him a baby name book for father's day. b/c either a vas. or two barriers are the only way to really be sure.

    Not true. She's had two kids, and I talked to 4 or 5 doctors in my area who said that most doctors will do a tubal if you've had two or more kids. I know a girl who is 23 and has had a tubal after her 4th pregnancy. I got my tubal done at 25. Though, if it were up to me to do over again, I'd have my husband get snipped... It's really messed me up. But, even that is worth not having more kids. I never tried the copper IUD, but I wouldn't suggest Mirena to my worst enemy. I hated that thing.

    I have a friend who got it done at 24 with only 1 kid.
    It depends on who you talk to.
  • MeliJean78
    MeliJean78 Posts: 249
    You are correct. In the US a physician will not perform a Bilateral Tubal Ligation on a patient less that 21 years old.
  • d0gma
    d0gma Posts: 3,966 Member
    What's PNP?

    I looked it up, Urban Dictionary says it stands for Party and play, when you use drugs then have intercourse.
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I have the 5 year mirena iud and after I got it I gained 50 pounds and I am having the most hardest time losing weight right now!!!!!!! My iud expires the first week of january and the gynecologist told me to call him to take it out when I get my menstrual but the bad thing is my iud makes it non existant.
  • CristaA42962
    CristaA42962 Posts: 45 Member
    I have a bad history of losing weight = getting pregnant!! I have PCOS and so it seems that when I start losing weight it balances out my hormones and I ovulate and BAM! Pregnancy right when I'm starting to lose weight again!

    My first child was conceived sometime after I was first diagnosed with PCOS and my OB/GYN told me to do the Atkins diet to lose weight and keep from becoming pre-diabetic. I also joined a gym and worked out 4-5 nights a week. 30 lbs lost later and I popped a positive pregnancy test!! Doh!

    My second child was conceived after I joined another gym and started working out again and I lost about 10 lbs and got another positive test!

    I don't "do" hormonal birth control. It doesn't work for me and my body so we use PNP but man am I scared I will end up pregnant again and we do not want anymore kids!!

    The Paraguard IUD has no hormones. What about Condoms? You have to use some form of birth control or else it sounds like it will keep happening. I know a lot of people do not like to hear things like that, but other than not having sex at all, it doesn't sound like the odds are in your favor without some type. I would really look into the paraguard. PNP is not going to work out. There is the pre ejaculation that most men have that can get you just as pregnant as a full blown sperm attack. I really hope something works out for you. Hang in there!!
  • CristaA42962
    CristaA42962 Posts: 45 Member
    What's PNP?

    I looked it up, Urban Dictionary says it stands for Party and play, when you use drugs then have intercourse.

    LOL party and play I like it better then what it really means, Pull N Pray.
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    I have a ParaGaurd(the copper IUD)- have had it for 7 years now,it's good for 10...I get bad cramps and ovulation pains with it...I can tell you the exact moment that I ovulate bc the pain gets so intense!!! I am also having clots now, the dr tells me it is jsut bc of the interference in my uterus. I can not use hormal bc, was on the pill when I got preg. w/ my oldest (took my pills EVERYDAY) then did the shot and took 2 years to get preg. w/ my girl!!! I am having my tubes tied when I have to have the IUd out, bc I truly do not want any more children!!!!

    You need to stop the pull n pray, that is complete BS! Still just as good a chance at getting knocked up!!
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    I'm trying to talk the husband into a V but he's being a wuss about it. I will look into the copper IUD more, I am just really scared of the side effects that the Mirena caused even though it was probably the hormones in the Mirena that caused them... still makes me nervous to go that route again!

    The copper won't give you the same effects since it does not have the hormones. I got my tubes tied after my son. I have PCOS as well and didn't get pregnant until I lost weight. People who are saying there is no correlation have no clue what they are talking about and don't know anything about PCOS.

    You can use Spermicide if you aren't going to use condoms.
  • toomuchsweetness
    toomuchsweetness Posts: 168 Member
    The pull out method is always safe :drinker:

  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    i used the "implanon" inplant its supper low dose, gose in your arm, and works for 3 years. i only got mine removed after my hubbie got "sniped"
    and i have heard that alot of people have pritty terrible problems with the copper implant and well any of the "T" inplants wich i bleave is what mirena is

    my2cents get the implanon, condoms break, and well my youngest slipped past the spermacide:blushing:
  • kittyinaz
    kittyinaz Posts: 300 Member
    The pull out method is always safe :drinker:

    Am I the only one who detects the sarcasm in this?
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    *Shrug* I have ovarian problems as well, but I use the Nuvaring. Yes it has hormones but it is actually one of the lowest doses on the market, and has been PERFECT for us, I love it!!!

    I havent had any side effects at all :)
  • jcamby
    jcamby Posts: 200 Member
    I'd say no sex until he gets snipped. He'll get it done quickly (my hubby just got it done a month ago!) Stop being a wuss I'd say to him!
  • smwifey
    smwifey Posts: 28 Member
    We were done having kids and hubby didn't want a V and I am scared to be put to sleep so I opted for Essure. My OB did the procedure in the office, went back a couple months later for the dye test and it was done. Essure is as effective as having your tubes tied. Not for everyone but it was the way to go for me.