Third Shift Weight Gain

I have worked third shift for nine years and packed on 50-60 lbs and is working to get it off. I don't get enough sleep. Anyone else having problems?


  • I know this post is a few weeks old now, but I wanted to weigh in on this. I've been working third shift for a year, and I gained back the 30 pounds I had previously lost because of this. My problem is not only not getting enough sleep, but sometimes I can't drag myself out of bed. I get cravings for the worst foods in the middle of the night, and I don't get a real break to sit down and eat a healthy meal. This is only my second day on MFP but I have high hopes. Feel free to add me if you want to, it would be nice to have a third shifter who understands what the struggles are!
  • cliprunner
    cliprunner Posts: 19
    Hi I am new to this also and am trying to find time to exercise and eat healthy as well. I work 3rd shift and our facility has equipment available to residence and staff but I have yet to utilize them. I walk at work all night and when I get home all I want to do is sleep or get other things done. I would like support too please :smile:
  • Feel free to add me as well! I think, especially being on third shift, we need as much support as possible!
  • fatchiick
    fatchiick Posts: 105
    I work third shift too and not only is there basically a grocer store inside my work... there are four 24 hr fast food place in the parking lot and 3 more within miles... so eating healthy isn't exactly what everyone tends to do... Third shift is the absolutle WORSE... For everyone who doesn't understand many of you go to bed hungry and many of you eat every lets say 3-4 hours while you're awake... there is no while you're awake.... there is no break from hunger from 7pm to 7 am we are up fully aware we are starving, so beside the 3 square many of us get 1-4 more meals/snacks... its horrible!!!!!! I hope to go to days soon!!!
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Feel for you third shifters ... second shift here, so understand a bit anyway. Bed time is usually 2 a.m. or so.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I Understand I worked 3rd shift for 3 years and gained about 40lbs sitting all night snacking all night and eat fast food almost every night. I found that if I worked out right when I got off work 6 days a week I was able to loose the weight but once I stopped doing that I gained it all right back. Once I stopped working 3rd shift and was able to eat and sleep normally again I dropped 15lbs right away. I am still struggling to work of the rest of the poundage I gained but I'm working on it.
    So advice from a previous 3rd shifter work out 6 days a week right after work you may be super tired but it's worth it
  • cliprunner
    cliprunner Posts: 19
    That is what I was thinking of doing, maybe not 6 days but I did sign up to us the equipment at work this morning. There are only 4 machines but I think it is something I can do. Just taking that first step and signing up gave me a little motivation. Will keep you posted on how it goes.
  • Yeah I work at a convenience store so I get junk food staring me in the face all day! For me it isn't practical to hit the gym after work, and in August I get the double whammy and start school. It's hard to motivate myself to go to the gym when I get up though, so I have to figure something else out! Also, on nights that I have off work, instead of just sitting around I'm trying to go to the gym, hula hoop, really anything I can do without waking up my roommates!
  • Also, I've found that if I make sure I eat SOMETHING within every 6 hour period of time, I don't find myself scarfing everything in sight and I can make healthier choices. I don't get a break at work, but I do make sure to sneak a snack in even if it's busy. There is no way management can reprimand me for getting something to eat while I work. And lots of foods are work friendly in that I can eat while I'm doing something else!
  • cliprunner
    cliprunner Posts: 19
    I find myself craving things and really have to work hard not to eat them. I have used the machines since I signed up. The first day I used the bike and only lasted 12 minutes and I was done. yesterday I tried the elliptical machine and that lasted 15 and I really liked that one so I did it again today and made it to 25 minutes. I tried that last 5 minutes but couldn't make it. I am also finding myself waiting for my shift to end so I can start my work out.

    I do have a question when I first weighted myself I was off from work for a few days so I did it in the morning when I woke up. Now the last time I weighted in I did it the same in the morning but after I can home from work. When is the right time to weigh in or is their a good time?
  • jjr207
    jjr207 Posts: 10 Member
    When I started working 3rd shift about 5 years ago I thought I'd lose weight because I barely had time to eat during the shift and I didn't have much of an appetite. Wow, did that change! Now I find myself hungry and craving carbs like a mad woman all night. I still can't count on much free time to eat so I usually have to eat really fast.

    I like working 3rd shift but I think it really takes a toll on your body on many levels.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I work 3rd shift and it is hard with figuring out eating patterns. I crave lots of sweets when I get tired. I guess its mind over matter.
  • HeidiSmith419
    HeidiSmith419 Posts: 71 Member
    I have watched the studies on this over the years because my husband has both worked third shift and I have been a serious night owl all my life.

    what I've come to learn is that you need to stay on the same schedule or close to it, even on your days off (I know easier said than done! ;) ) also eat your meals based on when you are awake. not based on when everyone else eats their breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    Pack lunches/meals/snacks just like others trying to lose weight have to do. doesn't matter what shift you are fast food is an overindulged habitual convenience and you have to change that.
  • HeidiSmith419
    HeidiSmith419 Posts: 71 Member
    When is the right time to weigh in or is their a good time?

    i would say from personal experience, right after you wake up. whatever time of day that is.
  • sunnyval
    sunnyval Posts: 6 Member
    This is such an interesting topic-- I have worked 2nd shirt for i actually have been working all different shifts w/ a stint on 3rd...holy moly that was hard... I thought i did ok managing the snacks but wound up gaining wt.

    I would wake up and have dinner. then bring a lunch and snacks to lunch before 4am (sandwich,salad) and breakfast before going to sleep.... if i didnt eat breakfast i would wake up sick.

    what are your patterns?

    on 2nd shift my issue was eating before bed... cause i was hungry so i had to be sure i ate enough during the day and had snacks (healthy) when getting home
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I've been working third shift at a hospital for about 5 years now. i def agree that having a schedule for yourself is very important. I've been bad in regards to logging, but when I do, I start my day at midnight, and break it into 8 hour time frames. I work in a lab so I don't have the opportunity to be snacking through the shift, but our cafeteria is full of friend wonderfulness which is very easy to fall victim to, even though there is also usually some good salad.
    I pack my lunch every day and stopped going up there to just avoid temptation. i go home and go right to bed (trying to avoid having a snack before bedtime), and then workout once I get up. i'll have dinner at some point then around 8 i try to get a nap in, or at least some quiet time in bed to chill out before going back. I'll be starting my second year of grad school in the fall which will include doing research after work a few days, so I'll be adjusting, which I have to say totally drives me nuts, but it'll be worth it in the end. Everyone has their own responsibilities, but believe me you can lose weight working nights. good luck!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    I lost about 70ish pounds last year before I was put on night shift. Since then I've gained about 20ish of it back, and I'm finding it harder to get off. I think a main issue for me is the late-night cravings and having a very difficult time finding time to hit the gym.

    Feel free to add me as well!
  • midschool22
    midschool22 Posts: 1,267 Member
    I have watched the studies on this over the years because my husband has both worked third shift and I have been a serious night owl all my life.

    what I've come to learn is that you need to stay on the same schedule or close to it, even on your days off (I know easier said than done! ;) ) also eat your meals based on when you are awake. not based on when everyone else eats their breakfast, lunch and dinner.

    Pack lunches/meals/snacks just like others trying to lose weight have to do. doesn't matter what shift you are fast food is an overindulged habitual convenience and you have to change that.

    Good advice here.
  • rocky163
    rocky163 Posts: 3
    I've worked third shift for the past 13 years. I find that if I sleep as soon as I get home for about 4-5 hours and then catch an hour nap right before work it helps with the sleep. I pack my lunch everyday so I know what I'm eating. It takes some time but I've been doing it for so long it only takes about 10-15 minutes. For me I have to bring my lunch so I dont snack on the crap. Good luck.
  • Hey, you just gotta keep your goal in your mind.. anything possible even on third shift.
    I worked graveyard 5 nights a week and I went to the gym 6 days a week after work.
    It's hard because you never really "sleep" you just nap. But I worked out a pretty
    Good diet and exercise plan. Add me if ya still need advice :)