Girls who want to do Insanity with me???????

Hi, i am starting Insanity on June 10 and was wondering if anyone would like to join on this crazy path with me!!!!! I have just finished Turbo Fire and had amazing results with it, i did the regular program and the advanced and lost 50pounds!!!!!! Would love to have some other ladies join me in the crazyness of insanity, i have a group page on facebook called Stronger we stand together it is just for us girls to motivate., challenge and hold each other accountable would lov to have you join with me!!!!!!!!


  • quie618
    quie618 Posts: 102 Member
    Yes I want to do it! But I was going to do it after I finished Ripped in 30! So not until the end of the month!
  • zappatdog
    zappatdog Posts: 51 Member
    You can still join the group if you want:) its just for us girls to challenge each other and hold each other accountable to doing our workout programs and eating healty:)
  • quie618
    quie618 Posts: 102 Member
    Sounds good to me!
  • GEE1241
    GEE1241 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm doing Insanity ! I start month 2 next month. I am going to do another round of insanity after i finish !!!!!! I would love to have insanity buddy
  • zappatdog
    zappatdog Posts: 51 Member
    Just ask for a invite on Stronger we Stand together facebook goup page i post everyday after i am done with my workout with a sweaty photo is a great way to stay accountable:):):)
  • C0urtn3y07
    I would love too :) Let me wipe off the dust first.
  • zappatdog
    zappatdog Posts: 51 Member
    Fun jump on in we all can be sore together:):)
  • reannalynne
    reannalynne Posts: 25 Member
    What is insanity?
  • zappatdog
    zappatdog Posts: 51 Member
    It a super intense 60day dvd program that you work out 6days a week and follow a healty eating plan:) I am excited to start it on June10:):)
  • Bein_D
    Bein_D Posts: 7
    Hi, I am trying to get back into the zone as I've been out of working out for almost 2 months. ANYWAY,... I hope I can do ok with the Insanity videos, I'm really looking forward to them. I apprecaite this. I did send a request to join in fb I'm Damika. Anyway..... I hope to use this and stay involved. Thanks!
  • FerociousKitty
    I'm on day two of insanity and am sooo sore! I hope i will be able to move tomorrow let alone do day three! I want abs soo bad
  • zappatdog
    zappatdog Posts: 51 Member
    Fun i just added you ladies:):):)
  • LMR1990
    LMR1990 Posts: 1
    I just started my first round of insanity on Monday - today is day three. I'm in! :happy:
  • siliisobel
    siliisobel Posts: 49
    YES - Im starting Insanity tonight! Im in!
  • Mintykuzu
    Mintykuzu Posts: 1
    I just did my fit test for insanity last night. Would love to join motavation is always the hardest thing for me while exersizing.
  • zappatdog
    zappatdog Posts: 51 Member
    Just added you ladies!!!!
  • laceybrobie
    laceybrobie Posts: 495 Member
    YES!!!! i ordered mine and it will be here on the 8th.
  • zappatdog
    zappatdog Posts: 51 Member
    Sweet just ask for a invite on Stronger we stand together on Facebook :):):):)
  • aarn6911
    aarn6911 Posts: 18 Member
    I did it once, i'm sure I could go for another round :) count me in, although I will most likely start monday the 11th instead!
  • zappatdog
    zappatdog Posts: 51 Member
    Fun just ask for the Invite on Facebook its Stronger we stand together, and ill add you:):)