nervous about KC

my friend and i just planned a trip to kansas city for a weekend in july to see one of our favorite DJ's... i am super super excited but am also really nervous. i am very strict about what i eat, calories, macros, and eating clean. i will be in KC for two days. i know that i can choose healthier options at restaruants and i can workout at the gym in the hotel but i still feel like i will be hindering my progress. we will oblivously be at the bars so i will be drinking( which i hardly ever do). booze, plus restaurant food i am afraid will = weight gain... do i just not worry about it and enjoy the weekend or what?

i also dont want to ruin her fun by constantly considering what i eat, drink, ect.

this is the only thing i hate about this site... since starting i feel like i dont know how to balance eating and having fun and living life. :grumble:


  • misty0413
    misty0413 Posts: 212
    I say have fun and keep up the log and exercise. Johnny Dare?
  • Vgbarash
    Vgbarash Posts: 28 Member
    Enjoy the weekend. If you are confident in your healthy lifestyle, one day of consumption will be a grain of sand in your lifetime.
    Eat what you want, carpe diem' , but plan on extra efforts aftermath. Have a good one!
  • cassblue21
    cassblue21 Posts: 207
    I think you should just have fun! You decide what you want without thinking about what other people are getting. And you can always skip the weigh in the week you get back. :) I live near KC and know there are a TON of awesome places to eat so just keep your portions small and enjoy yourself! :)

    I am not saying have a full blown go crazy weekend, but you know what I mean. :p You have an idea in your head what is good for you and what isn't. If you have a protein shake and blender bottle you can take that and have that for breakfast instead of fluffy and greasy stuff as well. :D Have a great trip!
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    You didn't gained weight in 2 days. Going off track for 2 days and actually having some fun for 2 days won't make you gain 20 lbs.

    I would suggest go, have fun but keep in mind that you're enjoying food and focus on quality over quantity. DOn't pig out but don't be anal about staying under and then regretting it later either
  • danimal5867
    danimal5867 Posts: 390
    KC means BBQ. Stay away from the sauces and breads and give the beef brisket a shot. Because of the long cook time, most of the fat in the brisket will cook out of the meat. The problem with the sauces is they are absolutely loaded with sugar.
  • bigd65
    bigd65 Posts: 171 Member
    Have fun be reasonable on what you eat, and then pick up where you left off when you get back. You don't have to lose everything in a week it is a slow steady process. From experience of losing 40 pounds there were times when I decided to have a good time and eat a little more and I still reached my goal of 40 pounds, it just took a little longer, but no big deal. I say live it up
    PLUMSGRL Posts: 1,134 Member
    stop stressing and have a good time, it's only a couple of days!
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    i also dont want to ruin her fun by constantly considering what i eat, drink, ect.

    You're a nice person. I take a perverse pleasure in annoying people by ordering healthy food while they're pigging out :)
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    1 - A real friend isn't going to have her weekend ruined due to you keeping an eye on your intake.

    2 - Go live it up a little, you have earned it. Let your hair down. Make up some small boundaries (like estimating your calorie count with food/portions) make sure you stay active, which I am sure you will be. You should be fine. If you DO gain a bit, at least you had a little fun before hopping back on the treadmill. It'd be a different story if you were doing it EVERY weekend, or EVERY other day, but a once in a blue moon? Go for it!
  • SONIA820
    SONIA820 Posts: 208 Member
    I have the same thoughts already...we will be going to Montana (I live in Iowa) for two entire weeks at a relative's house with little internet access or availability...I don't even know if my cell phone is going to work! LOL While that is really exciting, I have come so I understand!!!

    I hope you have fun!!! I have halfheartedly decided that I will probably just eat as good as I can, work out when I can (which will be often since we will be doing ton's of hiking) and not worry about it until I get back...

    I think sometimes we just have to let go and another poster said, this didn't all happen in two days or even two weeks....

  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    I live in KC do you know where you are going to eat? I can give you some ideas on what to order. Also stick to light beer and wines if your are going out to the bars. Have fun while you are here. :)
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    i feel like i should add that i just went on vacation to costa rica for 10days the beginning of april and literally didnt give two ****s about what i ate while there... since returning i have really focused on my diet by eating alot cleaner and strictly monitering my macros and calories and where they come from because i decided to start training for a figure competition which is next year... so i feel like another break from dieting is not going to be helpful... maybe im just being to crazy about this whole process... i just want to get the body i am working so hard for
  • svanhoecke
    svanhoecke Posts: 266
    If you are looking for something healthy in Kansas City, there is an amazing healthy place called Eden Alley on the plaza. I live in kc and I love that place. My favorite item from there is the sweet potato burrito. I also like the Mixx. They make awesome sandwiches and wraps.

    Good luck!
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    If you are looking for something healthy in Kansas City, there is an amazing healthy place called Eden Alley on the plaza. I live in kc and I love that place. My favorite item from there is the sweet potato burrito. I also like the Mixx. They make awesome sandwiches and wraps.

    Good luck!

    thanks i will definetly look into this place! :smile:
  • j1wright
    j1wright Posts: 286 Member
    I second The Mixx, stay away from the sugar cookies there, I think there is crack in them because they are addiciting. :)
  • BuckeyeLife
    BuckeyeLife Posts: 313 Member
    Workout harder than you party. Done and done.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    Enjoy the weekend! Have fun in KC. If you go over, oh well tomorrows a new day. :drinker:
  • milemama
    milemama Posts: 2
    I understand your concerns. I went to Memphis this past spring and was concerned that I would undo the gains I had made. I watched and recorded what I ate, but I didn't deny myself anything. I just pushed away the plate before it was empty. I only gained 1 pound in the week that I was there which made me extremely happy. As soon as I was home it was back to my normal routine. You have to allow yourself a few indulgences.