Can you do too much exercise to stop / slow down weight loss



  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I eat up to the recommended 1400 a day - occassionally I go over but not by a huge amount but I should still have a deficit from not using all the calories I gain in exercise. I did start to include some weights but thought that might hinder rather than help so have gone back to just cardio

    Lifting weight to tone actually helps your body burn calories. You will be better results (both with weight loss, and toning) if you do weights. Remember - you're just using weights to tone. So doing 12-15 reps per set, and 3-4 sets will help with the toning. The 1st reps should be fairly easy, but the last set should be difficult enough to where you almost dont want to finish. Hope that helps!

    I disagree. If you're doing strength training make it about strength. If you're doing cardio, make it cardio. 3-5 sets @ 8 reps should be your starting point... anything over 10 reps is too many and you should increase the weight. I do agree that the last couple of reps should be a struggle.

    The stronglifts 5x5 program is generally considered one of if not the best beginner routines out there. As with all strength training, make sure your form is correct.

    And toning is such a misleading word. Toning is lowering body fat to the point where the muscles under said fat become visible.

    ^ THIS!!!!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I was told NOT to mix my Protines with my Carbs when eating meals .. Example if I am going to eat potatos at dinner stick witha potato and veggies.. If I am going to eat fish just eat protine and veggie.. but don't do it togeather you burn more efficiantly:)

    Do you believe everything you hear? :huh:
    ETA : Veggies have carbs in them..
  • creative1981
    creative1981 Posts: 182 Member
    Exercise should be like play! Do what you love! :)

    Love this :drinker:
  • maysflower
    maysflower Posts: 180
    When I exercise 5 + times a week my weight loss slows down, even if I am eating my exercise calories. My body seems to react better to exercising 3 times a week. So that is what I do. Everyone's body work differently, so I would suggest trying out a few different things to find out what works for you.
  • jadamuriel76
    jadamuriel76 Posts: 58 Member
    Like with anything, time changes things. What may have worked for you a couple of years ago (couple years younger) may not work now. Be patient with it...I agree with the person that said slow and steady wins the race. Good Luck.
  • Alexa712
    Alexa712 Posts: 62 Member
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    When I exercise 5 + times a week my weight loss slows down, even if I am eating my exercise calories. My body seems to react better to exercising 3 times a week. So that is what I do. Everyone's body work differently, so I would suggest trying out a few different things to find out what works for you.

    Well said. There are general rules of thumb that everyone should start at, but after that the trick is to find out what your body responds best to.
  • Reckabek
    Reckabek Posts: 487 Member
    When I exercise 5 + times a week my weight loss slows down, even if I am eating my exercise calories. My body seems to react better to exercising 3 times a week. So that is what I do. Everyone's body work differently, so I would suggest trying out a few different things to find out what works for you.

    Well said. There are general rules of thumb that everyone should start at, but after that the trick is to find out what your body responds best to.

    Hmm maybe i should just excersise 3 days a week, am currently at 5-6 days...of jillian michaels dvds a different one each day, or c25k! Or riding my bike!
  • so basically the general concensus here is to keep going, mix up the training a bit and don't get disheartened - so as I've invested the last 4 weeks to eating healthy / going to the gym most days I guess I will persevere and keep my fingers crossed ! :laugh:
  • twinmom01
    twinmom01 Posts: 854 Member
    Here is the you care more about what the scale says or how your clothes fit....

    They are not representative of one is entirely possible for you to totally change your body shape - burn away a layer of fat, shape and tone muscles all while barely loosing anything on a scale...

    I have seen examples of where someone actually gained weight but was more toned, fit and wears a smaller size than before.

    I highly encourage you to take some key measurements - arms, thighs, waist, hips and bust. Also choose something in your closet that is a bit too tight and use that as a gauge...

    The scale may move slow...slow...slow and it will take a while for you to actually see body changes but with continued effort...

    Also remember diet and exercise go hand in hand...exercise only accounts for a small % of the overall goal...I won't get into what type of eating style might best suit you because everyone is different...the main thing no matter which way you eat - clean out a lot of processed foods and unneccassary extras (like sodas)

    A clean diet with exercise (I do a bit of Cardio via HIIT workouts during my kickboxing class and bits during my Crossfit Classes - but I don't do straight Cardio (elliptical, arc trainer, treadmill) on a weekly basis - maybe 2-3 x's a month when I actually make it to the gym vs taking the two sets of classes I am doing right now) can do wonders...I had bad "dimpled" skin on my upper thighs last summer...not anymore...I believe the combo of eating clean and strength training made that all go away...
  • Here is the you care more about what the scale says or how your clothes fit....

    They are not representative of one is entirely possible for you to totally change your body shape - burn away a layer of fat, shape and tone muscles all while barely loosing anything on a scale...

    I have seen examples of where someone actually gained weight but was more toned, fit and wears a smaller size than before.

    I highly encourage you to take some key measurements - arms, thighs, waist, hips and bust. Also choose something in your closet that is a bit too tight and use that as a gauge...

    The scale may move slow...slow...slow and it will take a while for you to actually see body changes but with continued effort...

    Also remember diet and exercise go hand in hand...exercise only accounts for a small % of the overall goal...I won't get into what type of eating style might best suit you because everyone is different...the main thing no matter which way you eat - clean out a lot of processed foods and unneccassary extras (like sodas)

    A clean diet with exercise (I do a bit of Cardio via HIIT workouts during my kickboxing class and bits during my Crossfit Classes - but I don't do straight Cardio (elliptical, arc trainer, treadmill) on a weekly basis - maybe 2-3 x's a month when I actually make it to the gym vs taking the two sets of classes I am doing right now) can do wonders...I had bad "dimpled" skin on my upper thighs last summer...not anymore...I believe the combo of eating clean and strength training made that all go away...
    thanks for that - most useful. Yes I'm being good on my diet as well and swapped out all but one of my diet cokes for water. I also don't eat hardly any "manufactured" food but my diet consists of fresh veg / meat / fish etc.

    I am limited with exercise due to having a 3 hour commute during the week - which means I leave home at 6 and don't get back til after 7. However, we have a gym at work and so this gives me the opportunity to use it most days but limits my time as during my lunch hour - also no pool, and no classes during the period I can go.

    I have taken my measurements and, even though I am about a stone heavier than 2 years ago, the measurements are hardly out from where I was then so I get what you mean when you say not to rely soley on the scales. Only issue with this is that I have to go for my weigh in once a week at the diet club I go to (or fat club as my friend and I call it!! )
  • SexyMeika
    SexyMeika Posts: 1 Member
    NOW it all makes sense. I've been stuck at the same weight for the past 3 wks & have been wondering why the #s on the scale are not going down. I've been trying to work out 5+ days a week doing Boot Camp, Zumba, 60+ mins of Cardio at the gym; drinking tons of water; thinking that would bring the weight down. Figuring out what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat, & how often to eat is the worse, so I've been doing shakes twice a day eating only 1 meal for lunch. Yet still at the same weight. Just over a year or 2 I did extensive cardio for 3 straight wks and lost weight. Now nothing is happening. It's been hard to tell if I'm losing inches vs gaining muscle because some clothes still fit snug. I'm totally at a lost.

    Reading through some of these posts helps to somewhat put things in perspective. Definitely need to get more rest because my sleeping habits are bad. Also, need to slow down on the exercise. I like the comment from Twinmom01 that does exercise classes vs straight cardio. I do enjoy the Zumba & Boot Camp much more than doing straight cardio at the gym.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Keep in mind that weight loss is more about the diet than it is the weight loss. If you aren't seeing the weight loss you would like, pay more attention to your diet (assuming your goals are realistic).
  • IcGibson
    IcGibson Posts: 5 Member
    NO I don't I was just basically stating what I heard thinking maybe... I would get a repy if some one else had stated the same thing... however.. I am a ball of mass confusion in regards to weight loss as is every one else trying to lose the weight.. so please play nice. it was just a comment. ;/
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    I eat up to the recommended 1400 a day - occassionally I go over but not by a huge amount but I should still have a deficit from not using all the calories I gain in exercise. I did start to include some weights but thought that might hinder rather than help so have gone back to just cardio

    If I read that right, you're only netting 900 calories a day by the time you take off the calories you burn exercising. Unless you have quite a lot to lose, that's too few calories and could impede your progress, especially over the longer term.

    Eat more, keep doing weights and measure your progress in inches as well as weight.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Don't forget the importance of patience with all this. It can take your body a good 4 weeks to adjust to changes in diet/exercise. So if you up your cals, don't freak out the first week if you don't see what you want on the scale. Same with increasing exercise.

    Slow and steady wins the race.

  • jritza
    jritza Posts: 1 Member
    Don't forget the importance of patience with all this. It can take your body a good 4 weeks to adjust to changes in diet/exercise. So if you up your cals, don't freak out the first week if you don't see what you want on the scale. Same with increasing exercise.

    Slow and steady wins the race.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    its also important to change up your workouts otherwise your body adapts. I am a runner and I don't run at the same speed or distance each time I run.
  • tcepcl
    tcepcl Posts: 1
    I'm exercising between 5 and 9 hours a week a mix of swimming, cardio and hiking (hiking is when the hours increase to 9). Cal goal is 1200 and in 3 weeks I've only lost 2 lb. Yet previously i lost 10 lb in 4 weeks. It seems completely unfair and very demotivating.