Shanna's 3 month Fitness Challenge Please join me commit and



  • Her is an exercise for you to do
    Write a single declarative sentence in present tense affirming your heart’s desires as if they have already manifested in your life. Start out focusing on only three of your wants. Repeat these sentences over and over in your mind or out loud three times a day—morning, noon and night—and as you do, relax, put a smile on your face and say them with emotion. Be flexible, if you need to change anything in your affirmations, just rewrite them until they make you feel great every time you say them. (If you’re feeling flat and don’t think you can muster up a good feeling emotion, try singing your affirmations. It will uplift your spirit and put you in a better feeling place.

    My three wants
    to love, to soar to reach my highest dreams

    I am me when I be light and free true to me.
  • Affirmations
    when i take care of my needs I am better able to take care of those i love
    I eat right, exercise and get the optimium amount of sleep I need
    I drink plenty of water, it cleanses my past,detoxes my body and sheds unwanted pounds.
    I commit to partcipating, sharing, learning and making friends here
    I take baby steps when my life gets busy
    I am an athlete and I fuel my body with life giving ingredients
    I choose always to be healthy and slim
    I am switching it up daily - variety is the spice of life
    I See, Trust and Know I am moving towards my goals
    I keep the Commitments I make to myself

    Today I ran and did a 5 min ab video with a girlfriend and cooked healthy for my family. All in all it was a great day.
  • Affirmations
    I cook wholesome meals and am thankful for all I have
    when i take care of my needs I am better able to take care of those i love
    I eat right, exercise and get the optimium amount of sleep I need
    I drink plenty of water, it cleanses my past,detoxes my body and sheds unwanted pounds.
    I commit to partcipating, sharing, learning and making friends here
    I take baby steps when my life gets busy
    I am an athlete and I fuel my body with life giving ingredients
    I choose always to be healthy and slim
    I am switching it up daily - variety is the spice of life
    I See, Trust and Know I am moving towards my goals
    I keep the Commitments I make to myself

    Today I am going to start my 90 Day P90x challange that I bought. I will put in the effort to transforming my body one workout and healthy meal at atime. I am so looking forward to seeing the daily improvements.
  • I take the time to figure out what i truly want
    cook wholesome meals and am thankful for all I have
    when i take care of my needs I am better able to take care of those i love
    I eat right, exercise and get the optimium amount of sleep I need
    I drink plenty of water, it cleanses my past,detoxes my body and sheds unwanted pounds.
    I commit to partcipating, sharing, learning and making friends here
    I take baby steps when my life gets busy
    I am an athlete and I fuel my body with life giving ingredients
    I choose always to be healthy and slim
    I am switching it up daily - variety is the spice of life
    I See, Trust and Know I am moving towards my goals
    I keep the Commitments I make to myself

    Hi Everyone I am still going strong, how about you all. I just got back from running a half marathon in just under 2hrs. I am doing well with my food lately too.
  • I am happy being me
    I take the time to figure out what i truly want
    cook wholesome meals and am thankful for all I have
    when i take care of my needs I am better able to take care of those i love
    I eat right, exercise and get the optimium amount of sleep I need
    I drink plenty of water, it cleanses my past,detoxes my body and sheds unwanted pounds.
    I commit to partcipating, sharing, learning and making friends here
    I take baby steps when my life gets busy
    I am an athlete and I fuel my body with life giving ingredients
    I choose always to be healthy and slim
    I am switching it up daily - variety is the spice of life
    I See, Trust and Know I am moving towards my goals
    I keep the Commitments I make to myself

    Yodays goals
    organize the winter clothes
    exercise do my tony horton video
    make a healthy pot of soup
  • I beleive I am on the path to my hearts desires I can do it
    I take the time to figure out what i truly want
    cook wholesome meals and am thankful for all I have
    when i take care of my needs I am better able to take care of those i love
    I eat right, exercise and get the optimium amount of sleep I need
    I drink plenty of water, it cleanses my past,detoxes my body and sheds unwanted pounds.
    I commit to partcipating, sharing, learning and making friends here
    I take baby steps when my life gets busy
    I am an athlete and I fuel my body with life giving ingredients
    I choose always to be healthy and slim
    I am switching it up daily - variety is the spice of life
    I See, Trust and Know I am moving towards my goals
    I keep the Commitments I make to myself

    Todays goals
    to exercise a run while kids are at soccer
    to cook a healthy meal
    to live totally in the present and be happy
    clean up and declutter somethingprotein shake for breakfast
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