How do you track alcohol consumption?

Hi there - I've just started using MFP because it syncs with FitBit and has loads of English foods stored (unlike FitBit's app!).

But I'm unsure how to track alcohol - do other people even track it? So far I've been adding it to the snack section, or is there a better way of doing it?

I don't drink too much, but think it would be ideal to keep track and see how much even just a little could be affecting my diet. So I'm open to your suggestions :)



  • Alisi1234
    Alisi1234 Posts: 131 Member
    I track everything that touches my lips. I track all alcohol and mixes. Sometimes it's more calories than I ate in a day. I don't have a problem though!
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    Yes, track it. I usually put it as "quick add calories" to remind myself that it's of little nutritional value.
  • pugsley5
    pugsley5 Posts: 38 Member
    Logging drinks in your snacks is the only real way to do it. They have many beer,wine and liquor selections and they are acurrate in their calorie/carb/sugar etc..You really should log it,I know its a drag but those calories really add up. Good luck. Cheers!!!
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I log it under the meal time that I have the drinks. If I have one with dinner it goes into the Dinner portion. If it's at night that I have a few drinks I will log it under my evening snack section.

    I don't see why people wouldn't log drinks. Alcohol has a lot more calories than a lot of people think. A few drinks can be half if not more of your daily calories. What I found when logging is that you really need to pay attention to the amounts... a serving of wine is actually half the glass.
  • sthrnchick
    sthrnchick Posts: 771
    I log it all...if I eat or drink is in my food log..otherwise, what is the point really?
  • punkypenny
    punkypenny Posts: 99 Member
    I log it under the meal time that I have the drinks. If I have one with dinner it goes into the Dinner portion. If it's at night that I have a few drinks I will log it under my evening snack section.

    I don't see why people wouldn't log drinks. Alcohol has a lot more calories than a lot of people think. A few drinks can be half if not more of your daily calories. What I found when logging is that you really need to pay attention to the amounts... a serving of wine is actually half the glass.

    This is what I do, as well.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Log can even rename meal sections. Add a booze category if you like.
  • jfa002
    jfa002 Posts: 54 Member
    Since I've started MFP I looked at what benefits me and what does not. The foods or drinks that do not benefit me, I consume rarely. In the case of alcohol, it would be a great step to health if it was done away with all together. But do it in baby steps if you are regularly drinking; not to say that you are an alcoholic, but say if you drink regularly on the weekends or after work, just baby steps. Everyone is here to get healthy, and health begins at the cellular level. Since I'm on the subject of health, rate yourself and ask others to rate themselves:
    Mental - thinking
    Emotional - feeling
    Social - relationships
    Spiritual - outside self
    Physical - self
    Environmental - your surroundings
    Career - work/employment
    These are the 7 elements of health. So rate yourself from -10 to +10. Zero is safe zone, however it can be improved by +1. After you rate yourself, ask yourself how you can improve by +1. I hope this is helpful to you as it was and is to me. But don't think that you have to be a +10 at all times, the rates will fluxuate every day and during the day; you are just trying to stay healthy as long as possible.
  • MichPace8
    MichPace8 Posts: 12 Member
    If you are really trying to loose weight you need to kick the alcohol to the curb! Have a drink for a cheat or on a re-feed day. It is empty calories that adds up quick! I'd rather have a candy bar than a martini if I had to choose!!
    Michelle, CPT
  • missjewl
    missjewl Posts: 214 Member
    Yes... track it! I dont drink alcohol very often but i track when i do have some.... every calorie counts!
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    I track alcohol when I do drink. I've had to cut back of course to keep losing weight! You can always change the name of your "snacks" to say "drinks". It's amazing to see how many calories I'm saving by cutting back!!
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    I have a section for it in my diary titles yummy fun drinks...we all gotta let lose occasionally right? But DEFINITELY track it many times the drinks have the same or more calories than the food!
  • NNAhuja
    NNAhuja Posts: 669 Member
    Usually I drink at night so I store it as a snack.
    The vast majority of the alcohol I like to drink is already stored on MFP so I'm set! :)
  • CatchMom11
    CatchMom11 Posts: 462 Member
    Track it like you would anything else. Most light beers/ales will tell you how many calories. Most hard liquor has a calorie content as well. So if it's a rum and diet for instance, you're only tracking the rum. Hard liquor has very few calories though... at least vodka and rum from what I've been told.
  • Noel1114
    Noel1114 Posts: 23 Member
    Track all alcohol consumption and you really start to realise what a waste of calories it can be. If you don't you will be kidding yourself.
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    I log it under the meal time that I have the drinks. If I have one with dinner it goes into the Dinner portion. If it's at night that I have a few drinks I will log it under my evening snack section.

    I don't see why people wouldn't log drinks. Alcohol has a lot more calories than a lot of people think. A few drinks can be half if not more of your daily calories. What I found when logging is that you really need to pay attention to the amounts... a serving of wine is actually half the glass.

    Ditto ;)
  • apreciosa
    apreciosa Posts: 3
    I log it under snacks as well. I drink wine and was thrilled to find all the varieties listed with the calorie count.
  • korinastern
    I track it under snacks and mostly what i drink is in there vodka has the least calories its the mixer that really adds it up and diet soda is not good for you so i have been doing tonic and fresh lemon
  • RyLaneB
    RyLaneB Posts: 60 Member
    Personally, I am not a fan of cutting anything out of my diet. I am looking to this for the rest of my life, not just lose weight. And the reality is I love wine, and I love the occasional nights out with friends. I also log it either with the meal I consumed the drink with or in the snack section. I don't think that it is important where you are putting long as you are putting it in! Find what works for you and enjoy!
  • itsuki
    itsuki Posts: 520 Member
    Definitely track it. Most alcohol has a decent amount of calories, and if you're not tracking it you could be going significantly over your goals without knowing it!

    If I have a drink with a meal, I put it in that meal. If I have drinks just by themselves, like just sitting around with friends having a homebrew, I put it under snacks.

    Almost every type of alcohol I've ever looked up is already in the database. Easy to track!