Help please Im on my last thread

I need help. I am 5 ft 1 and I am 190 pounds. I lost 20 pounds but gained it all back. I feel like Im literally addicted to food. Ill take my lunch to work but by the time lunch rolls around it doesnt sound good so I go to Mcdonalds. I have had three days lately where I can not stop eating. I do not know what to do. I dont know how to stop eating. Is there any kind of mind trick to help with this. I have never been an emotional eater but have noticed lately that I have been eating more when I am stressed. By the time I get off work I am so tired that I just go to bed instead of going to the gym. I know I need to go. Im not one of those that just want to sit back and watch it fall off from not doing anything. I know I need to do something. I have a lot of motivation becuase I dont like the way I am but How can you make your self stop eating. My cravings are so strong and i give in. I eat breakfast but by lunch Im so hungry that my lunch i brought doesnt sound good. I dont know what to do. I try to count my calories but get so discouraged. I will be good at watching it for like 3 days then give up. I dont know what to do and I really need help


  • mayerel
    mayerel Posts: 254 Member
    You have to build your self discipline. It's not easy, and it's not always fun, but in the long run, it's the only way you will be successful!! Mind over matter! Have a conversation with yourself- you brought lunch, so eat it. You get home, you want to sleep, but try taking a 5 minute walk first. Start in small increments. I promise it gets easier and eventually even is fun! The cravings will go away and so will the taste for the fast food. I had McDonald's the other day after not having it for like a month, it didn't even taste good anymore!!

    You can do it. You do have the power to control what you feed yourself. Friend me if you'd like!
  • JustPeachy044
    JustPeachy044 Posts: 770 Member
    I agree with previous reply. What about making small changes, gradually introducing yourself to eating better? Pack 1/2 a lunch and allow yourself to get 1/2 your lunch from fast food for a week? For example, pack carrot sticks and a bottle of water, but get a chicken wrap or hamburger to eat with it? Or pack a whole healthy lunch with foods you like, then allow yourself a small yogurt smoothie or other "treat" for an afternoon snack?

    Also, work on finding healthy, tasty alternatives to the junk food you like. For example, chocolate covered almonds switched with candy bar. A coach at my current gym recommended I give up the cheese I love on my wraps and I thought that would be almost impossible, but I found some spicy green chili peppers at the grocery store to replace it--lots more flavor and lots less calories! I still eat cheese from time to time, but a cheese stick midafternoon gives me more satisfaction than that slice on the wrap that I was hardly tasting!

    When you do allow yourself that treat, try eating 1/2 a portion and savoring it. Small bites, with sips of water in between to make it last. If you feel deprived, you will continually crave the stuff and your changes will not last! You may be surprised to find in time that you are satisfied with less and less of the goodies.

    When it comes to working out, find something you like to do and, this may sound weird, but if you can afford it, find something that costs money to do! If you are paying for the workouts, you are going to go because to spend the money for a membership somewhere and get nothing for it would probably drive you crazy! I hate missing workout classes as much because I am getting nothing for my money as anything.

    Good luck! Hang in there. You asked for help and it is here, so I know you know what you need to do. It can be very challenging to connect what you know in your head and heart with action, but once you get the ball rolling and start seeing some positive results, it will probably snowball in the right direction and you will feel so much better about yourself.
  • lmbw126
    lmbw126 Posts: 24
    I can relate to how you feel. I think that you have to find healthy alternatives to the foods that you enjoy eating now. It seems that you may have some personal issues that are causing you to use food as an outlet and that's a problem. I do the same thing. We have to take that frustration and channel it in a better, healthier way. I have my best work outs when I go to the gym frustrated because I work harder those days. Coming here was a great start. You recognized that you were having a problem and you are actively trying to do something about it. THAT'S HUGE to me! In the beginning it's mind over matter.WE have to learn to put ourselves over others when it comes to weight loss. By that I mean that working out and eating healthy is what going to help you be a better person and feel better about yourself. We all go through things. KEEP packing your lunches but pack things that you know you will enjoy eating and have a snack between breakfast and lunch so that you are not so hungry at lunch that you overeat. That really helps me. Continue working at it. You are amazing!
  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    Honestly, when you REALLY want it, you'll do it. That's all there is to it and no one can make it any easier for you. It makes absolutely no sense to bring your lunch and then be "too hungry" for that and go to McDonalds. If you're actually hungry, then you'd rather eat right then than get in the car and wait in the drive through. Bring a healthy snack to eat between breakfast and lunch if it will help. Don't let yourself make excuses anymore or you're not going to get anywhere, it's really as simple as that.
  • valerie521
    valerie521 Posts: 140 Member
    I can completely understand how you feel. At one point, I couldnt wait until I got my hands on my next
    meal (after just eating). Never feeling satisfied

    I started eating more proteins and less carbs. I'm a carb addict. The more I ate, the more I wanted.
    It controlled me, consumed me -- much like when I was a smoker. The more I changed my diet
    from High Carb, to High Protein, I felt more in control.

    Try making decisions about food and thinking about PROTEINS first. Even if you stop at Mcdonalds
    in a pinch -- throw away the bread or just order scrambled eggs for breakfast. I think just makeing
    these simple changes may be what you need. CHANGE UP your thinking -- protein protein protein

    : ) its worth a shot - it really worked for me
  • NVgal
    NVgal Posts: 33 Member
    Is it possible for you to get you exercise in the morning instead of waiting till after work? That might also inspire you to eat better at lunch time and not undo all your hard work from working out. I like the other suggestions offered here too!
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    It is all about discipline. My first couple of weeks were very hard for me especially with my bf wanting to buy junk food all the time. I found for me what worked is to reward myself with things I loved. For example I love reading. So I told myself I had to exercise first before I could read at all. If I ate junk at all I would take something away like reading or one of my shows for the evening. It worked for me because it motivated me.

    Oh by the way, I am 5'1" also and my starting weight was 201. Similar to you. Feel free to add me
  • entersandlady
    entersandlady Posts: 7 Member
    Can you give a sample of what you eat on a daily basis??
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    I can't see your diary but I wonder if maybe you're trying to hard? What I mean is are you packing a lunch of lettuce and carrot sticks with a side of starvation? If that's the case of course you crave McDonalds.

    It's damn hard to go from a steady diet of junk to eating healthy. The good news is you don't need to change completely overnight.

    Eat foods you enjoy. Just find ways to keep them within your calories. Plan ahead. Best thing you can do.

    But I'll tell you now if you don't like the foods you have planned you'll ditch them for junk. So find healthy ways to eat what you like. You can even have McDonalds (suck it food nazis). They have salads and chicken wraps and a little burger isn't the worst thing in the world.

    Find healthy options that you really look forward to eating. You can do this. I used to eat fast food daily, often twice a day. But with a little effort you can break the habit and still enjoy your meals. Good luck to you.
  • poodlelaise
    poodlelaise Posts: 149 Member
    I felt exactly as you do just before I was diagnosed with Diabetes. Have you had any recent blood work done? I highly recomend you see a doctor, and describe your symptons.

    When my diabetes is under control, I have much more energy and self control.
  • korinastern
    MFP is on my phone and when I feel like I am going to splurge I look at my diary. Sometimes its an all day thing to remind me to keep on track. I have made myself accountable to my phone like it will be disappointed in me if I dont make it today. Really its me that will be disappointed but it changed my perspective somehow and it is really working for me. People accept excuses but my phone does not. It seems wierd but its making me more accountable than I have ever been in my life.
  • pixlamarque
    pixlamarque Posts: 312 Member
    I agree with the other posts. There are times that I have had issues with food addiction, particularly with fast food and desserts (I love to bake). I made slow changes in the beginning. I hate diet food and know that I will never eat carrot and celery sticks as a snack for the rest of my life. I had to find a way to eat food I like and make it fit into my calories. I cook a lot of recipes from Cooking Light and Clean Eating magazines (lots of recipes online so you don't have to subscribe). I have friends on here that love to cook and we share photos/recipes on a group (Foodies Unite). It also helps to make your diary open to your friends so that they can give you feedback and to look at other people's food diaries. When I first started it was such an education to see what everyone else was eating and it really helped me plan my meals. I do best when I write a menu for the week and stick to it. I plan reasonable desserts on workout days. All of those things have helped me, but in the end, a good bit of it is just getting pissed off at yourself and deciding to be in charge of what you put in your mouth. It just happens to be easier when the healthy option also tastes good. Feel free to add me, if you open your food diary I will do my best to give constructive criticism.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I can't see your diary but I wonder if maybe you're trying to hard? What I mean is are you packing a lunch of lettuce and carrot sticks with a side of starvation? If that's the case of course you crave McDonalds.

    It's damn hard to go from a steady diet of junk to eating healthy. The good news is you don't need to change completely overnight.

    Eat foods you enjoy. Just find ways to keep them within your calories. Plan ahead. Best thing you can do.

    But I'll tell you now if you don't like the foods you have planned you'll ditch them for junk. So find healthy ways to eat what you like. You can even have McDonalds (suck it food nazis). They have salads and chicken wraps and a little burger isn't the worst thing in the world.

    Find healthy options that you really look forward to eating. You can do this. I used to eat fast food daily, often twice a day. But with a little effort you can break the habit and still enjoy your meals. Good luck to you.

    Their grilled chicken sandwich is also a good option. Just get it plain or put some ketchup on it if you must instead of mayo.
  • purplegoboom
    purplegoboom Posts: 400 Member
    What are you eating for breakfast?

    Usually the reason people are STARVING by the time lunch comes around is because they don't eat a sufficient breakfast. Most traditional breakfasts (cereal and milk, bagels) are super high in carbs and sugar, so they don't satisfy you as say, an omlette breakfast with veggies.

    Not only that, but starting out your day on a high carb, high sugar breakfast makes you crave it more. Thus, you want McDonalds instead of the healthy lunch you packed because your body knows that it can get the carbs and sugar it craves there.

    As far as working out after work, find a walking trail or park near you. Pack some workout clothes with you before you go to work, and change into them before you leave. Then just go to the park and walk for half an hour, it will make all the difference in the world.
  • benich3043
    benich3043 Posts: 252 Member
    You are probably tired from eating the McDonalds at lunch. I would do like everyone suggested, and bring more than just your lunch. Pack some healthy snacks to eat throughout the day and a healthy and appetizing lunch. If you do go to McDonalds, don't get a meal grab a grilled chicken salad instead, and if you have to absolutely get a meal, get a small size. If you are eating the snacks you pack to last throughout the day, you will find yourself less and less hungry as lunch rolls around. As your body processes all the crap out of your system from eating McDonalds on a daily basis, you will find yourself with more energy when it is time to exercise. You just have to break the vicious cycle and throw away the easy button, because there is no easy way out.
  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    Another idea is to pack your lunch but leave your wallet at home. If you don't have any money with you then you can't go to McDonald's.
  • pabloext
    pabloext Posts: 2 Member
    There is no trick, per se. It will work differently for everyone.

    The best thing I can offer is to start with small achievable goals. Focus on what you drink first. You would be surprised with just how many calories you can consume through beverages. Slow down. When you do eat, chew slowly and enjoy tasting what you are eating. There is a mental satisfaction that you gain when you can taste what you eat. If you eat too quickly, it can leave you feeling unstatisfied which is completely unrelated to actually feeling hunger.

    Don't be afraid to snack. If you let yourself get too hungry between meals, you will have a harder time with portion control at mealtime. Have a piece of fruit or a couple veggies handy to munch between meals. There are also a wide variety of 100 calorie portion sized pre-packed snacks you could use if you can't do fresh foods.

    Most of all, don't lose hope. You can do it. Any change you make, no matter how small is change for the better and gets you going in the direction you want to head.
  • dwkloveswine
    dwkloveswine Posts: 17 Member
    I can't see your diary but I wonder if maybe you're trying to hard? What I mean is are you packing a lunch of lettuce and carrot sticks with a side of starvation? If that's the case of course you crave McDonalds.

    It's damn hard to go from a steady diet of junk to eating healthy. The good news is you don't need to change completely overnight.

    Eat foods you enjoy. Just find ways to keep them within your calories. Plan ahead. Best thing you can do.

    But I'll tell you now if you don't like the foods you have planned you'll ditch them for junk. So find healthy ways to eat what you like. You can even have McDonalds (suck it food nazis). They have salads and chicken wraps and a little burger isn't the worst thing in the world.

    Find healthy options that you really look forward to eating. You can do this. I used to eat fast food daily, often twice a day. But with a little effort you can break the habit and still enjoy your meals. Good luck to you.

    Their grilled chicken sandwich is also a good option. Just get it plain or put some ketchup on it if you must instead of mayo.

    MUSTARD- Is a great alternative to ketchup!! :)
    Good luck!
    When the willpower and drive is there, it will click. You may also want to start a journal to see when these hungers attack to get a better sense of whats going on during the time of day. I know that when I started this is was mainly in the afternoons when I was BORED! So now I find myself looking at inspirational blogs, photos, ect. to curve those hunger thoughts. I am new at this too so if you would like to add me as a friend, we can help each other stay on the right paths for this new journey!! ;)
  • bratleen
    bratleen Posts: 60 Member
    First, write down exactly what your reason for wanting to lose weight is and what you expect to change in your life when you do. Often we are afraid of change and afraid of failing and will subconsciously sabatoge ourselves, so we can tell ourselves that we didn't really try. Then if and when you are ready, make small changes at first...try these ones:

    Add veggies--especially to the beginning of a meal, they will add volume to your meal without adding a great deal of calories. Start with a small salad before a meal or raw veggies, if you must dip them try guacamole, salsa, or hummus.

    If you are starving by lunch time you might not be eating a large enough breakfast...don't be afraid to make breakfast the biggest meal of the day or even eat dinner for breakfast, you have all day to burn it off.

    Make sure you are drinking enough water.

    If you are having trouble committing to exercise, try to find a buddy to walk with 3-4 times a week, it's a start and many times we will not cancel on some one else when we are willing to cancel on ourselves. If you can, exercise in the morning--it is done and you dont' have to try to get it done at the end of your work day.


    The only reason I capitalized the last one is because I truly believe it is the most important. If you fall short one day so what, as long as you get up the next day and try will get easier and it will become second nature eventually.
  • IamRoJ
    IamRoJ Posts: 530 Member
    This may sound a little crazy, but have you tried hypnotherapy? I have dwnloaded hypnotherapy apps that have helped me get started at least towards quitting smoking, losing weight, easing stress and sleeping better. They are certainly not a cure all but maybe if you tried it for a few weeks, it would at least get your brain started in the right direction towards healthy cravings, enjoying exercise, etc.