June Walking Challenge

CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
This is continued from previous Walking Challenges, but its nice when each month has its own thread.

*** Anyone can join in at any time, the more the merrier, lets keep each other motivated****

Walking seems like the easiest way to start getting exercise, and even if you can't track distance (or don't want to), tracking time is good too...go for a 10 min walk after dinner, or up it to 30 minutes, you'll be amazed at the end of the month how much more exercise your getting in. :)

Check in everyday with how far you walked or how long, this is just to motivate us to get in at least some exercise everyday, and keep an eye on each other.

I want to try to keep this mostly to walking or walking type exercising. treadmills and ellipticals are A-OK.

Hope to see some more faces in this challenge, we'll start tracking June 1st.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I am glad we are keeping this going. :bigsmile:
    I hope we get some new people too.

    6/1 - 20 mins Leslie Sasone
    6/7 - 35 mins Walking
  • vklebanova
    vklebanova Posts: 152 Member
    I'm a huge believer in walking for weightloss. I take 40 minutes of my lunch break and go walking (unless it rains) - who really needs an hour to eat?
  • rosewagner88
    I always try to walk on my lunch breaks! 40 minutes today!
  • bernsew
    bernsew Posts: 1
    love this! I've been trying to walk 1 mile in 20 min. for about 1 week now. Is their a pace your try to keep up or What?
  • bexyh11
    bexyh11 Posts: 11
    Been looking for an easy to do challenge - Please add me as friends to help keep me motivated along the way, I really need the motivation!!

    06/7 - 45 minutes.
  • supamommax3
    supamommax3 Posts: 3 Member
    Awesome , I love the Leslie Sansone walk at home program and have been doing that and I love to take walks with the family whenever we can . So I will join in on this too :)
  • IllianaIman
    IllianaIman Posts: 131
    Me too, I usually walk the Boston Common for 45-60min a day, unless it's raining/snowing/freezing! :cry:

    but I feel great after!
  • horseloverdawn
    horseloverdawn Posts: 16 Member
    I walk 35 minutes every morning before work unless it is heavy rain. I keep up about a 4mph pace. I have heard recently that intervals of fast and slow will burn more calories so once in a while I throw in a little jog until I can't breath then walk until I catch my breath again. So much fun seeing the weight come off! I love MFP! :love:
  • walker001
    walker001 Posts: 116 Member
    Do we have a special page to record these on. Or do we just record it all here.
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    I'll be in that.

    6/7 70 minutes walking brisk pace!!
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    6/8 = 60 minutes walking at brisk pace.
  • horseloverdawn
    horseloverdawn Posts: 16 Member
    Extended my walking route this morning, adding 7 more minutes to the walk and another good hill. Very frustrated today though. The scale is up 1 pound. :sad:
  • angie72151
    I just started walking on a treadmill at the gym I joined because on January 27th I quit smoking and I started putting on weight. Being that I am not crazy about exercise I decided the easiest thing to do was walk on a treadmill, so I have been doing it since the middle of February, I walk for 60 to 70 minutes at an time at a 3.6 rate with a moderate, 4.0 incline and I have noticed that I am loosing weight evenly all over body and my skin is tightening everywhere including my face and neck, I have a ton of energy, I sleep like a baby, and I have a great disposition all day. I still hate to exercise and sometimes I have to push myself to do it, but it is totally worth it, that and my fitness pal app on my iphone which helps me track all the food I eat is making my life and loosing weight so much easier.:happy:
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Love to see all the people here!:love: I have done a ton of walking over the last couple of days. I took my children to the zoo yesterday and today and spent the whole day walking around.
  • tanncampbell
    What a great way to encourage each other. I have been walking 3 miles every morning in about and hour. I then walk about 2 miles in an hour in the evenings. I really enjoy walking. Good job to EVERYONE who is up and moving. When I have a difficult time being motivated I remember this saying, "You are lapping all the people sitting on the couch." When you don't want to go, just imagine yourself being very lazy on the couch:)
  • sblaise1272
    sblaise1272 Posts: 9 Member
    6/8 45 mins walk
  • tremilla
    tremilla Posts: 98 Member
    Have to get back to my walking. Used to walk 3 miles consistently. Today I walked 41 min (2 miles)
  • jmacfan98
    jmacfan98 Posts: 6
    Just did 6 miles today and feeling great:)
  • Venturin
    Venturin Posts: 244 Member
    Walking is good but running is fantastic! When you are walking and nicely warmed up, consider trying some jogging. If you build yourself up to running the toning and weight loss kicks in higher gear. Go for it!

  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Walking is good but running is fantastic! When you are walking and nicely warmed up, consider trying some jogging. If you build yourself up to running the toning and weight loss kicks in higher gear. Go for it!


    Thanks for the advice! I've never thought about throwing a jog onto the end of my walk. I have tried C25k several times that all ended in injury. My orthopedic Dr said my joints were out of alignment (one more post pregnancy joy) and that I should consider other forms of exercise.