Hello! New to the site :) C25K Anyone?



  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    There are a number of C25K groups on here where you can connect with other members at various stages of the program. They are a good source of information if you have questions.
  • beccapink
    beccapink Posts: 28
    hello & welcome !!!!!! good for you on your choice to a better health if you need friends you can add me :ohwell:
  • jinlopez
    jinlopez Posts: 38

    I have just joined the site and hoping it'll help me lose the 80+ lbs I desire.

    I started the couch to 5k journey last week and boy am I aching!! I warm up and warm down properly and also take my rest days but my back is still unhappy with the situation! I'm hoping it improves as I am really enjoying running and already feel stronger after just one week.

    I wish everyone else luck in their journey to shed the pounds and hope I get to know some people facing the same struggles.

    I had no idea I was doing a C25K until someone told me what "C25K" meant. I started dieting and exercising on March 12, 2012. My boyfriend bought me a treadmill...which I promptly started walking at various incline levels and at various speeds. After a week, I decided that I wanted try running a little bit. I was BEYOND sore the next day....after sprinting a lousy 2 minutes. Well...here we are....3 months later....and I ran my first 5K straight through...no stopping....at 6 mph. This was last week. This week....just this past Tuesday....I ran 6K....at 6.2 mph....without stopping! AND...I had enough energy to walk at an incline for an extra mile.

    I honestly couldn't tell you what my pattern was during the 3 months of my apparent "conditioning". I just know that I kept challenging myself to go farther and faster every week. I also kept my diet first and foremost on my mind - have been pretty successful with it. I've lost 30 pounds, as of this morning.

    Boy...the knees and ankles were HURTIN for a while. But...seems that as the pounds melted away.....there was less pressure on my joints....and the muscles and ligaments protecting the knees and ankles got stronger....and now there's absolutely no joint pain. Just the usual muscle achiness from pushing myself.

    Let's see....3 months from now....maybe I'll be running 15K. Fingers crossed....and mission established.

  • trout3063
    trout3063 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm jumping on here to support ya'll just starting out. I'm a C25K graduate myself...and I was in the class of "nope, hate, HATE running, never gonna to it ya'll are CRAZY to be running" when I started.

    I can NOT stress enough how much I was NOT a runner, never gonna be a runner.

    So I KNOW what some of you feel/felt as far as reservations and struggles with running. But the program, seriously, changed my outlook! It starts out at such baby steps...each time you complete a work out CELEBRATE your success'! I was HUFFING and PUFFING those first few work outs. I thought i was gonna DIE...but I just listened to my app in my iphone of run now....walk now...and I just DID it!

    And I completely suprised myself!

    I actually ended up enjoying my runs/walks! So much so that I was constanlty SUPRISING myself at how much I liked it! I was floored, I really was. So my neighbor gave it a try too, and now she's a graduate!!!

    So you CAN do it....give yourself a rest day...but not to many. Sore mucles actually LIKE to be worked out...it helps work out the soreness! And being sore from accomplishement, feels SO much better...doesn't it?

    So, last August I was in your shoes folks! Let me know if you have any other questions...and when YOU graduate....check out the bridge to 10K if you, like me...find the love for running, and like the walk/run method of getting stronger and building up your endurance. I graduated the 10K program and now I'm training for a relay this coming august and I ran 97 miles in May ;0) With 140 planned this month!

    Just before I started this 16 week training for the relay I ran 5.25 miles before work and felt...disappointed that I ONLY went 5.4 miles. Last August if you'd told me that I would EVER feel this way I would have laughed at you!

    Geez, I'm rambling! So hit me up if you have any questions!
  • jodigrove
    jodigrove Posts: 1 Member
    I am also starting the C25K! Would like some motivation and support from those of you that are also going through this journey! Feel free to add me and we can get through this together! :)
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    You C25K vets are so inspiring! I definitely never thought I could run! My husband tried to get me to a few times, but it was mostly just jogging a few blocks and catching my breath for 10 minutes. I huff and puff a lot, but I see myself in the blank tv screen on the tv monitor at my gym and I look at myself and tell myself that I can do this and to just push a little harder and only a few more seconds. Yesderday was my last day of week one and I challenged myself at the end of the run and ran 3 straight minutes at two intervals and added 10 minutes to my workout. It was a small victory but not bad after 1 week of the program!

    My biggest inspiration now is my husband. He is in San Antonio for USAF basic military training. Every time I want to quit or take a day off, I remind myself of how hard he is working and how much weight he is probably losing and how he is getting into shape. I want to be able to keep up with him or at least do activities with him when he's done. I might not be able to run as fast in the end, but he'll be able to push me and my body will be able to respond. Bright side is, I'll almost be finished with the program when he graduates if I don't have to repeat any weeks.
  • spearfox
    spearfox Posts: 276 Member
    I graduated from C25K.
    Ran a 5K and Warrior Dash so far.
    I plan on restarting C25K next week for speed.

    My best advice is to GO SLOW. Don't worry about speed just as long as your jogging and moving.
    Feel free to add me or message me for any questions.
  • I haven't moved onto week 2 yet but I should imagine I will be repeating some weeks too. Add me if u want some moral support :)
  • Doingitin2013
    Doingitin2013 Posts: 56 Member
    Welcome to MFP! This week I should have started Week 3 Day 1 of C25K, but I got a little intimidated so I started Week 2 over. Hopefully once the rain stops, I will be able to try Week 3 next week. Good luck to you on MFP and C25K!
  • Agreed, you are all very inspiring. I can't wait to be a graduate of C25K. My goal (in the far distance future!) Is to run a marathon. This will prob take a while but I'm in it for the long haul :)

    It sounds like some proper running shoes may be needed though. I'm wearing Nike air classics and they do feel quite bulky.

    Really impressed with the running schedule. Please add me if anyone needs a running chum! :)