New, 30yo mom of (almost) 5!

taram1981 Posts: 21 Member
Ok, so this is the first time I have ever joined a site like this! Some background on me: I am 30, have 4 kids, and I am 33 days away from my due date with #5. I am NOT dieting right now!!! I just thought it would be good to get back into the habit of logging my food, and go ahead and join the community so once she is born, I can just keep it up. Growing up, I had a "chubby" phase but by the time I was 16, I was fine. I never struggled with my weight again until after baby #3. Something happened to my body chemistry and it became almost impossible to lose weight. I have NEVER gained weight unless I was pregnant, but I can't seem to lose much no matter how hard I push. I personally feel like it's a combination of things: getting older, having more babies, having mirena in for 9 months, and get this: out of 120 months (my entire 20s) I have been pregnant or nursing for 82!!! I'm not sure my body has had time to reset hormonally and such. My goal and prayer is that with this being our last baby, when I am done nursing my body will finally have the chance to get back to normal and my efforts will show!! :) We have always eaten healthy, and as of January, we eat VERY clean. As in, I have extensively researched GMOs, coloring, preservatives, and toxins and we stay away from them as much as we can. I have a garden and we also belong to a CSA.

I would love to make some friends on here - especially you mamas who have experienced or are experiencing the frustration that I have!! I have seen so many inspiring people on here!!

Sorry for the long post. :tongue:



  • ANDREA0108
    ANDREA0108 Posts: 28
    welcome! add me if you like, support is is a big part in the weight lost journey!
    i have an 8month old!
  • Hi and welcome. I just joined this week! I am a mom of 6...I know all about being pregnant/nursing for many, many, many months and the havoc it can have on your takes time to balance back hormonally after all that. Our whole family eats VERY clean as well. I pretty much follow an all raw plant based diet (with the exception of organic cream in my morning cup of coffee) and have lost 20 pounds. It is my goal to lose about 15 more to be at my ideal, pre-pregnany weight. Logging my food has been very helpful for me to visually see where all my calories come from and how fast they add up even when eating super healthy....a couple handfuls of raw nuts and some EVO on a salad quickly adds up the recomended caloric amount.. I would love to be "friends" to support one another, etc... smile: add me if you would like
  • I have six kids. My youngest just turned 3 a few days ago. I'm done nursing him (stopped at 20 months) but I've been there. Feel free to add me :)
  • You look great! Inspirational really. Don't know how to add you :(I agree with your comment about calories adding up- even when following a clean veggie diet. I wish I didn't have to think about calories but even healthy eaters have to. I feel like I have to eat so much to be full and eat all the time. It's time consuming. I try to focus on food's healing and preventative powers. It makes me feel better and not beat myself up. If I eat to many almonds, it can contribute to weight gain but it can be helping me body stave off illness as well. I'm in my first trimester and I am fearful of gaining weight-already gained 5. Im not fearful of gaining the weight my baby needs- I just know its easy to put on 40 lbs during pregnancy. If anyone has suggestions about gaining the weight that is needed but not going overboard, please let me know.