Sad story, 650lb guy loses 400 regains 250



  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    I can understand how he feels. I've been losing the same 50 lbs for 5 yrs now. I've finally addressed my food demons and am recommitted. The key is to find peace inside...I hope he can do that and can accept himself...scars and all. It's been hard for me to do, but when I look in the mirror, I now see beauty and not beast. That took a lot of self-acceptance to get there, but it can happen.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    For over 80% of people who lose weight, that's what generally happens. They gain it back. :(
  • hdrider8968
    Bout 6 years ago I lost 150 or so lbs. had a general idea where I started but not 100% sure. Lost the job I loved, started feeding my emotions, gained most of it back:-/ I'm on this journey again because of my age, and can't afford the meds for diabetes and hbp.

    The first time around I stopped with bout 70 lbs to go, right now I got bout another 100, I will conquer my weight this time! It will not come back! I'm off two meds since I started got two to go!
  • andrea198721
    andrea198721 Posts: 173 Member
    I remember watching the program and crying the whole time. I was so happy for him when he made his transformation, I really hope he can love himself and lose the weight and keep it off.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    That must be the same guy on dateline the other day. He said he didn't like being "attractive".

    It must have been strange for him, to go from over 600 lbs to a place (200s?) where he was attractive. I remember seeing his story when he had lost the weight and he looked very handsome.

    I wonder if there's any research on how people physically feel in their new body versus their old? There must be some comfort to having more weight on some level, or something. I don't believe it's just about the food or eating.

    I can explain a little about the old vs new body thing. Up until about a year ago, when I looked in the mirror, I still saw the 450# disgusting thing that I was before. It took addressing some inner demons, food demons, and a whole lot of learning to love myself to finally be able to look in the mirror and like who I saw. I still think like that big gal...I sometimes buy clothes that are too big because I can't imagine being the size I am now. I still get disgusted from time to time, but more often than not, I like that person in the mirror now.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    Kudos to his girlfriend for sticking by him! Not many people these days would have done that.

    Would you want to be with someone who has no respect for themselves and is intentionally dying slowly? Someone who hates themselves SO MUCH they would sabotage their shot at a normal life?

    I feel bad for the guy, he needs some intense therapy. There is a lot of emotional crap that goes along with getting that big :cry:
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Being sucessful at losing weight is not just taking the pounds off but liking the new person you've become. When the scales say the number you've always wanted, you still have a lifetime of healthy living to work on every day. It's really sad for him and a warning for all of us MFPs.

    This.. & which is why I hate seeing threads about being fat & ugly because if your mentality is like that then its not a surprise if you lose the weight but still not happy about it. I keep saying that for us to succeed in this journey is to learn how to love yourself, flaws & all. Besides nobody is perfect & even the hottest & the fittest of person in this world have their own flaws too
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    Kudos to his girlfriend for sticking by him! Not many people these days would have done that.

    Would you want to be with someone who has no respect for themselves and is intentionally dying slowly? Someone who hates themselves SO MUCH they would sabotage their shot at a normal life?

    I feel bad for the guy, he needs some intense therapy. There is a lot of emotional crap that goes along with getting that big :cry:

    Its called LOVE for heaven's sake. Why judge somebody like that just because he hated how he looked? That is very real especially if you've been dreaming to rock the beach with your six pack & only to come up with loose skin. You never know how this guy truly felt so don't judge.
  • xyril
    xyril Posts: 80 Member
    This is an unfortunate story but I will say that it's made me realize something that hadn't crossed my mind. I don't know if I'll ever reach my goal weight but I do know that my attitude about food and a healthier lifestyle is evolving. I used to have the whole food is my comfort attitude as well but now, its not so much. I would hope that everyone using this site will make sure they're considering they're losing weight for better health and quality of living.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    Kudos to his girlfriend for sticking by him! Not many people these days would have done that.

    Would you want to be with someone who has no respect for themselves and is intentionally dying slowly? Someone who hates themselves SO MUCH they would sabotage their shot at a normal life?

    I feel bad for the guy, he needs some intense therapy. There is a lot of emotional crap that goes along with getting that big :cry:

    Its called LOVE for heaven's sake. Why judge somebody like that just because he hated how he looked? That is very real especially if you've been dreaming to rock the beach with your six pack & only to come up with loose skin. You never know how this guy truly felt so don't judge.

    Why else would he regain the weight if he didn't have some significant emotional baggage? People who love themselves SHOW it.

    Don't get butthurt because I'm not afraid to say what I think is the truth. I am not judging the poor guy, but facts are facts. I probably would need some therapy in his situation too. It's very sad. That doesn't mean I think his woman is a freaking hero for staying with him. Most people wouldn't WITH GOOD REASON.
  • Monti_e_lmt
    Monti_e_lmt Posts: 189 Member
    This upsets me so much. I feel so awful for him, though I don't understand it, well maybe I do. I feel like I am beautiful and fit on the inside and I forget I am fat until I see myself in the mirror. It is like I am seeing another person, I don't know her and I don't like her, she is holding me back. All I want to do is get rid of her, I want the real me to show. I am so sorry that so much pressure was put on him, that all these people we counting on him to be inspiring. They should not have televised it. They should have took it slow and gave him counseling with the diet and exercise! I can't imagine what he went through, I can't understand it either, because after all that work you would think he would stay healthy. It is so sad about his skin, I am afraid of that myself. But I don't want to have surgery to remove it because I have seen the scars it leaves on people in real life. Some doctors don't have a gift, there is no good plastic surgeons around here. I hope he gets healthy, not skinny.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Kudos to his girlfriend for sticking by him! Not many people these days would have done that.

    Would you want to be with someone who has no respect for themselves and is intentionally dying slowly? Someone who hates themselves SO MUCH they would sabotage their shot at a normal life?

    I feel bad for the guy, he needs some intense therapy. There is a lot of emotional crap that goes along with getting that big :cry:

    Its called LOVE for heaven's sake. Why judge somebody like that just because he hated how he looked? That is very real especially if you've been dreaming to rock the beach with your six pack & only to come up with loose skin. You never know how this guy truly felt so don't judge.

    Why else would he regain the weight if he didn't have some significant emotional baggage? People who love themselves SHOW it.

    Don't get butthurt because I'm not afraid to say what I think is the truth. I am not judging the poor guy, but facts are facts. I probably would need some therapy in his situation too. It's very sad. That doesn't mean I think his woman is a freaking hero for staying with him. Most people wouldn't WITH GOOD REASON.

    Wow you must live a sheltered life..... There is alot more to it than that.... If you truly love someone then you love everything about them... All their flaws good or bad.... It would take a pretty shallow person to walk away from him unless she truly never really cared about him to begin with... I put my wife through hell on earth for the better half of a decade. Yet she never wavered. She loved me despite myself and stood strong by my side and prayed for me everyday... I will spend the rest of my life doing all that I can to make up for the pain and hurt she had to go through but I truly know what real love looks like and I think having her there through this journey will be the rock he will need to fight to regain control of his life again and finally put away those demon that that haunt him.... I thank god everyday for a second chance at life but I thank him even more for my wife and family for loving me unconditionally.......... Just my 2 cents....
  • om98
    om98 Posts: 48
    shocking ....
  • DeadEyedSuburbanite
    DeadEyedSuburbanite Posts: 34 Member
    Why else would he regain the weight if he didn't have some significant emotional baggage? People who love themselves SHOW it.

    Don't get butthurt because I'm not afraid to say what I think is the truth. I am not judging the poor guy, but facts are facts. I probably would need some therapy in his situation too. It's very sad. That doesn't mean I think his woman is a freaking hero for staying with him. Most people wouldn't WITH GOOD REASON.

    Yes, most people do have this mentality. That's why the divorce rate is at about 50+% in the US. If there's something wrong with your partner, dump 'em and find another one.

    Personally I think the fact that she is sticking with him is laudable. I hope she can help him through this.
  • fudgebudget
    fudgebudget Posts: 198 Member
    That must be the same guy on dateline the other day. He said he didn't like being "attractive".

    When I was a freshman in college I dropped 60 pounds in about 6 months and was shocked at the sheer increase in attention I got. As someone who never really liked people paying attention to me much to begin with (though maybe that was because of the extra weight), it made me pretty damn uncomfortable. I didn't gain it all back right away - it took about 5 years for that to happen - but my mindset is WAY better this time around losing the weight more slowly. It's giving me time to adjust, and I have a healthier mindset overall.