Diet Soda (for those who gave it up)



  • ashshields12
    ashshields12 Posts: 54 Member
    I gave it up because I learnt what it was doing to my body. I was drinking about a litre a day and was addicted. I would get the shakes if I went a few days without it, never had headaches though. When I went cold turkey from drinking it, I craved it for about a week but now the idea of drinking it sickens me as I know what it would do to my body..

    This is the reason, I became a little more aware of what it was doing to my body and the effects (yes I was nieve!!)

    List of the ingredients in Diet Coke: carbonated purified water, colour (caramel 150d), food acids (338 and 331), flavour, artificial sweeteners aspartame (951) and acesulphame potassium (950), preservative (211) and caffeine.

    Aspartame(951) is a known carcinogen (causes cancer), linked to asthma, nausea, depression, hyperactivity and seizures, acesulphame (950) is a known carcinogen, artificial colour caramel 150d is linked to hypersensitivity and gastro intestinal problems, preservative 211 (sodium benzoate) is linked to hyperactivity, behavioural problems, rhinitis and should be avoided by asthmatics, food acid 338 (phosphoric acid) is linked to neurotoxicity, eye & skin irritation and leeches calcium from our bones.
  • sarah3333
    sarah3333 Posts: 222 Member
    I gave it up for almost a year and then started drinking it occasionally again. It sure does taste good! But I think I feel better without it. And I do notice on days when I have it I crave more sweet foods. Those days seem to be a little harder to control myself on, but I didn't get any headaches, maybe because I drank 2 cups of black coffee every morning and that seemed to satisfy my want of caffeine.

    Oh yeah, I actually stopped drinking it to clear up my skin (acne) and it worked! Nothing else worked, I tried everything.
  • xsqueakme85
    xsqueakme85 Posts: 91 Member
    The only time I have diet sody (which is maybe 3 times a week) is when I get the diet cherry dr pepper! I absolutely love it, but I find I am drinking less and less of it and craving it less and less two. I still drink coffee several times a day though. That is nothing that will change, or that I am willing to give up EVER!
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member

    I'm not saying that I never drink soda any more, but I try not to, and I would definitely say that diet soda is NOT a good alternative to water.

    Im reading the first link and no where in it is saying it causes cancer....
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    it's worth giving up just for the way that it affects your teeth! why would you drink diet soda when it has no positives effects on your health (and according to some people has negative effects)? just drink water :)

    I brush my teeth 2 maybe 3 times a day. Ive talked to dentist about it and they basically said its almost as bad for your teeth as sugar. They said its fine to drink, just try to brush asap afterwards.
  • nutmeg1060
    nutmeg1060 Posts: 2 Member
    i used to LOVE diet soda/sugar free drinks and snacks because they were guilt free as far as calories go...but then I did some research on what was actually in them and it made me stop cold turkey.

    Aspartame (NutraSweet) is a watered down version of a chemical that was originally developed as a bio-terrorist technique. It was developed in super concentrated amounts to be used in cases of biologic warfare, but then when diluted, they realized it was sweet and started adding it in very diluted amounts to soda, and sugar free options because it doesnt affect glucose pathways like sugar does.

    I decided then that I did not want to have anything to do with aspartame. I would switch to Zevia if you really crave sodas, its sweetened with Stevia which is a plant. Try to stay away from chemical sweeteners,...they might not hurt you now, but they will later!
  • mipanda
    mipanda Posts: 43
    I've found when I'm at work that if I have a can of diet coke after lunch, I'm starving by finish time - but if I don't, I'm good til dinner.

    So the theory about it making you feel hungrier is definitely true for me. I get hunger pangs in my tummy if I have nothing to snack on!

    I'm just trying to stick with water at work instead, and green tea.
  • kariberi84
    kariberi84 Posts: 186 Member
    I gave up all soda MONTHS ago. If I need caffine I will drink some black tea.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I used to drink it - I started when I went to Weight Watchers which was sponsored by Diet Coke. I tend to think of myself as someone who is no swayed by advertising, but clearly that is not the case!
    I don't remember any difference when I gave it up - but I'm really glad I did because my teeth have never been the same since. It really damaged them which I regret now.
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    Before jan 1 2012 I was drinking around 3l of diet coke/Pepsi max a day. Now I have a maximum of 600ml a day if I even have any.

    I'm diabetic and it was like the one thing I could have without issue.

    I notice no difference between how I felt then to now
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I still drink it every once in a while, but I never did drink it every day. Its maybe a 2x a month thing for me. I crave the carbonation mostly.
  • calvert6183
    calvert6183 Posts: 539 Member
    Its funny that this status is about diet soda because some stupid prissy chick was bashing us guys and diet soda saying we were not real men. SHe can go and rail herself. Dude you rock and congrats on your weight goals. You are a true inspiration to many. I love diet Sunkist. Its great but its not good for me so I might have to givve it up.
  • wasveganvictoria88
    wasveganvictoria88 Posts: 249 Member
    I'd rather have a glass of soda (or pop in UK :P) thant sweets or is my treat! So I wouldn't give up soda for all the health warnings in the world! And yes I do drink diet :)
  • wasveganvictoria88
    wasveganvictoria88 Posts: 249 Member

    Aspartame (NutraSweet) is a watered down version of a chemical that was originally developed as a bio-terrorist technique. It was developed in super concentrated amounts to be used in cases of biologic warfare, but then when diluted, they realized it was sweet and started adding it in very diluted amounts to soda, and sugar free options because it doesnt affect glucose pathways like sugar does.

    Huh? Where did you get this info from? Not trying to be rude just curious!
  • Miss_Chanelle
    Miss_Chanelle Posts: 87 Member
    I gave up all sodas juices any bottled drink , everything! I only drink water and rooibos tea now.... I feel much better.... all those sugar are bad, dont be fooled by diet sodas
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    I gave up all soda and honestly feel great, I felt the difference right away. When I do crave, I reach for soda water and that does the trick. I found I craved the bubbles more than the actual sweetness. I think that the downside of chemically made soda is worth giving it up and I get to eat more calories over drinking them. Now I can't stand regular soda drinks although every few weeks when I need a boost I reach for a small can of redbull.
  • jess393
    jess393 Posts: 220 Member
    I was never a big pop drinker to begin with(milk was my downfall :ohwell: ), and gave it up for good over 8 years ago. Don't miss it, LOVE water! I never had headaches, probably because I didn't drink a ton of it anyway.
  • DonttrythatwithME
    DonttrythatwithME Posts: 214 Member
    Its the aspartame that give you the hunger cravings for sweet things and also neotame is 13,000 times sweeter than table sugar, and about 30 times sweeter than aspartame, this is the stuff to try to avoid better off drinking regular IMO, I knock back probably a 500ml bottle of coke a week but it defiantly bloats me
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Did anyone else have brain fog from diet soda? Not headaches, but I'd have trouble concentrating and thinking straight. I only drank maximum 1 can a day. I stoppped, and am much better. Sugar cravings reduced too! If i really want coke as a mixer i'll drink the real thing and only a small amount, not v often.
  • SuzieBikiniBound
    SuzieBikiniBound Posts: 114 Member
    Gave it up Memorial day weekend and haven't had heart burn since then. Before giving it up I was treating heart burn daily. I usually drank a can a day. Or maybe a few glasses if in a restaurant. I've also given up whiskey for a month. I've been drinking only water, OJ with sparkling water or a bit of powerade after a workout. Mostly water though.