binge eating anyone?!

does anyone on here just ever want to binge eat?! its me! i hate it and don't know how to not do it! i do it even when i'm not hungry!!!


  • ZivileZu
    ZivileZu Posts: 56 Member
    Im soooo with you on that one :) It's like a habbit to me which I'm fighting my hardest to kick. I;ve manged to be good for the last few weeks or so... but I'm sort of dreading the moment when my resolve not to binge weakens...
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Yes! I've been able to cut back on it by not buying food that induces me to binge in the first place.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Yes! I've been able to cut back on it by not buying food that induces me to binge in the first place.

    ^ This. Easiest solution for me.
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    i feel like bingeing now but no i can not. i feel everyones pain!
  • Shantel0618
    Shantel0618 Posts: 34 Member
    I love to binge eat and then after im so mad at myself and feel like crap :(
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    Yep, never go to the grocery store hungry or thirsty, and don't bring the food in your house in the first place! I find new "trigger foods" all the time. I buy something that seems sensible, and then I eat the whole thing and have to adjust my meals to make up for it. Fortunately, I also love to binge on baby carrots, so I try to always have those handy.
  • katenmills
    katenmills Posts: 113 Member
    yeah, I am (trying to change that to 'was') a binge eater. it's been over a week since I last binged (major achievement for me believe it or not). what's helping me keep in control atm is making sure to eat something as soon as I get hungry (obviously something which I can incorporate into my daily cal goal) and spacing out my big meals evenly throughout the day. sugar in any form is a major trigger for me so I've cut it out of my diet for now, might incorporate it back in later down the track when I feel more in control. I also try and stay busy and avoid being alone. I never binge in front of people so when I get the urge, I go watch TV with my family or something. I take walks and drives when I feel overwhelmed also :)
  • Hatbre
    Hatbre Posts: 7 Member
    That's totally me...trying to change though cos its so ugly when I do it
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • I'm in the middle of one right now. The gym opens in 45 minutes and i'll make a beeline there. I feel pitiful.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Yes! I've been able to cut back on it by not buying food that induces me to binge in the first place.

    ^ This. Easiest solution for me.

    What do you do if you work with food? (other than find a new job, i'm trying haha)
    Oh, and also I live wt my family still... my biggest problem is bread I can't tell my parents to not bring it in the house when they eat it as well.
  • I'm with you! I binge ate almost every 2 or 3 days but now I'm trying to kick it. I've gone 9 days now without doing it and I intend to make that much longer! Just tell yourself 'no, I am NOT hungry. I am bored. I am procrastinating. I am ____' whatever the excuse may be. If you can't fight the urge, have one piece of fruit and then that's it until you're next set snack/meal time. You just have to truly want to stop, and you can!
  • .
  • Yes! I've been able to cut back on it by not buying food that induces me to binge in the first place.

    ^ This. Easiest solution for me.

    What do you do if you work with food? (other than find a new job, i'm trying haha)
    Oh, and also I live wt my family still... my biggest problem is bread I can't tell my parents to not bring it in the house when they eat it as well.

    I live with my family and younger siblings - who are 4 and 7 years old. They have a lot of junk food in the house and my step-dad has ice-cream and what not as well. You just have to choose the healthier alternative, buy your own healthier bread and keep it separate from your families. Or even get them to try and and you never know, they may decide they like it :)

    Also, as for working with food. Take it as a challenge to over come your cravings for that type of food. :)
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I get the urge every now and again.. It happens if I skip a meal though or dont eat much that day...
  • You just have to truly want to stop

    I think for some people, it's way, way more complicated than that. Reducing it to just a matter of having a weak will (while that certainly can be the case for a LOT of us) can be unproductive for people who have deep-seated (mind the pun) issues with food.
  • Selma10001984
    Selma10001984 Posts: 206 Member
    It happens sometimes and it's usually out of boredom or when you feel an emotional low.... the sollution to that problem for me is to distract myself by doing something fun and meaningful that doesn't involve food...When I (window)shop or go out in general to spend a good time with friends I forget about food. :)
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    Yes! I've been able to cut back on it by not buying food that induces me to binge in the first place.

    ^ This. Easiest solution for me.

    What do you do if you work with food? (other than find a new job, i'm trying haha)
    Oh, and also I live wt my family still... my biggest problem is bread I can't tell my parents to not bring it in the house when they eat it as well.

    I used to work in fast food and higher end restaurants so I feel your pain. Honestly I just had to force myself to eat side salads for my meals at work. Sometimes I'd eat an arby's burger (childrens size) for 250 cal.

    When I worked at a bakery that gave its employees free bread and dips (hummus, tapenade etc) I gained like ten pounds. Whoops.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Yes! I've been able to cut back on it by not buying food that induces me to binge in the first place.

    ^ This. Easiest solution for me.

    What do you do if you work with food? (other than find a new job, i'm trying haha)
    Oh, and also I live wt my family still... my biggest problem is bread I can't tell my parents to not bring it in the house when they eat it as well.

    I used to work in fast food and higher end restaurants so I feel your pain. Honestly I just had to force myself to eat side salads for my meals at work. Sometimes I'd eat an arby's burger (childrens size) for 250 cal.

    When I worked at a bakery that gave its employees free bread and dips (hummus, tapenade etc) I gained like ten pounds. Whoops.

    yuup i work at red rooster (fast food - chicken) and they give me free food all the time D: i just srsly wanna tell them NO! don't let me eat this **** anymore!
  • TinnedTuna
    TinnedTuna Posts: 208 Member
    I used to do it an awful lot but i have been able to cut it right back lately,
    I start thinking about it the night before, make special trips to the shops and eat in a lay-by on the way home so nobody finds out.
    it's awful, i hate myself for doing it, and i do it when i'm not even hungry ?