New user! Excited



  • mezzy11
    mezzy11 Posts: 41 Member
    No don't delete. It's a learning tool. Add me for support!!
  • Pampuryer
    Pampuryer Posts: 2
    I'm new today...hi...but I just want to say every day is a new day, have no regrets for yesterday, don't worry about tomorrow, just take one day at a time, and forgive yourself if you make a mistake. Every day is a blank sheet, a fresh start, you can do it, and so can I. :-)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    Don't delete!!! When you look back on your first day, you'll be so proud of the changes you are making! Stay strong - you got this!
  • thuy5
    thuy5 Posts: 22
    I cringe at what I used to eat, mince and cheese pie and a cream donut for breakfast on my way to work. That is more than half my days worth of calories now!
    Don't delete just move on and be proud of the changes you make from this point on!
  • jonward85
    jonward85 Posts: 534 Member
    My wife and I joined yesterday as well. After only one day on the site we realized that it's not so much what we're eating, but how much of it we've been eating. Also, it's amazing how fast some of these things add up. We were both over yesterday, but we're trying to do better today using the site and each other to hold ourselves accountable..
  • Lam75
    Lam75 Posts: 72
    One of the most important things I have learned is if the day goes bad it doesn't have to ruin things. I used to think, well I've already eaten all that rubbish, might as well eat some more. I try to think before I eat now and am doing better.