
I am doing all I can to lose the weight I need to lose. My problem is that I get only three hours of sleep a night, and you need sleep to lose weight. I am up from 11:30pm until about 8:30pm or 9:00pm most nights. I try and get rest in the day if I can, and I try and exercise every day if at all possible. If it comes down to resting or exercising I always choose resting. I am constantly putting food in my mouth every time I walk into the kitchen.

I have started using the food diary and have become more aware of what I am putting in my mouth. I have stopped eating the cookies and sweets. I cannot have chocolate because of a heart problem so that is not an issue.

I have been averaging about 1300 calories a day which is better than I was doing before. I still seem to be putting on weight even though I have cut back on the eating.

Does anyone have any suggestions that might work for me? I need or want to lose about 50 pounds.


  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    That definitely sounds frustrating!

    May I ask why it's not possible for you to get more sleep? Are you active during the hours that you are awake? Perhaps you aren't eating enough......and enough of the right things?
  • greatthursday
    It looks like you only joined in May. How long have you been logging?

    There are a number of different things that could be blocking weight loss at the beginning. The most common is underestimating food portions ... A cup of cereal is much smaller than you may think! The only way to be sure you are actually eating what you are putting in your diary is to measure. I am guilty of eyeballing it and, now, I am suffering for it. I have been stuck around the same weight for a long time.
  • boys4girls1
    I am up at night working, and I am home all day taking care of the kids. It is a rough schedule. They need to be in school at 8:10am. The Kindergrtener gets out at 11:30 and the third grader gets out at 2:05pm. I am still taking care of work util 9:30am so the minute I lie down I am having to get right back up again. I long for summer vacations because it is the only time that I do get rest.
  • boys4girls1
    I actually do measure what I eat so I know I am getting the right portions, and I am trying my best to not eat sweets anymore.
  • linochka1969
    linochka1969 Posts: 136 Member
    I cannot see your dairy, but I would suggest to cut your carbs as much as you can
  • Squeezalsize10
    thats harsh...they only thing i could think of is try and get naps in during the day if you can and if you feel the urge to snack stock up on the healthy items like fruit and protein bars they keep you fuller for longer. drinking lots of water helps too....get rid of any unhealthy items at home as it will help with the temptation. Hope that helps.