Gave up smoking, packed on lbs :(

I gave up smoking around 3 weeks ago and I can't stop eating. I expected to gain a couple of lbs (which I have) but now I need to get back on track. I tend to reach for sugar when I have a craving. I know this is the absolute worst thing to do but I can't help it.

Any ex-smokers got any tips for what to replace cigarettes with? I've tried brushing teeth and water but neither work for me. I already drank lots of water before I gave up so maybe that's why.

I really don't want to gain any more weight, I want to start losing again.


  • are you using a patch?
  • LauraSmyth28
    LauraSmyth28 Posts: 399 Member
    Yes super strength patch and inhalor.
  • get up and move when a craving hits. if you are running you won't feel like putting anything in your mouth, except air.

    eta...i quit smoking last October. haven't gained anymore weight than i weighed then, but it is slowly coming off. i rarely crave anymore.
  • Snow__White
    Snow__White Posts: 1,650 Member
    ice cubes
  • benich3043
    benich3043 Posts: 252 Member
    Whenever I used to get cravings, I would exercise. Eventually I found that I could breath easier while exercising and noticed how much the benefits of not smoking paid off. If you must have a snack, I have noticed the saltier snacks tend to help.

    Also, invest in gum. Not necessarily Nicorette, but just gum.

    Change your routine as well. If you get out of your old habits it will help you get out of this one at the same time.

    I went Cold Turkey with no meds or assistance in 2009 while serving in Afghanistan. If I can do it, you can do it! Good Luck!
  • lippy1727
    lippy1727 Posts: 53
    I gave up smoking in January and no longer do this but for the first few monthsi really struggled and found Polo's a good way as it kept my mouth busy, gives you the minty fresh taste like brushing your teeth noone wants to smoke with that feeling in your mouth as it would taste horrible. I have managed to only put on 3lbs since quitting smoking nearly 6 months ago. Everyone does it differently my partner had to use patches i just used will power. I also found exercise a good distraction as well.
  • parkers93
    parkers93 Posts: 80
    I gave up smoking for 3 years and suffered the same put on well on a stone.. Unfortunately I'm now smoking again.. Just waiting on some tablets to stop anyway enough of that. Have u tried chewing gum when u get the craving just give your mouth something else to do lol.
  • lippy1727
    lippy1727 Posts: 53
    I gave up smoking in January and no longer do this but for the first few monthsi really struggled and found Polo's a good way as it kept my mouth busy, gives you the minty fresh taste like brushing your teeth noone wants to smoke with that feeling in your mouth as it would taste horrible. I have managed to only put on 3lbs since quitting smoking nearly 6 months ago. Everyone does it differently my partner had to use patches i just used will power. I also found exercise a good distraction as well.

    Just make sure there the sugar free ones :-) and no more than packet a day i heard it has bad side effects
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    I've never been a smoker but a friend substituted carrot sticks for smoking in college.

    Chewing gum helped me quit biting my nails maybe that would help your sugar craving too since it's kind of sweet?
  • siliisobel
    siliisobel Posts: 49
    I did exactly the same thing when I stopped smoking. My way of thinking was I can lose the weight once I have got through stopping smoking, and I did. If you are still dealing with nicotine withdrawal I would suggest you just concentrate on that for now and dont try to do too much at once, stopping smoking is really difficult so dont beat yourself up too much about a few extra pounds, you can lose them at a later date. Or you could try mints or chewing gum :-) Good luck and good on you for stopping smoking, its the best thing I ever did.
  • RVfrog
    RVfrog Posts: 213 Member
    replace the cig. with something else to do....NOT food. clean, go visit a friend, call a friend, do charity work. etc.
  • sazzyp1973
    sazzyp1973 Posts: 517 Member
    find some sugar free lolly pops. They will keep your hands and mouth busy
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    the problem is "what to replace cigarettes with" Don't replace it with anything! I quit smoking on Jan 7th and have not gained a single lb. When I had a craving-I got busy doing something and the distraction worked. Do jumping jacks-brush your teeth-the craving only last 5 minutes or so and if you keep yourself busy it will go away.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    Sugarfree gum. Exercise.
  • LanderRose81
    LanderRose81 Posts: 237 Member
    Two things helped me...cough drops - I used those at work during my "smoke break" times - I'd pop one in my mouth and work through the break. When I was at home I would get up and do something, go pull some weeds or go for a walk - anything!

    I have been smoke-free for two years now.

    Good luck to you!
  • i exercised through that part and didn't pack on the pounds didn't lose didn't gain. And chewed gum for the really bad times you may find it harder to lose for a while don't give up!!!!! Your going to feel amazing when you can run without stopping and your friends and family are happy that you don't smell anymore. Feel free to add me for support!
  • ania0307
    ania0307 Posts: 49
    when i quit 2 years ago for 18 months i piled on 20 lb, lost a bit then a bit more when started smoking again
    i stopped again 8 weeks ago and i just want to eat chocolate - last few weeks i've been eating 4000calories a day (75%) from chocolate and cake lol
    but i'm eating weight watchers hard boiled sweets and chewing sugarfree gum (swett one) and it helps a bit
    still wanna snickers though lol
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I quit just over 2yrs ago and I haven't really had any problems with cravings after the first few weeks unless I'm mega stressed - that was always my key smoking trigger apart from the usually habitual practises.

    I found that the most satisfying things to 'replace' having a cigarette at those habitual times (with coffee, after meals ect) was chilli or wine! (obviously the wine wasn't always appropriate!!) Lol... Not necessarily together! I think it was the super strong flavours and a bit of a 'hit' that I craved... The intensity of the chilli (I snacked on anything doused in chilli - the hotter the better) and sipped on wine in the evenings when I was really craving.

    I know neither are good 'low calorie' options but I found it helped when I really needed help!! :happy:
  • nlawing
    nlawing Posts: 36
    I gave up smoking around 3 weeks ago and I can't stop eating.

    You are defeating yourself mentally. YES YOU CAN. You, and no one else, are in complete control of your body and what goes into it.

    Good luck to you.
  • diddyk
    diddyk Posts: 269 Member
    I quit smoking in February and over the course of 3 months gained about 20 pounds. I should have had it under control, but kept telling myself how much easier it would be to exercise if I could breath better.

    Now that I've gotten control of my cravings and motivation to exercise, the weight is coming off a lot easier. My stamina has increased 10 fold. In the last month I've lost 8 pounds without a whole lot of effort.

    IMO, don't worry about the weight gain. Quitting smoking is the best thing for you. I just hit my 4 month mark and feel incredible!