Life/Work/Kids/DH V exercise

My dilema is: I'd love to be able to work out more, like 6 days a week. But with working mon-friday, up at 6am, 2 small kids, I don't get a whole load of time to exercise.

I generally exercise after the kids go to bed, so hit the gym at 7.45pm. Spend about 1hr30mins exercising, cool down, shower, home by 9.45ish.

My DH minds the kids and alot of the time, he tells me to go. But when we have a row/discussions, he brings up the fact that I exercise alot. I go to the gym say on a monday, spin/gym for a while on a wednesday, run on a friday maybe and then I try to get out for another run over the weekend. When I go out for a run, it's only 1hr.

The gym is some ME time. I get very stresesd over the smallest things, suffer with stomach cramps/bloating as a result and the gym etc destresses me. I feel guilty going, leaving him and the kids. Guilt, guilt, guilt. I know my DH doesn't really mind me going but when he throws it back in my face..........

Oh I don't know. Sorry for the long post, was thinking about this going to bed last night as we had a sit-down adult conversation about our relationship last night. Fertility treatment, 2 kids back to back (our DD was a surprise baby when our DS was 4.5months old), stress of having 2 small kids, life etc.....our marriage has taken some real knocks over the past 5 years.


  • chowells78
    chowells78 Posts: 17
    I'm sorry I don't really have any advice but wanted to say hi as we have a lot in common, I have 3 children and like you I to fell pregnant with a surprise baby when my second was only 4 months old so I know how tough it is. I also work mon-fri and struggle to fit the exercise in. I've sent you a friend request hope you don't mind.
  • denisebme
    denisebme Posts: 103 Member
    I think there are some things that you need to do for you, and getting healthy is one of them.
    I've been married for a long time, my husband and I raised 6 kids, it doesn't matter if its 2 kids or 10, its a strain when you have have a lot of other things going on.
    Both you and your husband need "ME" time, and it should be non-negotiable, and no one should be upset, or using it as a weapon for an argument.
    When our kids were young, my husband and I would argue on occasion, especially if there was a lot of other stress in our life. I learned that he was never really upset because I was leaving him with the kids for an hour here or there, even if thats what he said he was upset about. Normally, what he was really upset about was that we weren't spending enough time together doing things as a couple.
    It's a tough balancing act for women, but you're doing great.
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I'm sorry I don't really have any advice but wanted to say hi as we have a lot in common, I have 3 children and like you I to fell pregnant with a surprise baby when my second was only 4 months old so I know how tough it is. I also work mon-fri and struggle to fit the exercise in. I've sent you a friend request hope you don't mind.

    Hey there, no problem. Hope we can support each other!
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    I learned that he was never really upset because I was leaving him with the kids for an hour here or there, even if thats what he said he was upset about. Normally, what he was really upset about was that we weren't spending enough time together doing things as a couple.
    It's a tough balancing act for women, but you're doing great.

    This is soooooo true. I know he is just upset over the lack of time we spend together. He goes for a walk with a friend on a tuesday and he might hit the gym on a thursday/friday evening so we both exercise, just me more.

    We are taking this coming monday/tuesday off and we are going for lunch somewhere nice and spending some time together. It's hard to balance it all and find a good happy medium.

    thanks for the replies.
  • ATLMel
    ATLMel Posts: 392 Member
    If evenings aren't working, getting up a couple hours early would. then you have all kinds of quality time after the kiddos go to bed.

    Staying fit is extremely important and should take precedence. But I always try to schedule it so it has the least impact possible on my partner and our life.
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    If evenings aren't working, getting up a couple hours early would. then you have all kinds of quality time after the kiddos go to bed.

    Staying fit is extremely important and should take precedence. But I always try to schedule it so it has the least impact possible on my partner and our life.

    Getting up a few hrs early means 4am for me. I'm up at 6am for work anyway. No gym here in Ireland opens before 6am and I mostly work out in the gym. I would if I could, trust me!!!
  • Agree with another poster. Can u exercise at 5am afew days? I do that so that i have more time with my family.
  • Just saw your response to the other poster. How about running outdoors at 5? Or getting some equipment to use at home? Does your gym have childcare?
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    As I said above, I exercise mostly in the gym. My running is put on hold for a little while as I'm having glute muscle issues so I mostly go to the gym to do low impact cardio and my weights. Spin class also on a wednesday.

    Our 2 kids can wake at 6am and I feel gulty then leaving my DH to look after them at the weekend morning also. See.....more guilt??!!!!!!:laugh:
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    Just saw your response to the other poster. How about running outdoors at 5? Or getting some equipment to use at home? Does your gym have childcare?

    Oh sorry, our posts overlapped.

    We are renting a house and tbh, houses in Ireland don't have a basement like other countries and rooms are small hence 0 space for equipment. DIfferent story if I won the euromillions however!! THen I would have a mega gym at home.

    No my gym doesn't have childcare, not many in Ireland do.

    Oh ye and my gym doesn't open til 8.30am at the weekends and we usually spend sat morning food shopping etc. I think I should ditch sleep altogether.Gyms should be open 24-7 like some supermarkets here. Life would be wayyyyyyyy more productive IMO!
  • nauticaboo
    nauticaboo Posts: 38 Member
    I am a single Mom, with no ex in the picture, so I have my DD 24/7. Plus, she was also a product of fertility treatments, so I didn't want to be one of those Moms who worked all day, did my own thing afterwards, and not have time to do anything with DD. I found that by rushing to go get her every day, it left me cranky, short of patience, burnt out, and irritable. I HAD to strike a balance. What I do now is, leave her at Daycare almost until closing time on MWF, so that I can get about 45 min - 1 hour of gym time in before picking her up. Then on the other days when I pick her up right after work, I do something short at home, like 30 Day Shred, or dance games on the XBox/Wii to get some cardio in, and then we can have some quality time. Plus, my DD is still young enough (just turned 3), that I can put her in the jogging stroller, and go for a walk/run. That way, I kill two birds with one stone (quality time and exercise time).

    Could you do something similar? Maybe leave the kids where they are a little bit later, and then get your exercise out of the way? That way you could have evenings at home, without having to worry about going back out at night. Goo dluck, and I hope you find some balance!
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    Could you do something similar? Maybe leave the kids where they are a little bit later, and then get your exercise out of the way? That way you could have evenings at home, without having to worry about going back out at night. Goo dluck, and I hope you find some balance!

    I wish I could. I collect the kids from the creche at 4.30pm as my DH isn't home til 6.30pm and the kids aren't on any sleeps anymore so are wrecked from their day so they have to be in bed at 7.15ish.

    I know it sounds like I am making one excuse after the other but I've thought about everything.

    I love working out and keeping fit...LOVE IT!!! I just wish I could fit more in. ONe day I will be a lady of leisure and then I can exercise every day without having to watch the clock.
  • lynnmarie60
    lynnmarie60 Posts: 325
    My husband and I have six kids and we both have scheduled exercise. He does hockey certain days and times during the week (we have a big calendar that marks everything down for all to see) and I do Zumba twice a week on certain days and times and in between we take 45-60 mins at home to exercise in our workout room (basement filled with equipment) while the other takes the kids over for that time,; if we can fit it in, we take it day by day. Most of the time, we switch at home, one night I give the kids baths while he exercises and by time they are all finished with baths he can help dress them and then the next bath night he gives the bath while I exercise downstairs and then I help get them ready for bed. This works out wonderful for us.

    We use to be at each other throats to and I use to feel guility as well but with the scheduled times that is decided upon by BOTH of us, it really eases ALL that guilt and stress and the other doesn't feel overwhelmed with the kids because they know they have their time to.

    If your husband doesn't exercise or is physically involved in sports, maybe he would like to do something else while you watch the kids a couple days a week, compromise and work together so your both happy because if your not happy then the kids aren't happy.
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 866 Member
    And this is why I did not exercise for a few years. We were having kids (we now have 6) and with all of their activities and such, I felt guilty leaving at night to work I did not.

    Had 6th child at 39 and could really tell that my body had changed and I was losing muscle tone. So, I talked to DH (who works out 6 days a week and always has) that I needed to join a gym. Now at times, I feel badly when I am leaving everyone (I am now the Zumba teacher at the gym and I have some classes at 9pm) but, I give my family 23 hours a day, so it is OK for me to have 1 hour to take care of myself.

    Maybe you cul cut your workout down to one hour and shower at home. That way you are only gone for 1 hour 15-30 minutes instead of 2 hours. Sure, if you shower at home you are not "with him" but for him, you are home...and that might be good enough.

    It is difficult to balance everything, I do hope that you two can figure out what works best for both of you.
  • Glovesave3373
    Glovesave3373 Posts: 92 Member
    I understand completely about being to busy my wife and I were just talking about that last night as well. I play hockey 2 nights a week and bowl 1 night a week during the fall/winter and spring. Meanwhile she only gets to play soccer once a week and maybe get out for a run or zumba class one other night a week. We too have two little ones, 2 and 6 months and we both use our sports and working out to relax and as a stress release.
    Now here is the tricky part... my wife is not fat like me, but she is great in that she has joined MFP with me to help catalogue her eating habits because she too has a stomach issue. At the same time she supports me on MFP in my goal to lose weight and I support her in eating the foods her stomach can tolerat. Together we make food that is good healthy meals and try to keep going.

    My suggestion to you is try to get your DH to join MFP and maybe he will understand a little more about why you need to go to the gym. My thoughts yesterday were, at what point does going to the gym become selfish to your family, but because you go to the gym you are becoming healthier for your family and setting a good example especially for the little ones who watch and learn from everything you do.

    Keep on keeping on and you will be fine... and if you can't get to the gym, maybe you could get your DH to help and do some partner assisted exercises like sit-ups or push-ups or maybe grab the Wii and play some Wii games after the kids go to bed. Make it fun and maybe your DH will want to share in your MFP and fitness journy.

  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 483 Member
    Sure, if you shower at home you are not "with him" but for him, you are home...and that might be good enough.

    Hey that might be part your shower with him!!!
  • wedjul05
    wedjul05 Posts: 472
    True LOL. We are in a rental house at the min and the shower is mankey and small. One day I will have that double shower to die for! I love my showers anyway:tongue:
  • sarahcuddle
    sarahcuddle Posts: 349 Member
    I have two children and finding time to exercise is really difficult sometimes. Can you do some active things together as a family eg country walks/jogs (pushing a buggy if need be) , swimming when you can alternate looking after the kids with a few laps. Things like zumba or wii fit with the kids at home. I know all these things are a compromise and not a proper workout but they would take some of the pressure off your other half. Even my 4 year old can go on quite long hikes now in the countryside and I've always taken them from being babies. You just need the right equipment like a carrying rucksack for a toddler etc.

    Hope this helps

  • Hi i have that problem too as i like to exercise out of the house 3 times a week , i work 4 nights so my husband spends alot of the time with the 5 kids, so we make sure he gets some him time too (he likes the pub lol not so keen on exercising) does your dh get any him time? I also make sure we get couple time as well when kids r in bed as i feel this is important to, so you get the communication and no one feels left out or like a single parent, you just need to find what suits both of you and fits into your life sometimes easier said than done i know lol.
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    I post this on the forums a lot, because it's awesome. The concept is that if you have a minute here, a minute there (enough time to play Angry Birds, in other words), you have time to work out.