Please Help me I've stopped losing wieght!!!!



  • you need to up your calories....

    tdee-15%.....and go from there...will take a few weeks before you start loosing again but you need to fuel your body.
  • Kgprice11 had a very good point. Assuming no medical issues, hitting a "plateau" is actually a good thing. It means that your body is getting stronger and more efficient. The human body is a marvelous machine. As you get stronger, your body begins to adjust to the exact amount of calories it needs to burn in accordance with your routine. Sometimes one can do something as simple as re-arranging the order of the exercises that one does to cause muscle confusion and "kickstart" the "engine" into high output burning again. Other times you may need to do completely different exercises. This is the backbone of "muscle confusion" routines like P90 and Insanity. ...(and NO...I'm not trying to plug any product or routine). I'm just saying something different...that's all. You'll be fine.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member

    Yeah I eat till I'm full, but the things i pick normally do not have alot of calories in them. The tuna sandwhich you are seeing is only a half a sandwhich. I do not eat a whole sandwhich for lunch. Yes, I excercise a few times a week on my treadmill for about half an hour or sometimes an hour just depends. I don't record my workouts, because I never wanted to eat back my calories. I drink water, but I don't record that. But no I don't drink as much as i should. I probably drink 16-32 oz of water a day.

    You should eat back your workout calories.

    "The most effective way to lose weight is to consume fewer calories than you expend, creating a calorie deficit. But if your calorie intake dips too low, says Lummus, your body could go into starvation mode. "Your body will start to store fat because it thinks it is not going to get anything," says Lummus. "You will be at a point where your body is kind of at a standstill."

    Lummus says that when your body goes into starvation mode, your metabolism slows to a crawl, burning calories as slowly as possible to conserve its energy stores. This is why people who cut their calories too much may reach a plateau and stop losing weight.

    Eating too few calories can be the start of a vicious cycle that causes diet distress. When you cut your calories so low that your metabolism slows and you stop losing weight, you probably will become frustrated that your efforts are not paying off. "
  • SoozeE512
    SoozeE512 Posts: 439 Member
    If I were you, I'd add sodium and sugar to your tracking. You might be doing okay there, but it can't hurt to keep an eye on those things just in case. This site seems to set sodium at 2,500 but I've read elsewhere that 1,500 is a healthier standard for adults.

    Also, I'd been at a standstill in my weightloss recently; so for a week or two, I allowed myself to have up to 100-200 extra calories a day, and decreased my activity level significantly. After that, I began focusing more on cutting down on sodium and limiting my calories again, and I'm beginning to notice my numbers on the scale heading back in the right direction.

    I guess, sometimes you just need to give things a break to get things going again!
  • kateflourishes
    kateflourishes Posts: 246 Member
    Just because you're losing weight doesn't mean you're losing it from your waist- I've heard of a "top-down" theory that bascially says you lose weight in your face first, and then down your body. I've lost 8 lbs but three inches from under my bust- and only 1 inch from my waist. Weight from the tummy is often the last to go- of course, this depends on your body type.

    Also, after a month or so of losing weight, I hit a wall too- actually gained a few lbs back! Then I upped my calories to AT LEAST my BMR (per the Fat2Fit website calculator) of 1401, and I've lost almost 2lbs in a week since then. 1200 works for the first bit but as you become regularly more active your body needs more fuel to build muscle and burn fat. Check out the Fat2Fit website, it's helpful.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me :-)
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Up your protein, increase calories to 1400 and change up exercise - some kind of bodyweight exercises rather than just cardio.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Try working out at least 5 days a week!