Couch 25k

empeyl Posts: 19 Member
I have been wanting to do the Couch to 5k for such a long time. I have started it like 3 times get half way through it and lose all motiviation. Any ideas on how i can get through the whole program without losing the motivation or just getting bored?


  • PitBullMom_Liz
    PitBullMom_Liz Posts: 339 Member
    Find a recording online of just the voice telling you when to walk and jog, and then add your own music into it. MUCH better that way.
  • empeyl
    empeyl Posts: 19 Member
    I have a program on my phone couch 25k and it has music and everything...its not that its the fact that like after week 3 i just dont feel like doing it anymore
  • angieroo2
    angieroo2 Posts: 973 Member
    perhaps running isn't your thing? or if you think it is, then where are you running? treadmill? outdoors? If you're on a treadmill get outside and go on streets you're not familiar with, enjoy the sights. find a trail or something.
  • hahandel
    hahandel Posts: 134 Member
    Do you have a smartphone and use facebook ? I downloaded an app to my iPhone that would post my run to facebook and for some strange reason this really motivated me to run the program three times a week.

    Do you run outside? It's sooooo much better than running on the treadmill.

    Sign up for a race that is around the time you will end the program.

    I'm on wk9, day 2 and run my first 5k on 6/16/12. Running this race will be one of the biggest accomplishments of my life.

    You can do it! Running makes you feel healthly and strong! Do it!!!
  • empeyl
    empeyl Posts: 19 Member
    I want it to be my thing :-) I hear its a fantastic way to get a good cardio workout in. I have done it on a treadmill and have tried it outside but found i got winded alot faster outside. I live in the country so its the same old boring roads. I may try to find some fun trails in the area to try
  • isouda
    isouda Posts: 5 Member
    Can you find someone nearby to train with? I train with my daughter and having someone to talk to and point out sights to as we go along is a real help. Also we find then we never both want to give up at the same time and it is a real incentive to keep going when you know someone else is waiting for you.
  • nichole325
    nichole325 Posts: 244 Member
    I have a program on my phone couch 25k and it has music and everything...its not that its the fact that like after week 3 i just dont feel like doing it anymore

    I can completely agree with you, while I think it's a great program...I just get so bored with it (along with other things such as the 30DS by Jilian Michaels.).

    I have definitely seen the benefits from running and I plan to continue to do so.

    Try to set your own schedule and mini goals.

    For example, this past week I ran a 5K STRAIGHT on Monday....I couldn't believe it....and yesterday I did 2.5 miles...when I started running I couldn't even run 30 seconds without wanting to pass out.

    When you start to run, only stop if something starts to hurt or if you feel like you're seriously going to pass out. I realized that it is truly mind over matter. When I'm running, i'm sweating really bad...I feel like I can't breathe, but I just tell myself its only 45 minutes out of my whole life and just to push through it.

    A mini goal you could set is to run a mile without stopping, then run 1.5 miles without stopping, then maybe say you want to run a mile in 12 minutes (or whatever time amount you want) I'm telling you you feel so good once you hit those goals!
  • happyfrogg
    happyfrogg Posts: 86 Member
    I start week 5 of the program today, and this is my 4th (or 5th? it's hard to keep track...) time trying to do this. The previous times I never made it past week 2. This time I forced myself to go just one day longer than I had the last time; after that, I felt like I just earned a freaking trophy, and so far that has been keeping me going. Seriously, it appears my body can run for 5 minutes straight, multiple times! Who knew? I've never done that before, not even in high school when I was in good shape. So for me, continuing to run comes from a sense of accomplishment and a sense of wonder. My body can do things I never knew it could, and each day that I run, my body does another new amazing thing or proves that these amazing things aren't just one-offs or exceptions, but actual, real accomplishments.

    I run outside; I can't imagine doing this on a treadmill. I'd be really bored. I know you said you just have country roads to run on. Well, I "just" have my residential neighborhood, and I've run the same route for 4 weeks now. Each time there's something new to notice-- the bird's nest in someone's gutter, the irises blooming, and now the lilies, etc. It's also the only time I really spend outside, so I like to soak up the sunshine rather than the fluorescent lighting. Running outside is more difficult because you're propelling yourself along, not having a machine help you out. So yes, you might get more winded running outside; that just means there's more room for improvement!

    Having said all that... the other times I tried this program? I gave up because I just didn't like running. (I still don't know that I like running, but I do really like the feeling I get when I'm done, clearly.) And there's nothing wrong with not liking running! You can try something else instead. Zumba class, Just Dance for the Wii, go for a bike ride or a walk, swim laps, practice yoga... Running isn't the only exercise in the world. Good luck!
  • happyfrogg
    happyfrogg Posts: 86 Member

    I'm on wk9, day 2 and run my first 5k on 6/16/12. Running this race will be one of the biggest accomplishments of my life.

    Yay! Congrats! Be sure to get on here and tell us how the race goes. :D
  • hahandel
    hahandel Posts: 134 Member

    I'm on wk9, day 2 and run my first 5k on 6/16/12. Running this race will be one of the biggest accomplishments of my life.

    Yay! Congrats! Be sure to get on here and tell us how the race goes. :D

    Thanks! I'm sure I'll be telling anyone that will listen!

    Picturing the finish line at a race also keeps me motivated to keep running.
  • adampk17
    adampk17 Posts: 15
    I finished the C25K two weeks ago and I run my 5K race tomorrow. Yea!


    Run outside. I started the program on a treadmill because I was embarrassed to run outside and boredom was a problem. Outside is MUCH better. Time seems to go by quicker.

    Run with a partner when ever possible. Time goes even quicker and I seem to run a little faster without trying.

    Pick a 5K and sign up for it now! Hold yourself accountable. This worked for me :)

    Good luck!
  • SueD66
    SueD66 Posts: 405 Member
    It sounds like it is something you want since you have started it over a couple of times. First off Good for you! Keep on keeping on. this next one just might be the one you stick with. I have found a very nice quiet place to do mine. for me i like to be alone when i'm working out. So i have looked for different routes to try until i found one that worked for me. If i get tired of it i will find a new one to try. Good Luck and stay positive
  • melhmltn2
    melhmltn2 Posts: 32 Member
    Im beginning the C25K program and I'm really enjoying it. If you are goal oriented set a goal for yourself. I'm very goal oriented and want to run a 5K. I found a 5K that is a couple of weeks after I finish the program and is for a charity I support, Autism Speaks. This is motivating to me, double fold. 5K is something I want and I teach young children with ASDs. It's a win win, after the 5K if I want o quit I can. Also, for more motivation I sent n email to family, friends, and coworkers asking them to join the 5k with me - accountability!