RUNNERS: come here!

How fast is your average mile? How long have you been running?

Also-- I've found that I really DO like to run... I'm finishing couch to 5k right now, and I find that in the first 8-10 min of running, I constantly think about quitting and starting again tomorrow... lol (I haven't quit.)--- do these feelings ever go away? Does it get easier?


  • gomisskellygo
    gomisskellygo Posts: 635 Member
    Bump..I am looking forward to the responses.
  • LeilaFace
    LeilaFace Posts: 412 Member
    I've been running only since mid January my furthest distance is 8 miles so far. I started out at a 12-minute mile and now I average about a 10 and 1/2 minute mile. I didn't do C25K instead i set weekly goals that alternated between distance and time then I got a running partner.

    The first mile is always a pain in the booty. I always want to quit during my first mile It takes that first mile to power through my shins hurting my joints cracking and my horrible mood being amplified by exercise. But after that first mile, I feel amazing and after 5 miles I feel excited and after 8 miles i feel like I can rule the world.
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    How fast is your average mile? 9:00-10:00 minute mile, usually 3-4 miles a day.

    How long have you been running? I started C25K last winter, finished last spring, have been running since then.

    do these feelings ever go away? not really- usually I feel tight in the first mile, but fine after that.

    Does it get easier? YES!!!! Keep at it!
  • vicki81868
    vicki81868 Posts: 262 Member
    I've only been running since mid-January as well. I run 3-4 miles 4 days a week now. I did a 5K in March and ran it at 12 min miles. Now I'm usually around 10.5 min miles on the 3 mile runs, and closer to 11 on the 4 mile runs.

    While I can't say I necessarily enjoy running, I am totally addicted to the post-run feeling. There is just nothing else like it. I love the way I feel for the rest of the day. And, in some ways, it's gets easier, but it's never "easy", if that makes any sense. =p
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I've been running since the end of December (started C25K then). I typically run 4 miles twice a week and I am up to 6.5 miles on the weekends. My pace ranges from 11 - 12 minutes. I did 4 miles at a 10:18 pace last week. Not sure where that came from!!!

    When I started running, it was my heartrate and breathing that slowed me down. Now, I have noticed that my heartrate stays in the 140's usually, and I don't really get out of breath, but my legs get tired. Guess that is because of running longer distance. As my legs get even stronger, I am sure my pace will pick up.

    Edit: I found that the first mile or so was hard, but lately that feeling has mostly gone away for me. So, it may for you too! Helps if I stretch a little and do a few high knees and buttkicks before I start running.
  • jfeh
    jfeh Posts: 30
    I just finished my first marathon, and have also run a half marathon, plus a few half marathon distances during training. I run about 5.6 miles per hour, running for about 5 years. I've gotten a bit slower as my form has improved.

    Running never gets "easier," but it evolves. The mile or 2 are always the worst, until your brain finally accepts that it's happening whether it wants to or not! My first run back after the marathon was about 5 miles and I thought it would be a was not. Every run is different. When you are having a bad one, try to replay in your head a really great one. Always think positive! Tell yourself that you ARE a runner, and a runner runs!

    I find that running, especially when you get into longer distances, is all a mental game. The best analogy I've heard is that a run is like life...there will be ups and downs, you just have to get through the downs and enjoy the ups!

    Work on form, read articles, look up the Map My Run website. Go slow and set attainable goals, this will help you feel successful and stick with it. Try to run without headphones and go between focusing on your running and letting your mind wander. Always think about how good you will feel AFTER the run when you are getting ready to go.

    The book "Born to Run" was quite interesting. A bit over the top at times, but some good and very interesting info, and definitely inspiring!

    Welcome to running! Let the endorphins flow!
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    Yes it does get easier...the first half mile I just use for a warm then I am feeling pretty darn good...just keep at it...
  • tinana_RN
    tinana_RN Posts: 541 Member
    Thank you all for the honest responses. I finished Couch to 5k yesterday and I'm feeling better than I have in a long time. I'm still pretty slow, but I also know that I need to keep at it and also continuing to lose weight will help me out.
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    I have been running for 2 years. My average pace is right around a 9min/mile but has dropped into the 8's on a couple of good days.

    I am training up for a half marathon again so right now I am running two days of 5 miles and then increasing my third run by a mile each week (this week is a 7 mile run).

    The first 2-3 miles suck for me but then everything kinda clicks. My husband is the opposite. The first couple of miles are good for him and then he falls apart.

    There will always be good runs and bad runs. There are some days when I slog through 5 miles and its all I can do to put one foot in front of the other. But then there are days when I finish 7 miles and want to keep going.
  • luvsdeals
    luvsdeals Posts: 105 Member
    It's still weird to think of myself as a runner--but I guess I am now. I started running in March and run usually 4 or 5 times a week now. I started with a 12 minute mile, but lately I'm running a 9:30/mile. My runs range from 2-6 miles. Strangely I find my pace is faster on my longer runs. I think the first 3/4 mile is the worst--wondering why I'm doing this and wondering if I'll really be able to have a good run. Then I just settle in. The longer I run the better it feels usually.
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    I have been running since last summer - I started with C25k too.

    My first initial pace averaged around 16 min mile....yes, I was slow but at least I was out there, shuffling along.

    This summer (and I have taken a few months off due to Plantars Fasciitis) I am running a lot faster. I average about 11-12 min mile. As a matter of fact, I have started the C25k program again (w1d3) and things are going pretty smoothly.

    My speed just happened naturally. I think I'm going to get even faster as I lose weight (I gained weight during my hiatus from running since I didn't do anything else) and run more.

    I am not a fast runner (explains why I hate racing lol) but at least I am running :-)
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I've been running for around 4 years, my pace varies with the distance being run.

    Sorry, my brain is metric so I'll let you do the math converting it to imperial.........on shorter runs (around 5km) I'll can run around 5:40/km, longer runs (training) as slow as 6;30 / km. My last half-marathon, IIRC, was about 6:10/km
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    My average is about 10:30/mile. I have only been running a little over three years so I'm still a bit of a newbie.

    I know I'm not fast, but I always complete any run/race I start! :happy:
  • 987Runner
    987Runner Posts: 209
    My average pace totally depends on race or training and distance doesn't affect my pace too much. I've kept both paces from five miles to 13.1 miles.
    Race: 8:35pace
    Train: 9:30pace
    I've been running off and on my whole life. I had many running nick names growing up. BUT, this is the first year I've dedicated myself to it more than a few months for a race or to shed a few pounds and stop again. It's a lifestyle for me now!

    I heard one time that it takes 12 weeks to make regular exercise routine in your life. I am SO there. I've been exercising consistently since the end of January. I'm so hooked on it that I'll wake up at 4:30am if I can't fit it in any other time of the day. So yes, if you keep up with it, it does get "mentally" easier! Remember, it's mostly mental too!

    Good luck!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    While pace varies with the distance I'm running, my "easy" pace is probably 8:30-8:35 min/mile.

    The longer you run, the easier it gets. Not neccessarily for a single run, I mean over time. Running was never that difficult for me, but there was a point where I turned the corner & it just became effortless at my easy pace.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I ran in my teens and 20s. then hurt my knee.

    I did other things in my 30s and early 40s to stay fit.

    I started jogging in February. Doing HiiT on the treadmill.
    Ran 3 miles for the first time in early May.

    Now I regularly run 5K in about 30 minutes.
    Today I did 4miles in 40:28. (which thrilled me to no end).

    My ultimate goal is to run 10K once a week and 5K 2-3 times a week.

    Minimalist shoes have made all the difference in the world. My knee doesn't hurt at all.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I'm still wondering when it gets easier and I've been told time and time again...with time it will eventually. I finished C25K a week or two ago and run about a 13 minute mile at a 5K distance. And that's my limit right now - 5K. By the end of that, I'm dying LOL. My average HR for that kind of run is around 171, with the max hitting the low 190's.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    How fast is your average mile? How long have you been running?

    Also-- I've found that I really DO like to run... I'm finishing couch to 5k right now, and I find that in the first 8-10 min of running, I constantly think about quitting and starting again tomorrow... lol (I haven't quit.)--- do these feelings ever go away? Does it get easier?

    I run at a 9:50-10 min/mile pace and I can keep that pace for many miles hahaha you can do it keep it up!!
  • eesmetana
    eesmetana Posts: 60 Member
    How fast is your average mile? About 12 minutes or so at the moment, just started C25K last Sunday -- hoping to whittle that time down over the weeks to come.
  • redtim22
    redtim22 Posts: 144
    Been running since early April I do a 9 minute mile. I ran my first 5k Easter Sunday at a time of 29:27!! Now I pretty much do it everyday usually about 2 miles a day.