Whole Eggs VS Egg Whites



  • Jugie12
    Jugie12 Posts: 282 Member
    I like www.eggwhitesint.com - that way, I can either drink the whites for a fast protein shake with some milk or I can use them in baking or making scrambled eggs for dinner ... whatever I want. I LOVE whole eggs but this way I don't have the mess with the yolks and it just ends up saving me time.
  • FTClown
    FTClown Posts: 181
    Just to fix that issue ^^, Yes the protein in the egg white is digested faster and cleans/clears out quicker, but when it comes to comparing from yolk to white it is almost 50/50, so no real issue about Protein. But all the "good" stuff you get from yolks are all easily consumed from other foods throughou the day. The only real problem with yolks is Cholesterol. Even though the body needs some cholesterol, a single yolk gives you about 80% of what your body needs daily, so unless you plan on cutting out chicken and other goodies that also give cholesterol, it might be best to go full egg whites. I love the TASTE of egg whites, so removing yolk is not to much of an issue.

    But bottom line, the best thing anyone can do is if you are concerned about any of this (to much or to little, good stuff vs bad stuff) see your doctor and ask these very same questions. That way you know for sure what is right, it is always what I do.