Feeling overwhelmed

I started back to grad school today after a two year break, and man am I feeling stressed. I usually only take 1-7week class at a time, but to graduate sooner I am taking two this semester. I am feeling very overwhelmed just trying to figure out what is due for what class, plus thinking about working all day, going to the gym, making dinner, doing homework and still having *some* time to myself. Ugh.

I am afraid my work outs and diet is going to suffer from being too stressed. I know lots of other people have a lot more on their plates, like kids. How do you do it?


  • jocelyne2
    jocelyne2 Posts: 271 Member
    hmmmm Kids !!!! I have a 5 year old with ADHD and I just take it one mental breakdown at a time. :laugh:
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    hmmmm Kids !!!! I have a 5 year old with ADHD and I just take it one mental breakdown at a time. :laugh:
    Oh thats funny! i have 2 kids.. and IM the one with ADD lol.. so i will take 2 of those mental breakdowns! lol

    To the OP... you can do it! just take one day at a time.. make a plan. and prioritize =] GL you can do it!
  • Alafia22
    Alafia22 Posts: 112
    I'm in a very similar predicament.

    I'm in my second year at a two year school as a general studies major (Registered Nursing Intent).
    Not only do I have a full course load (13 credits) but one of those classes is known as the "weeder" course (Human Anatomy and Physiology).
    I am also a officer position holding member of four clubs, I work part time and I have a 4 year old daughter at home.

    I'm concerned about keeping my grades up because this is my transfer year and I'd like to attend a great four year. Not to mention the nursing program is REALLY competitive. (so competitive, i'm thinking of becoming a Doctor instead..)

    Last week i almost had a break down. The stress became too much and my uncle died on top of that.

    My diet has suffered quite a bit. I felt so stressed that I didn't care about what I ate AT ALL and I was way to guilty to log anything down. I'm am trying to make an effort not to eat emotionally at least. (since i have no time to exercise)

    Take it one day at a time, you'd be surprised how amazing you are.... I just wanted to let you know that someone out there understands your pain.

    You can do it!!!

    -LaToya :smile:
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    i know what you mean. i have 2 kids and a pretty stressful job (which i do love) i use my exercise as a venting point. i tell myself that if i dont exercise i will let everything bottle up and have a break down. this seems to work for me. i get 3-4 work outs in a week, sometimes more.

    good luck and keep your head up you are WORTH IT!:flowerforyou:
  • MollySue30
    MollySue30 Posts: 288 Member
    I am right there with you, I work full time and take 2 classes every 12 weeks plus I have 2 school aged girls and plus I have medical problems. I finally broke down last night to my husband and he told me that if I don't take a break from school then I am going to end up in the hospital. I never had enough time to do anything but study and work.

    I would say take it a day at a time and try to make time for you because we all need a break. I plan on finishing up school once I get my medical problems under control

    Good Luck
  • MichelleWagner50
    MichelleWagner50 Posts: 240 Member
    You are not alone!! I recently went back to school after a 15 yr. break. I was taking 2 classes at a time for a nine week period online, and had to drop one of them for this session. I just couldn't keep up with school and 3 school aged kids. I don't know how you guys do it who work on top of that!!
    Just try to focus on one day at a time or one thing at a time and it will help you not get so overwhelmed. I also agree that you should keep exercising for the stress relief. Good luck!!:smile:
  • BossyGirl
    BossyGirl Posts: 173 Member
    Im in the same shoes as you are. Although I really want to lose like 10lbs, right now my goal is just maintaing my current weight, and not gaining any. I got to school full time (4 classes), work 3-12 hour shifts a week at the hospital- (talk about stressful job!) I have a 21 month old son. I started to gain weight and I stopped myself.
    I will work on seriously losing the weight after my school slows down.
    Also consider this- If you are this stressed, then maybe you should slow down......i know graduating soon seems really important, but your health and mental well being is more important.
    Im going to cut back next semester, whether it be school or work, because Im just toooooo stressed!
    Just stay strong and stay focused and tell yourself often that this schedual of yours will not last forever!
  • rob_in_wisc
    Give something else up. I used to make excuses for not exercising, but when I really/honestly sat down and figured out where I spend my time, I found out I could make time. I gave up some sleep and most of my TV time. Now I get up everyday at 3:30 am and work out before my work day. I really do not miss the TV and the stress release from working out is great.