Are you attacking the SUPREME 90 DAY CHALLENGE?

Hello my fellow Supreme 90 Day Challengers??? How are you all holding up?? I am only on my 17th day (YEEEEES!!!!! I finally get another rest day lol) but I can already see changes in my abs! It has always been rather easy for me to gain ab definition though because I have been a dancer for the past 25 years; my trouble area is MY THIGHS!!!! I gain muscle rather quickly so I need to work on slimming my thighs....uuuugh

What day are you on?

Have you seen many changes in your body? If so, what changes are you experiencing?

Are you following the food plan well? I am rather enjoying the food plan but I occasionaly find myself sneaking the occasional sweet into my diet when I have extra calories remaining. (I know, I know...epic fail but I am trying)

I would love to hear feedback regarding your Supreme 90 Day Challenge.



  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I LOVE IT! started out strong. kind of fell off - getting into walking/running intervals & doing a 5K Saturday. I'm just too lazy to do intervals AND S90 but I'll do it a couple days a week with ya. I love the results too and I do (kind of) follow the meal plan - I tweak it cause I don't like or can't afford some of the foods on there.

    I'm down. I'm in training! LOL
  • daveclrk58
    daveclrk58 Posts: 258
    The Inferno kicked my butt. I just started Monday but I love it so far!
  • Luffzilla
    Luffzilla Posts: 11 Member
    I'm thinking of starting that soon actually. :P
  • dhoody
    dhoody Posts: 49
    I wanna can i start??
  • I just started on Tuesday! I love it! Definitely right up my alley! Tabata Inferno was this one??

    So glad I found a group using this system as well! Good luck!
  • I am bout to do the Inferno in a few minutes....kinda nervous! lol How did you like it over all?
  • Brandmire
    Brandmire Posts: 2
    What is this challenge, I am intrigued
  • Kandi150
    Kandi150 Posts: 167 Member
    What is this? I guess I could always Google it. lol
  • sully53174
    sully53174 Posts: 1 Member
    I am doing it but am also doing straight cardio on every other day. Tabata Inferno kicks you butt however I feel AWESOME when I finish it. never knew 15 or 30 seconds could be sooooo long. Am noticing changes but I definitely have to get better with food.
  • Tabata Inferno lived up to its name! That was one of the hardest work outs I have done in 3 years...WOW!!
  • dhoody
    dhoody Posts: 49
    lol no 1 knows...
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    On day 50! Amazing program........

    Not following the diet plan but definitely eating clean and adding more cardio as i go. I stop when i feel pain and tightness and i am proud to say i went all the way on the cardion challenge this week. "YOu will get a kickass workout everytime. My arms have gotten bigger, my ab is gaining definition and my thighs are slimmer. I am done 10ibs and that is with taking a week off, having weeks with hoorible diet overage and so on.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I am about 45 days in - went to the pool today with my daughter & she complimented my belly area - she's like 'nothing's hanging over! how'd you do that?!' I said 'supreme 90 - *****' Lol

    I like it and like the results I'm getting
  • relly1008
    relly1008 Posts: 175 Member
    Is this something similar to p 90 x?
  • yes, it's pretty much a P90x knock off...but P90x doesn't have the Tabata Inferno..which hurt but was awsome!
  • you can purchase it for 6.99 from stores like Ross, Burlingtons and a few others!! it is like P90x but MUCH cheaper!!
  • spresley89: tabata is the HARDEST one so far!!! glad you survived it!!! i dread it every time but i feel SOOOOOO good after!!!!
  • Obum88: woooow!!! i cannot wait until the day i can say I am on day 50!!! great job!!!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    To the people asking: Supreme 90 Day is basically a P90X knockoff that puts its own little spin on things. Only equipment required is a balance ball and dumbbells. And unlike P90X you cannot substitute bands for dumbbells. You need the real thing here.
  • gotta look into this, I have been doint p90x for the last 2 weeks, so far so good!!!