How To Follow Your Calorie Count?

So I have been doing the whole lose.gain.lose.gain.lose.lose.gain thing and kinda dancing around a plateau right now. I am about 30 pounds away from my goal weight, and am now wondering if I am misinterpreting my calories. My goal is set at 1200. So does that mean I only want to eat 1200 a day regardless of the amount of activity/exercise I do? Or am I just shooting to stay under the count? Or am I supposed to be looking at my net? I am just looking for advice and ideas on how to keep losing, get thru my plateau and lose that last 30 pounds. Thanks for reading.:smile:


  • ca_martin
    ca_martin Posts: 1
    From what I understand, the goal you set is the NET of all the calories for the day. When you go to add foods you can also add exercises which subtract from the total. The body requires a certain number of calories to maintain your current weight so as long as you net out under that you will lose weight. The more under each day, the more you lose.

    Off to a bike ride, need to stay under the red line. :)
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    Whats your height and weight like?I think you are eating too less.

    you can use this site to determine ur BMR,eat your BMR no matter what.MFP shows net calories,meaning energy burned-excercise lets say your tdee is 1800.and you burn 400 calories every day. then that figure in MFP is 1800-400=1400. so you want to be eating around 1600 calories to do a net of 1200 a day(ie 1600-400).
    Dont be intimidated when you see an initial 1 or 2 pound gain.

    I was 190 pounds i got to 160 pounds in 3 months and then i was there infinitely.I was eating only 1200.I upped my calories so i can have a net of 1350(MP suggested),so i eat around 1750 calories and burn 400,so my net is 1750-400=1350.I have been losing around 1 pound a week ever since.I have 20 pounds to go(i gained 15 on my honeymoon ;))

    Do friend me if you feel like/feel free to ask more questions.
  • DreaFitX
    DreaFitX Posts: 46 Member
    I am 5'4 and currently 190.8 my goal weight is 160. Currently for Today my net is 773 so If I ended things there am I doing it right?
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I'm curious where the "eat your BMR no matter what" advice is from. I'm not saying explain to me the logic, I mean is it MFP's recommendation or what? Is it printed somewhere besides in forum posts? I've never seen that rec before but here it seems to be everyone's mantra. Thanks.
  • DreaFitX
    DreaFitX Posts: 46 Member
    I used that site and it says my BMR is 1634 and my TDEE is 2533. So then is the amount of calories I want to burn daily 434 or 1333?
  • DreaFitX
    DreaFitX Posts: 46 Member
    calculation based on BMR-1200 and TDEE-1200 and 1200 is my MFP suggested calorie goal.
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    A 31 year old male, 5'4", who weighs 160, and basically has a desk job and doesn't get much if any exercise would eat about 2,000 calories a day to MAINTAIN his weight. If that's what you want to weigh then NET 2,000 calories a day and EVENTUALLY you will weigh 160 pounds without starving/depriving yourself.

    Edited to correct spelling errors.
  • DreaFitX
    DreaFitX Posts: 46 Member
    but i am a female
  • sting5
    sting5 Posts: 408
  • bdg511
    bdg511 Posts: 2
    3,500 calories in 1 pound of fat. Reduce your intake by 500 a day times 7 days in a week equals a loss of 1 pound. A loss of 2 pounds a week is a daily deficit of 1000 calories. Multiply your daily deficit by 7 and then divide by 3500 to get the potential weight loss you can achieve per week following that calorie restriction exactly but never go below 1200 calories a day. Thats my current problem. Its all specific to your weight, height, activity level, and gender though to be precise enough for the closest estimation. Amp up your workout to increase muscle since it burns more calories just sustaining itself than lazy ole fat does :) Think of it as fat doesn't need much to survive but muscle needs about 3 times as much. Adding more muscle to your body and keeping it will require you to eat more calories just to sustain it. Always recalculate your BMR as changes in weight and activity level occur because then your body will burn calories at a different rate and quantity. Pesky ole math! Thank God for calculators!

    So your BMR-1200 = X
    "X" times 7 = Y
    Then divide "Y" by 3,500 ( cals in one pound) and that will equal the weight loss that can be achieved with that intake.
    Always factor in your daily calories burned from exercise if any. If you burn 300 then you have to eat that many more calories to be at your goal.

    Not consuming enough calories trains your body to store the next thing you eat as fat out of panic. It's a means of survival and doesn't know when it will get the proper fuel so instead of losing you gain. Thats why people who go to the quick-fix of starving themselves end up gaining weight when they finally do eat. Same thing even if you're still consuming some but not enough. Your body tries to get as much out of it as possible as far as a long-term energy source goes.
  • NewChristina
    NewChristina Posts: 250 Member
    When I first signed up with MFP, that's how the tips or FAQ explained things. Not to mention, I've checked on a few other websites and they explain the same thing.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I am 5'4 and currently 190.8 my goal weight is 160. Currently for Today my net is 773 so If I ended things there am I doing it right?

    No, if your goal is 1200, then you want to net 1200. You still have over 400 calories to eat for the day.
  • jtintx
    jtintx Posts: 445 Member
    So sorry...

    ...and not akward....just an honest mistake on my part.

    To reach and maintain that weight you would need to NET 1800 calories a day.

    So if you burned an extra 400 calories a day in exercise you'd be able to eat 2,200 calories.
  • ColleenRoss50
    ColleenRoss50 Posts: 199 Member
    I am 5'4 and currently 190.8 my goal weight is 160. Currently for Today my net is 773 so If I ended things there am I doing it right?

    A net of 773 calories is extremely low . If you wish to keep your calorie goal at 1200 you should try to eat back your calories burned in exercise so that you will net 1200. So if you burn 500 calories in exercise in a day you should try to eat 1700 calories (to make up for the 500 calories burned) in order to maintain a NET goal of 1200 calories.

    To try to break your plateau you could also try to bump up your calorie goal as some others have suggested. Changing your calorie goal or your exercise routine can often help to break a plateau.
  • DreaFitX
    DreaFitX Posts: 46 Member
    thanks everyone for the advice. if anyone still has anything else to add feel free.