HELP!!! Picky eater trying to loose weight

I am one of the most picky eaters in history (so my family and friends say.) I cannot stand most vegetables and have only recently started eating salad. I do not eat meat often and it is mainly ham. I am a carb girl, sadly it will be the death of me. I need some suggestions for good foods that are healthy. My old diet, which i am trying to break myself of, consists mainly of cheese pizza (take out, frozen, homemade- on a daily basis) spaghetti, alfredo, garlic bread, chocolate. I have started drinking protein shakes for breakfast, which hold me well and i am able to drink. But i really need lunch and dinner ideas. i am in my car all day, so packing a lunch is challenging. I am not much of a cook when i come home. So foods that are healthy, not vegie or meat, and require little cooking... any and all suggestions will be read and appreciated!!!!


  • court211006
    my mum is a driving instuctor so she's in her car all day too, I just pack her a little sandwich with some fruit that she can snack on throughout the day whenever she is hungry. I'm a vegetarian so I'm not too sure how much help this will be but anyway here it goes!

    I love stuffing peppers with cous cous, (just cut a raw pepper in half, put your cous cous in and then you can sprinkle with some cheese and cook for like 20 minutes)

    orrr baked potatoes with grilled veg (corn ect)

    orr you can home bake your own wedges (just cut up some potatoes, cover with rxtra virgin oil, garlic salt, pepper & paprika, cook in the oven for an hour or till soft through - these are YUMMY)

    you could always try stir fry, noodles and some extra roasted veg. (but obviously you're going to have to learn to love them haha)

  • bubblie117
    bubblie117 Posts: 78 Member
    we are seriously so alike! I struggle with this as well, I am trying to think of new things to eat but allow myself to eat some of the carb stuff I crave...trying to eat the vegetables I do like, thank god I like fruit or I'd be screwed!!!