I need motivation

I'm looking for friends that will motivate me to stay on track. I try to get my "real life" friends to workout with me but I always get the same excuse.. I'm lazy.
I do run/crunches almost daily but I have been eating terrible the last few days. Please add me, and we can help each other. I'v lost 16 lbs already and have 15 more to go.


  • mlprovencher
    I totally agree with you. I think we all need a little motivation sometimes.

    There are people out there who lie about there fitness and diet just to make their numbers "under goal". To some of us, this is not a game and we are trying to take this seriously. When I mention that I use the Wii Fit they don't take it seriously or think that I am not burning enough calories.

    Anyone on here can feel free to add me as well, we can motivate each other together.
  • kzandarski
    kzandarski Posts: 51
    Feel free to add me to. I get a lot of motivation from my friends here.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    my motivation is to look in the mirror...thats all it takes to get my butt to the gym or to the streets walking or to stop me from eating some junk