My naughty little secret..



  • LexyDB
    LexyDB Posts: 261
    I keep my food diary "private" so people won't see that I eat peanut butter and fudge cookies... ;) Cheating every once in a while is OK! Especially if you have calories left over at the end of the day. At least that's what I'll keep telling myself every time a cookie or small slice of cheesecake proves too tempting. ;)

    May explain why you have 0lbs lost. Try exercising control and see how easy that is to master.
  • simonphilpin
    Just made my food diary public if anyone wants to see how I lost 15lbs in 3 weeks!!!!
  • cupcakelou383
    cupcakelou383 Posts: 19 Member
    Brooke, I joined recently because I've been tracking my food on paper for a long time now, and this is easier. Lexy, I have NO weight to lose... if you would actually READ the thread you would have seen that. Kazza, that's exactly how I feel. You should allow yourself a treat every now and then. And also for you prudes, I DID say, "A" cookie and a "SMALL" slice of cake.. there is NOTHING wrong with that. There is a huge difference between allowing yourself a small treat than eating the whole box. Maybe you're being rude because you don't have control. If not, that's on you.. you don't need to resort to petty jabs at me not losing the "imaginary weight" I don't need to lose or being new here or not needing to be here at all. We're all here for different reasons. This forum is supposed to be for motivation and support, and all some of you people care about it belittling others about their choices so you can feel better about yourself. Good luck with that.
  • MalissaDC
    MalissaDC Posts: 123
    I think it's ok to choose to eat a treat now and then. The key is to choose to eat it (plan for it) not just get sucked up in snarfing down junk food and then justifying it;).

    One huge thing for me, has been to learn how to eat a normal serving of something that's a "treat" and then STOP. That's a huge life change and it's ok.
    No one can live on a diet plan for their entire life. Learning to be in control of your food choices rather than being controlled by food is what's important.
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    mine is open, but I turned off the feature that posts when I close it. I found that people don't look at it when they aren't reminded. I have one "friend" who would always find something negative to say about what I had eaten. "good day except....", even if I was within my calories. I can't deprive myself, otherwise I end up bingeing. I'm not accountable to anyone but me.
  • Dra57
    Dra57 Posts: 56 Member
    Sorry but it's not a secRet any more!!
  • cupcakelou383
    cupcakelou383 Posts: 19 Member
    LoL, you're right it's not a secret.. and Stefanie and Melissa y'all are absolutely right. It's all about control. There was a time in my life where I couldn't have a cookie without eating the entire bag.. but now, I'm proud of the fact that I can actually control what I eat!! I think all those posting negativity on this thread are those who haven't learned that yet. When I did WW back when I was heavy- they used to say that if you want that cake at the party- eat it! Because when you deprive yourself you will get bitter and end up binging later or just giving up entirely.
  • kalyn_QT
    kalyn_QT Posts: 273 Member
    I'm a huge fan of cheeseburgers. Not the home made type with salad, but the greasy take out type. In cutting back on my other calories for the day I can eat one and not feel too guilty. Going for a walk the next day evens it all out.

    I do the same thing. lol.

    Just made my diary public and i slightly feel better now.
  • Simone_King
    Simone_King Posts: 467 Member
    I have mine open and frankly, if there is some junk food item in it..

    I am not going to care. It's in my cals.
  • cupcakelou383
    cupcakelou383 Posts: 19 Member
    I actually did too.. well, not to the public, but to my friends.. and I DO feel slightly better too. :)
  • CatLambee
    CatLambee Posts: 26
    I think "cheating" is actually really healthy. If I get a little treat now and then (like last night I had half a piece of carrot cake), then it keeps me from going on a binge.

    And binges are basically my number one problem, and why I got so unhealthy in the first place.