What is something filling but healthy to eat for breakfast?



  • wasveganvictoria88
    wasveganvictoria88 Posts: 249 Member
    Pancakes? Cereal? I love cereal! Fruit thickie (smoothie with oats in)?
  • jfwarman
    jfwarman Posts: 6
    I have Belvita breakfast biscuits and an apple most days!!
  • iluvbrian95
    I eat cliff bars. I like them because they are organic, low in fat and they have soy so that helps me get that in.
  • tldust
    tldust Posts: 103 Member
    You don't have to limit yourself to 'breakfast food'. You can eat anything healthy for breakfast - Yesterday I made two little 'pizza's' out of 2 pieces of Wasa whole grain crisp bread with cherry tomatoes, green onions, shredded provolone, salt and pepper - then into the toaster oven. Low cal, well rounded.


    I usually have a smashed avocado with lime juice, salt and tomato slices on toast. And I love leftovers for breakfast. You could have some grilled chicken from the night before with some veggies. Soup or salad. Veggie burger.
  • letgo79
    letgo79 Posts: 25
    OMG, are you serious??? Or are you pulling my leg??? I don't think you eat min donuts for breakfast...LOL, look at those abs...
  • lisitabonita
    lisitabonita Posts: 81 Member
    Greek yogurt and a banana. I eat it everyday and it carries me to lunch easily.
  • Excellentia
    Excellentia Posts: 182
    I've not done this, but people have had success with "reverse pyramiding." It's where you reverse the order of breakfast and dinner. For instance, eat dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner. By the time you get to "breakfast" maybe you'll be too full to eat egg whites or oatmeal and just yogurt or some toast and fruit will do.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    my all time favorite breakfast is plain greek yogurt with fruit and granola. I look for a low sugar one. (I don't pay a lot of attention to the amount of fat...as long as it isn't 20 grams a serving).

    I add around 1-1.5 cups of fruit, about 4-6 ounces of yogurt and about 1/4 a cup of granola. You can layer it as a parfait or just throw it all in the bowl. It adds up to around 300 calories depending on the fruit, granola, and if you add a little sweetener, and good mix of protein carbs and fiber. This time of year is the best time to do it with all of the seasonal berries and stone fruits to add lots of natural sweetness.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I eat a banana every morning with cereal/milk or oatmeal. i drink a bottle of water and have tea or coffee.

    eggs, biscuit, fruit, bacon(protein/low cal), milk <---- one of my fave breakfasts

    also nuts are a good addition to any meal before of after, filling/higher calories/good for you
  • RadioactivePirate
    I've been making these little individual-sized oatmeals. If you make the recipe without the milk, they come out kind of like those Quaker Oatmeal To Go breakfast square things, except better. I eat two of them in the morning (take them out of the freezer the night before), and it keeps me feeling full.

  • bjohs
    bjohs Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi! I am new to MFP and I'm tired of eating oatmeal and eggwhites for breakfast...any advice or tips on what to eat for breakfast???

    Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day and is usually between 400-500 calories!

    Scrambled eggs (whole) with smoked ham/onions/spinach, 1/2 bagel with Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge and some kind of fruit (usually raspberries but 1/2 orange is shown below).


    3-egg (whole) Mexican omelet with grilled chicken strips, pico de gallo and salsa. A serving of fruit too.


    These are the only photos I have taken of my breakfast... but I have a variety of different things in the morning. The bigger the better!!! :)
  • asongforholly
    asongforholly Posts: 29 Member
    I rotate depending on what Im in the mood for.

    Cereal with skim milk. I love Special K Blueberry or Chocolate KRAVE.
    Oatmeal with a side of fruit.
    Breakfast sandwich -- egg, some kind of meat, veggies on a grain English muffin.
    Bagel thin with fat free cream cheese.
    Fruit smoothie
    Tuna and egg
    Whole wheat pancakes
    Turkey sausage
    Greek yogurt and fruit.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I alternate between 2 eggs, a slice of wheat toast and black coffee, or Trader Joe's multi-grain hot cereal with fresh berries or banana, a few walnuts, 1/4 c Greek yogurt and a drizzle of honey.

    Although today I'm having bacon and fresh blueberry pancakes. :bigsmile: It's Saturday & I just got back from a great run!
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,856 Member
    I had a veggie omelette this morning that changed my life. 146 calories. total.
  • Thunder_Power
    Double Fiber Bread + 2 tablespoon peanut butter+ sliced banana+ drizzle of honey

    Wash it down with 1 cup of cold skim milk. It will last you hours, and it only takes 2 minutes to put together
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    This will sound odd, but this is my favorite filling breakfast. It's like baked oatmeal, but I make it in the microwave, so it has a different consistency than regular oatmeal. It's super filling and has a good mix of healthy carbs and protein to start your day. I also like it because it's free of added sugars, but if it's not sweet enough, you can always drizzle some honey over it.

    1/3c quick oats
    1 egg
    1/2 tbsp baking powder
    2 tbsp unsweetened applesauce
    about 2 tbsp milk of your choice
    chopped pecans

    Combine oats, egg, baking powder, applesauce, and cinnamon in a bowl. Mix together. Add just enough milk so that the batter become more liquidy. Sprinkle with blueberries and pecans. Microwave for about 2 1/2 minutes, or until set.

    I like to poor a little extra milk over it too. You could easily make this with any fruit, dried or fresh, as well.
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    I take half an avocado, fill the hole where the pit was with salsa, cover it with some cooked egg white, put some shredded cheese on top, and broil it until it melts. Super yummy.

    Or for something sweet, a rice cake with peanut butter, topped with raisins or something like chocolate covered goji berries, maybe some shredded coconut.

    Also, I love grilling up some polenta. It goes with literally everything - omelets, fruit, bacon, sausage. I made a southwest egg white omelet yesterday with bell peppers and some cheese, topped that with salsa, and covered the polenta slices with some black eyed peas and hot sauce. So good.
  • debstanley4
    debstanley4 Posts: 208 Member
    bump for later
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    2 scrambled eggs with a little bit of cheese, 2 slices of bacon and a glass of milk. Around 25-30 grams of protein. Good way to start off the day. I also eat some fruit usually.
  • fitandyoga
    fitandyoga Posts: 27
    lots of fruit! that usually fills me up. i also have green tea, protein pancakes, smoothies, etc.