Obese and Pregnant



  • mzhokie
    mzhokie Posts: 349 Member
    I know someone who has lost weight with each pregnancy. Because it's the only time they really do take care of themselves, eat healthy, etc. She also just had a lot of morning sickness and some foods just made her stomach turn thanks to the pregnancy. With the first child, her doctor actually told her if she didn't stop losing weight he was going to put her in the hospital and feed her via an IV. Her salvation was fresh fruit and veggies. All she wanted sometimes was peaches and tomatoes. But once all the summer veggies came into harvest, she just ate a ton of veggies. Same with both kids and they are both very healthy beautiful little girls.

    definitely talk to your doctor and come up with a game plan. You can exercise but they might want to set you up with an exercise plan. Like someone else said.... walking never hurt anyone. Plus it will be a good habit to get into, once the baby is here you can take them for strolls in the stroller. Lots of times that helps them sleep and you burn calories.

    You can do it. Get a good support system.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You are generally safe with what you have been doing. Walking and swimming are safe for most though. Look up kegels if you don't know what they are and do them all the time.
  • girltrvlr
    girltrvlr Posts: 12
    Don't worry about the weight you have now. Walking is excellent and will actually help you with delivery. As far as eating try to make healthy choices, eating nutrient dense foods, you will probably gain less than someone who weighs less if you eat healthy. Of course don't forgo a treat now and then, because you deserve one. I just had a baby in December. I wasn't obese when I got pregnant but I was slightly overweight. I gained 40 lbs during the pregnancy which I felt was a lot but I ate as healthy as I could. No soda, cut down on sugar, ate mostly protein, fruits, and vegetables. After the baby I did breastfeed and walked 3-5 miles 3-4 days a week which helped me to lose all but 15 lbs of it. I am currently working toward those last 15 lbs. which seem to be stubborn. Congrats on the pregnancy!!
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    I did prenatal swimming at the pool in town. Look around they may have it. It kept me active, also went on daily walks as well. Yoga, pilates. Staying active during pregnancy is the best thing you can do for mama and baby. Don't focus on what you weight now, it means nothing. Focus on the positives.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    walking!!! However I would not suggest walking on an incline. It is how I received an injury during my last pregnancy and almost lost my child.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    Walking, swimming, yoga, cycling if you are comfy doing it. You can even go on the cross trainers as long as you pay attention to your HR and don't over do it!! Being obese and preggers will put lots of pressure on your joints so try and keep it low impact!! You will do great!!

    Congratulations!! I know you wanted to lose weight first but if you are careful while pregnant then you should have a much easier time losing it once you have had baby!! Remember though, there is no such thing as eating for two!!! It is a massive myth!
  • walk, swim..eat natural foods....but let yourself occassionally give into the cravings and have a treat....
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    I wouldn't be too worried, honestly. I was overweight when I became pregnant with my second son by about 15 pounds. However by eating lots of fresh fruit and veggies, whole milk, lean protein, I had actually lost ten pounds myself after I had given birth. The scale stayed the same during the last half of my pregnancy because I was active and ate right for my baby. I was NOT on a diet, just being healthy. Now is the best time to put only clean, whole foods into your body. Swimming is great and takes pressure off your belly. Also be sure to remember you are not eating for two, its more like 1 and a quarter. Don't stuff yourself because you're pregnant. Your baby gets what it needs nutrient wise before you do. Just be safe, happy, and keep a positive attitude. Stress is the worst thing for baby. Enjoy being pregnant, its very special!
  • CourtneyHollinger
    CourtneyHollinger Posts: 57 Member
    I am obese and trying to have my second child (been trying for over a year). But if you are use to exercising the docter may give you a few ideas but you know what is best. A lot of people are obese when they get pregnant just to your best and eat healthy and don't beat yourself up. One thing I would talk to my docter about id diabeties when you are pregnant and try to prevent that but I am sure you will be fine.
  • bush_woman187
    bush_woman187 Posts: 25 Member
    always speak to your doctor before doing a heavy exercise routine or weight lifting. for most women, excersize is fine, but it depends on your indivudal case. personally, i am high risk, so i have to cut out all the work outs due to my condition, but walking is encouraged. regarding the weight/calories, my ob said its fine for me to actually lose a few pounds while pregnant in the first trimester. my weight gain for entire pregnancy should be no more than 10-15 lbs. she said many women lose weight at first, so i would get with the doctor early to get more details. swimming is usualy okay even for many high risk (unless you are on bed rest of course!). :-)
  • msmitch
    msmitch Posts: 21
    Wow! you guys are so amazing! Thank You! This whole thing is feeling less overwhelming the more I read your replies. I'm 5'3 and 260lbs. That gives you all an idea what I'm working with.
    I can do this! Thank You All!