finding myself with so many cals left over

So its almost dinner time for me and I have over 1000 cals to eat. this happens almost everyday so what do i do? I eat crap to get myself closer to my calorie goal because I don't want my body to go into starvation mode.

Should I lower my calorie intake or just leave it as it and just deal with it?

My diary is open.. feel free to look


  • spngebobmyhero
    spngebobmyhero Posts: 823 Member
    I took a look at your diary and it looks like you need to cut back on the fast food! That is the first step. When you do make your own food, include healthy fats and proteins. I eat about the same number of calories as you a day, so feel free to take a look at my diary. My fat intake is fairly high, but it comes from all natural sources.

    Some suggestions:
    3 eggs cooked in coconut oil with some sauteed veggies
    A big salad with hard boiled eggs or oil packed tuna with balsamic vinegar and olive oil
    Roasted veggies with a protein (chicken, steak, pork, etc)

    I know that people say calories in, calories out, but you should be eating healthy foods with high nutrient content. Your body will thank you for the nutrients and you will feel great. Calories will make you skinny, nutrients will make you healthy!
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    It helps to add nuts daily--lots of healthy calories.
  • xxzimmer
    xxzimmer Posts: 37
    Stop buying meals. Make your own breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Also add in snacks, and it you can a walk/jog for 30 minutes a day.

    You are what you eat. Can you lose weight eating out, yes. Will it stay off? No. Just becuase the numbers line up, does not mean its good for you. I personally go over my sodium intake, but that doesn't mean it's bad for me since I burn 1000-1800 cals day running and doing insanity. You can look at my diary, but I only recently started using this site so there is only a couple of day logged. Look at how much I eat, its alot and I still leave cals on the table.
  • ashbee03
    ashbee03 Posts: 274 Member
    Yea, agreed with the fast food part.
    If you're going to have fast food, have subway.

    you will save a lot of money and be able to buy healthier groceries.

    i had a big problem with fast food.
    i craved it.
    i had it almost everyday.

    kfc, mcdonalds, burger king, harveys, and that's hwo i got to where i am.
    it's still a battle.
    more so out of convenience now than a craving.

    but i know if i start again, i'll binge.

    now that i'm eating healthier, homecooked meals, i feel amazing.

    set yourself a goal.
    try 1 week without ANY convenient fast foods, and log it all.
    see if your calories come any closer to your target.

    if not, then i guess you need to eat more. :P
  • samakain
    samakain Posts: 60
    I am like this some days too but I eat a lot of protein so am not hungry all the time. I think for a lot of people, 1200 cal per day is kind of low so I aim for 1400-1600 (even though MFP gives me just over 1800 per day plus whatever I gain from exercise).
    My advice is to increase your protein. Try eating a handful of (California) almonds :)
  • emilylacey1010
    Eat at home and you don't have to eat all your calories!
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    Sorry for all the fast food. I work at Wendy's and my boss HATES it when I bring in my lunch and take up room in the fridge
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    Sorry for all the fast food. I work at Wendy's and my boss HATES it when I bring in my lunch and take up room in the fridge

    you boss sucks!!!!!!! maybe add in a few snack bars between meals, maybe just a few cups of orange juice or apple juice, around 110 calories per glass.. o and I always see people say eat some peanuts so I guess that too
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    Get yourself an insulated lunch box and a freezer pak. Then you dont need to use the fridge. :)
  • Redbarron80
    Eat their salads w/ a chicken breast and very little dressing - preferably lite.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    ..Why don't you just bump up your calories throughout the day to have bigger meals so your not filling it with junk later?
  • lanzaroteblue
    lanzaroteblue Posts: 198 Member
    I agree that nuts is a really good way to get some extra calories
    into your diet if you are struggling.

    At work, is it a staff fridge? If so, I would be telling my boss that
    that is exactly what it's there for...

    Or, take some packet soups (if don't mind the soduim). I really
    like to add sunflower seeds to cupa soups to add texture.

    Good Luck
    Nicola x
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Get some mint chip ice cream, milk and chocolate chips and blend it. I had to do that today because I was 500 under....I used soy milk though.
  • OMG_Twinkies
    OMG_Twinkies Posts: 215 Member
    Careful with your sodium intake. That comes from all the processed foods (my biggest downfall). If it's consistently high, your body will revolt!
  • doh8302
    doh8302 Posts: 9
    I noticed you exercise quite regualily. Just because you burn those calories doesn't mean you should eat more. Kind of defeats the purpose of working out.
  • PrincessMoonBunny
    PrincessMoonBunny Posts: 7 Member
    Like some of the others said, try and drop the fast food. It is easier to just pop something in the microwave or stop off someplace on the way to work but it really is more expensive and a lot less healthy for you even if you are remaining under your calorie intake.

    I recommend more fresh or frozen fruits. Make your own smoothies, mix them with cereal or just eat them plain. Yes, fresh fruit and veggies are expensive but if you can look at stuff that is in season then it isn't usually as right now watermelon is in season and is like... 85 cents/pound. Also, more veggies.This does not mean salads all the time. I hardly eat salads but I stick with broccoli, various squashes (both winter and summer), green beans...etc. Those are my favorite. I can definitely get you some I LOVE to sautee broccoli in a bit of olive oil and then sprinkle some curry powder on top of them. Doesn't even need butter and adds a really nice little taste! I really only eat veggies once a dinner.

    For breakfast, if you are looking to eat quick (Since I see you have been eating quite a few Dean's...and they are yummy) I usually have a a Franz or Thomas English Muffin with a little butter and honey, a little bowl of fruit, and some juice. Then I take a banana or some crackers or nuts with me to eat as my snack at around ten.

    Today, for the first time, I entered in my exercise and saw it raised my normal 1280 calories to over 1700, much like yours. It is now close to dinner time and I still have 911 left because of the exercise. It is NOT happening for me to finish that many calories and I am not going to try either! I am not hungry right now and I am not going to try and stuff myself to the point of sickness just to get in the calories. I personally am going to try and keep it at around my 1300 calories even if it says I may be "starving myself". That is just where I feel comfortable.

    The thing you have no doubt heard before is "calories in, calories out". Basically, one needs to in a day burn more calories then one consumes. However, some people KILL themselves at the gym to get a few thousand calories out but what so many people DON'T think of that even sitting looking at this and breathing and having your body do it's thing for keeping you alive is burning calories. Sleeping 8 hours burns something like...500-700 calories a night. You don't have to burn everything you eat at the gym nor do you have to replace the calories that you burnt at the gym. Honestly, just go with how you feel. If you feel reducing calories to 1500 (with exercise) or so is the best choice so you don't feel like you are forcing yourself to consume insane amounts of food then go for it! You are doing great girl! Keep it up!!!

    If you want some ideas feel free to look at my diary since you are on my friends list. Also, let me know if you want some simple food ideas/recipes!
  • jusme085
    jusme085 Posts: 16 Member
    Yeah, totally agree with everyone about junk food, yes it does provide you with calories but waaaay too much salt!

    Try having a couple of pieces of fruit in a day, it will add about 200-300 calories to your day and will make your "insides" feel so much better. The other thing i do to get my protein levels up and provide myself with some good calories is have a protein shake, it gives me an extra 200 calories, 26g of protein, as well as all the good vitamins that i may be lacking.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    Get yourself an insulated lunch box and a freezer pak. Then you dont need to use the fridge. :)

    This! :) I always do this with my lunch and it stays plenty cold. You can even use 2 ice packs if you have an especially long day.

    If that isn't an option, try to just eat healthy snacks that don't need to be refrigerated to hold you over until you get home. Then have a healthy meal.

    OR if those don't work. Try to at least get one of the healthier options from work to hold you over. All the nutrition can be found online. :)
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks everyone. I will look into the lunch box.

    No its the fride we keep the salads in.
    I snack at work. Lots of strawberries, tomatoes and such but I don't keep track of how much of them I eat so I don't enter them and I keep it down as much as I can.

    Ruined my Cal's tonight. Yay
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I noticed you exercise quite regualily. Just because you burn those calories doesn't mean you should eat more. Kind of defeats the purpose of working out.

    What utter nonsense.

    The 'point' of working out is to increase fitness. Maintaining a calorie deficit is how you lose weight. But there's no requirement to starve your body to do so.