Adults who have had tonsillectomies?



  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    Had mine out as an adult. Be sure to drink. You will want to chug a big glass of water you will be so thirsty but you won't be able to. Carry your water with you and sip it. You can hold ice chips in your mouth and swallow as they melt. The funny thing is when I would swallow I would close my eyes and grimace and when I opened my eyes everyone else was making the same face. Popsicles will be good too as they are cool and you only get a little liquid at a time. Eventually, you will move on to solid soft foods like soup, oatmeal, eggs. Your body will let you know when but the water and fluids is the most important. Don't worry about the exercise. You will likely loose wt because of the limited intake and when you feel better you can get back at it. Good luck.
  • Athena98501
    Athena98501 Posts: 716 Member
    I had mine done at the same time as nose and sinus surgery, so my experience was rather different. Anyway, for the first couple of days, the tonsils were more painful than the nose, which surprised me. After that, they didn't bother me significantly. For the sloughing, my surgeon recommend acidic (oj, tomato, etc), rather than scratchy foods.

    Don't know if it matters, but mine happened in my early 30s.
  • Wow, this is all such great info! Thank you all :smile:
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    I was 17 years old when I had mine and I had to eat jelly and soft foods for a while. It went well though and it was after I had a abcess in my mouth removed. My tonsils always caused me to be sick through my whole childhood and after they were gone I barely got sick again :)
  • My sister just had hers out 2 weeks ago - and it was pretty rough. She was on only liquid foods for several days (she tried solids after about 3 days and said that was a painful mistake), and had to take it really easy. She passed out at least twice even after 3 days had gone by. She luckily had someone home with her at all times. She talked like Minnie Mouse (and very quietly) for nearly a full week, and had days that were better and then it'd get bad again. She's now working again but still having some pain.

    I'd suggest just taking it as easy as you possibly can.

    ETA: My sister suggest checking out children's liquid medicines if you need them. She had a reaction to one of the meds the doctors gave her, so was taking liquid Benadryl with it, for example.
  • shady1987dre
    shady1987dre Posts: 186 Member
    Got mine done in January. It was the worse time of my Life. I could not swallow anything pain meds did not work. I could not fall asleep because if i did the scabs would dry out. It took 2 months for me to be back to 100%. Plus side i lost 20 lbs!

    Helpful tip say in the Hospital overnight (unless the insurance wont allow it), I went home that night bad idea!
  • sting5
    sting5 Posts: 408
    I don't know if you have heard of Del's Lemonade(it's a Rhode Island thing)'s basically like a slurpie...flavored crushed ice...My son had lots of this stuff after he had is tonsils removed
  • I don't think the hospital will allow me to stay overnight unless its absolutely necessary, unfortunately :frown:
  • I don't know if you have heard of Del's Lemonade(it's a Rhode Island thing)'s basically like a slurpie...flavored crushed ice...My son had lots of this stuff after he had is tonsils removed

    That sounds yummy, I'll have to check it out
  • 1ahcj
    1ahcj Posts: 10
    Childbirth is so much better than having a tonsillectomy. I was just ready to die!. I am in my 30's, healthy, and i am telling you, it is the worst pain I have ever been through! Do not get the pills to grind up make sure you get the liquid medicine. I really don't know what to tell you to prepare you. I was fine the day I had it done but the next day and until about 1 week after I had it, I was ready to die! I also had it somehow settle in my ears and they were killing me too. Ok, the best way to tell you is it feels like someone is stabbing you with scew drivers in your throat and ears and twisting and stbbing you constantly. I googled people who had tonsillectomy and read their horror stories and it was exactly the way I was feeling. I ate maybe a total of a plate of food in 1 week. Steamed broccoli (as soft as possible), applesauce, and I think yogurt. I would only drink water just to keep from dehydrating. Girl, I feel sorry for you, but the pain only lasted 1 week for me compared to other people I heard of, it was about 2 weeks. Say your prayers before going in and I hope all goes well for you.
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    I had one at 27. I won't lie - it hurt like all hell and I had an amazing surgeon. (This chap takes car of the English opera singers) but before I had it done, I was really sick for at least one week out of every four.

    During aftercare: keep your days free, stock up on the painkillers that work best for you and arrange a lot of distractions. (DVDs of shows that I always wanted to see but never did really helped me) Aftercare will last as long as it does depending on your fitness and general health. I was fit and eating well before mine and it took me 2 weeks to fully recover.

    During aftercare, always keep a water bottle and a straw handy - it hurts worse if your throat dries out (did it once and NEVER again after that :)

    Your tastebuds may not work properly for 6 weeks after your op. Everything tasted like warm cardboard to me :) but never fear, your sense of taste will come back.

    Eat, and eat well. Your body needs it to recover. Porridge, soft-boiled eggs, rice-crispies (in warm milk) buttered toast, rice-sauteed veg+cheese, grilled salmon and mashed potatoes were all the foods that I found most digestible during my recovery.

    Despite all the above, 3 months down the line, I was delighted I made the decision to have the surgery and went through the temporary discomfort to gain the overall health benefits. I am sure you will feel the same way.
  • shady1987dre
    shady1987dre Posts: 186 Member
    The most important thing to do is NOT let the scabs dry up you must keep them moist. Thats why i did not sleep more then 2 hours the first 2 weeks post surgery. One night i feel asleep work up. OMFG the pain from the scabs drying up was HELL. Get a baby sippy cup thats what i used to slow the flow of water into my mouth so not to much would go in.
  • 1ahcj
    1ahcj Posts: 10
    No you do not want dairy, it puts a film in the back of your throat and you want to keep swallowing to clear it. Unless you just love pain, I would not eat or drink any dairy or carbonated anything.
  • Childbirth is so much better than having a tonsillectomy. I was just ready to die!. I am in my 30's, healthy, and i am telling you, it is the worst pain I have ever been through! Do not get the pills to grind up make sure you get the liquid medicine. I really don't know what to tell you to prepare you. I was fine the day I had it done but the next day and until about 1 week after I had it, I was ready to die! I also had it somehow settle in my ears and they were killing me too. Ok, the best way to tell you is it feels like someone is stabbing you with scew drivers in your throat and ears and twisting and stbbing you constantly. I googled people who had tonsillectomy and read their horror stories and it was exactly the way I was feeling. I ate maybe a total of a plate of food in 1 week. Steamed broccoli (as soft as possible), applesauce, and I think yogurt. I would only drink water just to keep from dehydrating. Girl, I feel sorry for you, but the pain only lasted 1 week for me compared to other people I heard of, it was about 2 weeks. Say your prayers before going in and I hope all goes well for you.

    Uh oh. that doesn't bode well for me now does it? Sorry you had such a harrowing experience though! Yeah, I have no doubt that my childbirth experience will have been easier. I had such an easy labor! I'll have to tell my hubby to ask the doc for liquid meds.
  • No you do not want dairy, it puts a film in the back of your throat and you want to keep swallowing to clear it. Unless you just love pain, I would not eat or drink any dairy or carbonated anything.

    Ah, that makes sense when you put it that way!
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I was 21 when I had mine. It went pretty good except I was the opposite of a lot of people. Once I started healing up, if I ate anything cold my whole throat would spasm and hurt like hell. Imagine getting a muscle spasm in your throat. It would last about a minute and continued for about a month after surgery. Also, it was a little icky because they just gave me a local anesthetic and I could hear them cutting away on my tonsils. Of course this was over 40 years ago. :laugh:

    I was sure relieved though. I had been getting strep throat about 4 times a year and the doc finally decided to do the tonsillectomy after my strep turned to scarlet fever and I was a VERY sick girl.
  • Abevemi
    Abevemi Posts: 54 Member
    I had mine out when I was 21, and it was excrutiating!! I think a lot of countries wont do the surgery on an adult anymore, as it is just too painful to recover from!
    For me, I struggled to even eat jelly afterwards, but took the pain medication and forced some down just so that I could leave the hospital.
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    I had mine out as an adult. It hurt a lot afterwards, but staying on top of the pain with meds and sleeping a lot made it manageable. It sucked the most for the first 3-4 days, and then it was just like a bad sore throat for another 3-4 days - I was up and doing my regular thing by day 5. I did a lot of ice water and room temp broth soups for the first week, and then I was pretty much good to eat whatever I wanted.
  • mhoward685
    mhoward685 Posts: 129 Member
    I had mine out when I was 20. It was one of the best things I have ever done. It was a little rude that little kids who had the same surgery were up running around eating and talking and I couldn't do either. So it was unpleasant but so were my tonsills. You can do this.
  • KellyMirth
    KellyMirth Posts: 153
    My husband just had his out a few months back and it was as everyone above says...painful. He stayed overnight and was okay until the IV meds wore off. I kept his meds on schedule and kept liquids close by at all times. Unfortunately, he did let his throat dry out and then really tried to avoid swallowing anything, which prolonged his recovery. Follow the advice of keeping hydrated and taking your meds on time and you should be okay. Good luck!