Anyone have weird work schedules that interfere

Hey guys! I restarted MFP about 3 weeks ago and have been doing great at keeping up my workouts and eating right. However, I have been working early days that made it easy to go to the gym after work and go home and relax. Now my boss has me working all over the place with random days off and my body isn't used to it. I know the last time I fell off track was when she put me on overnights and she hasn't done that, but a bunch of 11-7s and 4-midnights instead of my usual 5am-1 or 6am-2.

Does anyone here work odd schedules and keep up with fitness and weight loss and can they offer me any pointers? I'm really worried I'll let myself fall off track since I haven't seen the progress to keep myself motivated and am barely keeping it up as it is.


  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    I work 9 hours a day and have a 2 hour commute each way so I have to up at 4 am and I don't get home till 5 pm ish, then I have to cook and clean and everything basicly, and then try to find time to exercise and it's a challange.

    I would say something that I used to do is take a few 15 minute breaks and just go up and down the stairs.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    I don't work in an office....I work at McDonalds. I literally stare the temptation right in the face all day. I also only get one 30 minute break that I have to spend in the office doing work while downing my salad. Otherwise I would definitely try that!
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    I was working in retail with a flexible when i first started here so i definitely know what you mean, and i dont like to work out at home (live on a top floor). At first i was just going to the gym when i could but soon i found myself working out on tuesday but not making it back until maybe sunday. Eventually i just decided to work out in the morning, the store opened at 7 my gym opened at 5. Luckily now i have a regular 9-5 but the morning workout still applies.
  • coreykantola
    I hear you! I'm a chef, Fitness Trainer and Cycling Coach. My schedule is absolutly every where. We have a calander in the kitchen and at the end of the week the whole family sits down and we all talk about the upcoming week. Who working what hours do the kids have extra school stuff student council, sports. My wife and tralk about my crazy hours and training sessions with clients and then when we are going to spend time together.
    It is a crazy balance to have Family, Work and Fun. You have to work hard at it! its probably hard to to then your work outs , lol. So my advise is try to set time aside to discuse your upcoming week, pick a time work out so you dont miss out pick meal times keep a log.
  • Jessie1227
    Jessie1227 Posts: 71 Member
    I work mostly 3-11's but this week I'm on 7-3 for the next 7 days. It throws off my schedule because my body gets used to one and then BAM, change it up.

    If it's food-wise you're worried about too, just plan ahead. We make all our meals, package them in correct serving size plastic containers and pop them in the freezer. It's an easy way to keep yourself on track knowing you already have meals prepared.

    As far as working out, I make time for it regardless no matter how tired I am, before or after work I have to get it in or else I don't feel right. I don't know if this has helped, I hope so! You can add me if you'd like, staying motivated is the most important to me, If I didn't have the friends that I have on here, I'd be lost! :)
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I work graveyard shift 11pm-7am Thu-Mon. I found above all else sleep is key. I tried broken up sleep as in sleeping 3-4 hours, wake up do things then go back to sleep for another 3-4 hours. It doesn't work for me. I need at least 6 hours straight to function. I usually average 7-8. Before when I slept crappy I would be tired all the time. I'd be eating while at work to stay awake and forget exercise altogether since I was too tired to do so.

    Once I got my sleeping down I stopped over eating. I hit the gym straight after work. On weekends at my workplace it's usually super slow that I'll even go outside for a fitness break 20-30 mins. Also with my abnormal work sechdule I sometimes eat all my calories in 1 sitting. I especially do this if I know I will have a busy day and not have time to eat 2-3 meals. (also inB4 eating all your calories in 1 meal a day is bad for you). It's not for everyone but this is what works for me.
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Thanks guys! The food is my biggest concern as I'm naturally an early riser and have a membership at Anytime fitness so no matter when I wake up or get done, I can hit the gym. I was worried the stress of it would hurt my loss as I am kind of an insomniac and I TOLD her I need a set schedule and not crazy hours all over the place, but they do not care about my health or fitness. Ugh, just 6 more months and I will be with my husband on a base and I can try to find a more 9-5 type job!

    I'm just sick of making excuses to fall off the track. I am ready to be fit and healthy :)
  • Newf77
    Newf77 Posts: 802 Member
    I can sympathize with quandary; shift work to start with adds an addition stress to our bodies then you toss in the factor that you are not working a consistent schedule. I currently am scheduled to one day of 2100-0530 and two days of 0530-173o, I am on-call/call out the rest of the time. My first line of “defense” is” what I can do while I am at work”. I take time to walk the stairs; do body weight squats, isometric exercises and resistance bands. I do this so that I stay active; I personally will not count any of this as my official exercise program. Second I consider for exercise and food a day being from wake-up to bed. You can modify your diary to reflect hour blocks of the day if you desire {0600-1200; 1200-1600 rather than Breakfast, Lunch}. Considering that a day is wake-up to bed helps me to look at my day in hours rather than time {first wake-up 60 minutes for shower and work prep; 60 minutes to get to work; 9 hours work; 60 drive home; 60 minutes relax; 120 minutes to exercise……..}. I hope this helps you some and wish you the best on your journey.
  • vicmonster
    vicmonster Posts: 297 Member
    I travel 3 days a week for my job, sometimes to 2 or 3 cities. For me it's all about planning; not just the time I will workout but planning exactly what I will be doing so I don't waste my workout time figuring it out. Good luck!
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    I hear you! I'm a chef, Fitness Trainer and Cycling Coach. My schedule is absolutly every where. We have a calander in the kitchen and at the end of the week the whole family sits down and we all talk about the upcoming week. Who working what hours do the kids have extra school stuff student council, sports. My wife and tralk about my crazy hours and training sessions with clients and then when we are going to spend time together.
    It is a crazy balance to have Family, Work and Fun. You have to work hard at it! its probably hard to to then your work outs , lol. So my advise is try to set time aside to discuse your upcoming week, pick a time work out so you dont miss out pick meal times keep a log.
    The hubs is a chef so he works basically all the time. I work from 4a-10a and then have the kids all day. He doesn't even attempt to keep up with all the kid activities and my schedule. He said it makes his head hurt :smile: I work in a gym and you would think it would be easier to get a workout in, but after being there all morning (or middle of the night!) I really just want to go home for a bit. During the school year, I get home, have a little break, then get a workout in. During the summer I go right from work to Mom duty. They are 10 and 8 now and that helps. Plus, they both like to run and bike with me. I fit in what I can, when I can and try not to stress too much when life gets in the way.
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    I don't work in an office....I work at McDonalds. I literally stare the temptation right in the face all day. I also only get one 30 minute break that I have to spend in the office doing work while downing my salad. Otherwise I would definitely try that!
    omg I know it! I used to work in a restuarant and one of the cooks was a real JERK we would cook extra chicken tenders and stuff and then (I did the expo where you put the plates on the tray so the waiter can take it out) and he would throw the extras up where the plates go and laugh at me.
  • Koshkaxo
    Koshkaxo Posts: 332 Member
    Weird working hours suck! My usual shift goes: 3 days of 7:30am - 7:30pm, 24 hours off and then 3 nights of 7:30pm - 7:30am, and 6 days off, although I usually work most of my days off... I also have an hour commute each way so Im gone 14+ hours a day.

    I commend you on resisting the Mickie D temptation! Eating healthy food when gym time is lacking is very important, at least you are doing your body good in that respect.

    Ive recently started jogging, so I can make better use of my off hours. No commute time to the gym, just out the door and go! Are you able to do at home workouts? Youtube is great if you dont have any dvds, and you can always be a pirate like me hehe Any strategy that will make more efficient use of your time
  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Promise yourself you will never, ever shop for food when you are hungry and tired. That's where I get in trouble. My crazy shift has definitely taken a toll on the weight loss. Here's a good post from this morning you might like:
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Great list! One of my friends told me today, "There is never a workout you'll regret." I about died in the heat today getting my workout in and it was so worth it! Even pushed myself harder than I have in awhile!
  • agerena007
    agerena007 Posts: 51
    It sucks that you work at Mc Donalds because you have to face your enemy face to face daily. Its a major challenge and everyday you overcome it you win. I work 7pm-430am, I have four kids that I take to school and pick them up, I also have to cook and clean, do laundry, etc. I have been pushing this weight loss for years because I dont have time, but I was only hurting myself. I would carry that misery for years, until I stopped giving myself excuses and just jumped on the elliptical. I also became aware of my intake, I would not eat much but I would eat crap. My how I have changed in just one week and I can happily say it shows on the scale. So if my story helps im glad. feel free to add me.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    I do not have a set schedule and I drive around all day for work... comes to about 500 miles a week. I thought long and hard about how I would drive around all day and not constantly stop for fast food. I pack my lunch everyday, using a frozen water bottle as my ice pack. In between stores, I pull something out of my lunch box and munch. I'm never hungry and I don't have to worry about buying bad food.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I worked really odd schedules for most of the last eight or so months. At my busiest I would be working maybe 6:30-12:30, come home, go to the gym, have lunch, shower, go into the office for an hour, come home, have dinner, and then go back and work 6:30-11:30. But it varied so much, literally every day was different.

    It's just about planning. I would always look at my schedule and find a spot for my workout, and I would use days I knew I wouldn't have time as my rest days. Going in with a plan made sticking to a workout routine much easier.
  • auuudriana
    auuudriana Posts: 18
    I work at McDonald's too (crew chief) and I either do open to 2 or 6 to 2. It's not hard for me to get to the gym after work, but what is hard is not eating so many of my calories for breakfast. I HAVE to eat before work and that's usually like oatmeal and then when I go on break at 9 I eat again. Honestly I don't think I'd make it til 2 without eating.
  • kalkat
    kalkat Posts: 48
    When I worked at McDonald's in High School I had some of the same issues you are facing now. I would volunteer to clean the lobby or mop, anything to keep myself moving during slow periods. I know it's not always an option, but it made my shift fly by and I was moving my feet. Good luck and don't give up!
  • spiritmachine
    I work 16 hours a day 6 days a week. Switching from days to nights at times. A lot of the time I only have 8 hours between shifts and that doesn't count to commute. Basically go home, eat, sleep 5 hours, wake up, exercise for an hour then go back to work. It's very hard but it can be done.