Hello, anyone else for 20 pounds?



  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    Yes, that's about what I'd like to lose, also. I actually set my goal for 15 and have already lost 10, but ultimately I'd like to lose 5 more than my present goal. Since I am new to this - haven't posted anything before - how do I find and keep track of this forum/thread?
  • andyp79
    andyp79 Posts: 34 Member
    Since I am new to this - haven't posted anything before - how do I find and keep track of this forum/thread?
    Now you've posted here, it'll be in 'my topics' at the top of the page. :)
  • DollyPat
    DollyPat Posts: 11 Member
    Add me I would like to join. I need to get back on track :smile:
  • My weight lost goal is to 30 lbs. I have lost 5lbs so far. It took me 8 days to loose the 5lbs. I've been doing an intense cardio workout for at least 100 minutes a week. I would love to join in on this 20lb weight loss challenge!

    DIANEB2 Posts: 5 Member
    Add me I need 20 lbs more after loosen 30 lds on MFP love the program if you afraid you going over yours calories if you have Apps on yours phone down load & you have MFP with u all the time great tool for us working people:wink:
  • smurfindasea
    smurfindasea Posts: 6 Member
    I need some encouragement on here. I have a few friends that joined and it was going great for a while then they just stopped logging. I have lost 12 pounds so far and am 62 pounds from my goal weight. I like having small goals along the way and then rewarding my self with things like getting my nails done, a new out fit, or a fun activity I don't usually do. I would love to join in your 20 pound goal.
  • AlexPawley
    AlexPawley Posts: 9 Member
    Count me in! :)
  • I want to lose 20 pounds as well! I'm not totally sure that it's possible for me, since 20 pounds down brings my weight fairly low, but I really want to try! Feel free to add me :)
  • I'm up for it! I actually would like to lose more than that, but I'm reaching towards my short goals first,
  • tarver10
    tarver10 Posts: 1
    hello I found what you said quite interesting and I want to take the challenge too

    . add me as a friend
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    yes... that's about where I am as well! :laugh:
  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    Thanks! I appreciate your reply, andyp79.
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    We've got a solid gang of "gonna' be lighter" folks, here! :)

    I'm thinking of doing an actual "Group", but I need a crash-course on just how a MFP group functions/works. I see where to start one, but I'm wondering:

    Do "group" topics show up in the "recent post" index?
    Do "group" topics show up in the "my topics" index?
    How do new people find an ongoing group (do you have to be in the "group" tab to see group topic)?

    Can anyone help with answers?
  • angelam82
    angelam82 Posts: 61 Member
    20lbs (9kg) is a start for me. I am aiming over all for 39lbs. There is a red jacket in my wardrobe that I want to fit back into and also my summer shorts etc.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    i dont think the posts from groups show up in the recent post but they show up in my topics as long as you've commented.

    also if you go to the community tab, there's a section under the main forum list of all the groups you're in.

    also i think most people find groups by either searching or word of mouth/someone giving them the link
  • ppatea
    ppatea Posts: 1
    i wanna loose 20 pounds + am not sure how many kgs that is but i have about 25- 30 kg i still would like to loose have lost 23 so far and am at a platau so im keen to get motivated with yas
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Since I started 5 months ago, ALL I HAVE TO LOSE OFF MY BODY IS 20 POUNDS! :(
    BUT for the LIFE of me, I cant F'N do it! I workout like a mad woman, I do Insanity workouts and nuthin..
    But my DIET is a yeah FAIL!!
    No, matter what I do its a real hit or miss for me. One day I will have a great eating day and the next day or FEW DAYS are complete FAIL mess up's.. O well. the IMORTANT thing is: I HAVENT STOPPED!
    So much for trying to get the beach body.
    I'm in with u to lose 20 pounds by fall!!!!!!!!
  • Bovaryoo
    Bovaryoo Posts: 1,374 Member

    Do "group" topics show up in the "recent post" index?
    Do "group" topics show up in the "my topics" index?
    How do new people find an ongoing group (do you have to be in the "group" tab to see group topic)?

    No, to the first question but for the second your posts do show up. Also, if you hit the community tab, there are three main sections. Main forum topics, Group Forums, and MFP Forums. All your groups show up under the group forum with the most recent post for each being displayed.

    Anyone can search and find a group (unless it is marked as a private group and then you need an invitation). The easiest thing would be to post a link to the group in this topic. Hope that helps.
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    Thanks, yes the info helps. Keep watch and I'll do a group in a day or so, and then link it to this thread. :bigsmile:

    Great day here today, I cleaned the garage so got some exercise doing it by walking a lot and lifting, and ended up with a neat garage.
  • nemrut
    nemrut Posts: 398 Member
    I've been stuck for the past 5 days, but I'm not giving up. I figure if I keep doing what I have been doing, eventually my body will readjust and I will start to lose again. I kind of expected a slow down at about a month into this, but it's still a bit frustrating.