Guys need your opinions! Relationships?



  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,340 Member
    what goes through my head? is she married?


    If I know she's not married, and doesn't have the body language of a mental patient, then I have no problem striking up a conversation.
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member

    So I think it's really weird when I see attractive men and they're with girls that are not attractive whatsoever and trashy at that.
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I know you said guys... but... I'd like to mention something I've heard a thousand times from men. The MOST attractive trait of a woman is confidence. Period.

    All my friends are guys, and yes, this is absolutely true. I always attracted guys by being super confident and almost aloof...even if I didn't feel that way.
  • MashaSK
    MashaSK Posts: 142 Member
    Sometimes guys are afraid of pretty girls. Don't worry honey if someone really likes you he'll approach you and you will be together. It's not as much about attractiveness, more like stars get together I was not ugly and stayed single and not even dating much from 21 till 23 just tried to focus on career Yes I agree often super hot men with not attractive women and vice a versa...but wait a minute why looks? they may have very matching personalities.
  • aroby001
    aroby001 Posts: 16
    I totally agree with you! GIRLS WE ARE WHAT WE PROJECT! If we project insecurity, or something like that people will perceive it. Just feel good about yourself, walk straight, look up and shine ;)
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    That totally makes sense. You all make good points. I think the confidence thing is probably the main reason.. But I'm getting better! And I'm always smiling so that can't be it.
    I've dated a guy on and off for 6 years so I just feel like when a guy sees me he automatically thinks oh no she's looking for a long term relationship! RUN! Haha & I also am in college and don't drink or anything so I'm not "easy" like all the other women. But damn would I love to meet a genuine guy!

    You may be smiling but are you actually making eye contact? You don't have to be pushy or overly outgoing but work on making eye contact. This lets a guy know you are open to being approached. Guys are terrified of rejection. After my sister divorced (she is very pretty and outgoing by the way) she told me guys didn't seem interested in her. I gave her this advice. She tried it and had more attention than she could handle.
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member

    So I think it's really weird when I see attractive men and they're with girls that are not attractive whatsoever and trashy at that.

    Your idea of "trashy" might be somone else's idea of attractive.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    You may be smiling but are you actually making eye contact? You don't have to be pushy or overly outgoing but work on making eye contact. This lets a guy know you are open to being approached. Guys are terrified of rejection. After my sister divorced (she is very pretty and outgoing by the way) she told me guys didn't seem interested in her. I gave her this advice. She tried it and had more attention than she could handle.

    Best post so far. You understand men!
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member

    So I think it's really weird when I see attractive men and they're with girls that are not attractive whatsoever and trashy at that.
    when you see guys who you think are attractive with women who you think are not attractive... there must be something you are missing. Something that isn't apparent from looking. This something that you can't see from looking is likely the source of beauty. It is why my son says I am the most beautiful person in the world.
    These are the things that are beautiful that attract and also (imho) support longer lasting relationships:
    confidence, kindness, wit, good sense of humor, giving, loving, caring, Listening, patience, creativity, dependability, loyalty, faithfulness, withholding judgement, humility, trust, depth of character...
    things like that. You can't see them from looking.
    When you have those sorts of things going on inside, you become beautiful regardless of externals. So... tone up the internal virtues and then go get em!
    A_TASTE4VANILLA Posts: 20 Member
  • gogojodee
    gogojodee Posts: 1,243 Member
    during school I was very shy and self consious. A lot of the time I was told it was not because I was unattractive, but because I didnt have ANY confidence. Once you gain that, you will see the changes. People will notice you. Be more open and have fun! Trust me I was going through the same thing!

    This is super true! I am probably what you would consider not that attractive - yet I managed to find a great, athletic model/entrepreneur a couple of years ago. At first our relationship was great - then I started to second doubt myself and became overly conscious and shy about certain things and he caught wind. After awhile, we ended up breaking up and it was because of me. I sabotaged my relationship because I didn't have that confidence and openess he initially saw. My confidence and just general fun, dwindled down. Second guessed myself and look where I'm at. Big lesson learned there. Have fun, open up and there will be possibilities!
  • gogophers
    gogophers Posts: 190 Member
    You may be smiling but are you actually making eye contact? You don't have to be pushy or overly outgoing but work on making eye contact. This lets a guy know you are open to being approached. Guys are terrified of rejection. After my sister divorced (she is very pretty and outgoing by the way) she told me guys didn't seem interested in her. I gave her this advice. She tried it and had more attention than she could handle.

    MFP should have some sort of "like" function.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,412 Member
    Confident women are attractive. When a guy looks at you, hold his stare and smile. Don't just flash a smile and look away quickly. Unless of course you get a serial killer vibe from him. Then you should go to the bathroom and climb through the window. I want a strong woman on my arm, not a girl who looks at the ground and shuffles her feet. You are who you are, own it.
  • Valera0466
    Valera0466 Posts: 319 Member
    Confident women are attractive. When a guy looks at you, hold his stare and smile. Don't just flash a smile and look away quickly. Unless of course you get a serial killer vibe from him. Then you should go to the bathroom and climb through the window. I want a strong woman on my arm, not a girl who looks at the ground and shuffles her feet. You are who you are, own it.

    Love it! Some of us can't fit through the bathroom window YET though.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    You may be smiling but are you actually making eye contact? You don't have to be pushy or overly outgoing but work on making eye contact. This lets a guy know you are open to being approached. Guys are terrified of rejection. After my sister divorced (she is very pretty and outgoing by the way) she told me guys didn't seem interested in her. I gave her this advice. She tried it and had more attention than she could handle.

    MFP should have some sort of "like" function.

    All of the above.

    What's worse, is for some of us it's not the fear of's not wanting to put a girl through the trouble of dealing with someone she has no interest in dealing with. If you see someone you like, follow the above advice. I know it would reel me in.
  • KissMyAx
    KissMyAx Posts: 129 Member
    Honey you are beautiful! Some men see beautiful women as though they are already "taken" and think that they would never have a chance, so they just dont bother for that fear of rejection. This might be why, but I certainly wouldn't take it personal. If you are out somewhere and are interested in someone, or think you might be, try throwing a smile their way with eye contact, and maybe not just once! It certainly can't hurt! And at least they know that you are showing an interest and you indeed are NOT "taken."

  • egbell
    egbell Posts: 4
    Thanks Anya!!! I'm just being real. Sometimes being single isn't easy; but I'd rather be single and happy than settle and miserable!!!!

    ^^^ Hells, friggin, yes. Being in a relationship is so overrated.

    That being said, yes, unfortunately it might be because youre a bit shy. Everyone is attracted to confidence, that's how us girls keep ending up with douchbags lol.
  • brianchi
    brianchi Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Anya!

    I think everyone gives really good advice here. I am not one to give relationship advice as I am also very shy and lack confidence. But I do know if a girl is shy, will not smile back at me, or looks the other way, I take it as she is not interested.....which very well could be the case.

    Anyway, you look great and don't worry about these guys. You will definitely find someone, or more appropriately, someone will find you! Then you get to choose which guy is good enough for you.

  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    Casey, your such a sweetheart! I wish there were more guys like you!(:

    Thanks Anya!!! I'm just being real. Sometimes being single isn't easy; but I'd rather be single and happy than settle and miserable!!!!

    Good advice
  • drog2323
    drog2323 Posts: 1,343 Member
    That totally makes sense. You all make good points. I think the confidence thing is probably the main reason.. But I'm getting better! And I'm always smiling so that can't be it.
    I've dated a guy on and off for 6 years so I just feel like when a guy sees me he automatically thinks oh no she's looking for a long term relationship! RUN! Haha & I also am in college and don't drink or anything so I'm not "easy" like all the other women. But damn would I love to meet a genuine guy!

    Have yountried approaching men? Just be yourself and you will meet the right guys.