Diet Soda (for those who gave it up)



  • conleyclan
    I gave it up for 2.5 months. I felt no better or worse. I didn't have any changes to my body at all. I didn't lose any weight by drinking more water...nothing happened. So, after depriving myself for 2.5 months I started back with just 1-2 cans a day. Occasionally I will have 3 or so, but I try to stick to just 1-2 cans a day.
    I experimented by not taking my heartburn medicine to see if the Diet Coke was the cause of that. Well, after 6 days of no meds I had to start them back up. The Diet Coke was not the cause of my heartburn! I did have decreased heartburn, but it didn't totally go away by not drinking Diet Coke.
    So, with no real benefit of not drinking Diet Coke and still craving it most days, I started it back up and feel just fine!!
    Good luck!
  • berringtonsarah
    you might want to give zero calorie drinks a try ; such as power aid zero pepsi zero and I think there is also a coke zero . Also try some of those "vita-waters' "
  • twiztid_princess
    I gave it up for 3 months. I, now, drink a soda now and then when i start to get a migraine due to caffeine withdrawal.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 450 Member
    Ingredients of diet soda = bad health and increased risk for bad things. Why bother?
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I gave it up and sleep much better because I am sensitive to the caffeine in diet soda. I know there are caffeine free versions but I didn't enjoy them as much.
  • Christine1110
    Christine1110 Posts: 1,786 Member
    Stevis has flovored's way better for you. They even have rootbeer. It's not soda...but a great drink anyway!
  • berringtonsarah
    almond milk? where can I find that at, a health-food store or a grocery store?
  • maradot
    maradot Posts: 95 Member
    I'm glad to read that you did lose the need for the jolt and fizz in time. I have tried to give it up a couple of times, and found that as the week progressed I became tireder and tireder. I'll try and again and hang in there. Because, I also found that I dropped weight when I gave of the diet/caf soda.
    It's a lot of work to eat healthy and take care of oneself. But I've got to do it.
  • maradot
    maradot Posts: 95 Member
    Kroger's grocery store carries it in their health food section. There is even a
    Almond light - I think 60 calories for 8 ozs.

  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 8,031 Member
    I was drinking about a 6-pack a day of Diet Coke. My husband read an article about how bad it is for you, and he nagged into giving it up. When I gave it up, I lost 15 pounds without dieting. I was shocked because I had assumed I would gain. Thanks, honey! I totally avoid diet soda and all artificial sweeteners(including the natural ones like stevia) for fear of falling back into my addiction. Unfortunately, I still get headaches.

    Reading the comments is making me want a Diet Coke -- guess I am still addicted! Do they actually put coke in that stuff?!
  • Gwenski
    Gwenski Posts: 348 Member
    I drank diet soda every day, but only with my supper. I gave up diet soda because I made a conscious effort to avoid any kind of carbonation. I have learned that carbonation seemed to give me a distorted 'full' feeling.. from liquid and gas and not from good nutrition. I have found that I don't seem as tempted to 'nibble' between meals and enjoy food more as I'm not 'washing away' flavours between bites and am getting full from my food rather than drink. I don't drink with my meals any more either.. I drink lots of water, up to 1/2 hour before a meal and after 1/2 hour after a meal. If I still want a flavoured beverage (rare) I opt for a crystal light or juice. Generally speaking, the only time I've really wanted a flavoured beverage is as a mix for alcohol (extremely rare, though I do make a great margarita with lime crystal light and tequila!). It's strange, I have never craved the diet soda and almost chuckle to myself when I see the 'pop and chip' aisle in the grocery store.. it's like the stuff is totally foreign to me now.
  • leopard_barbie
    leopard_barbie Posts: 279 Member
    Diet soda fills me up & stops me craving sweet things, I've cut down a lot but that's because of financial reasons rather than health reasons. When I had diet soda this week I realised I felt way more awake after it as well. I miss it!
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I gave up soda completely for about 2 months. I didn't notice any difference in the way I feel. It may or may not have contributed to my weightloss. Diet soda has never made me crave sweets, in fact it is the opposite. Sweets do not taste good with diet soda. Since it didn't seem to have an affect on me physically, I have started drinking it again when I go out to eat. However, I have found that I don't miss it at home so I do not buy it when grocery shopping.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I had to give up caffine for medical reasons, had been drinking real coffee and real diet coke, switched to decafe coffee and caffine free diet coke and lost 12 pounds without dieting. I have a caffine free diet coke once in awhile now, but mostly just drink water.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    Ingredients of diet soda = bad health and increased risk for bad things. Why bother?

    why bother eating a candy bar?
    why bother eating fried chicken?

    I just really enjoy it.
  • slofitness1978
    slofitness1978 Posts: 91 Member
    I haven't seen any difference in weight as yet but headaches have certainly lessened and that's just in one week!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    diet soda keeps me on track.
  • moopity
    moopity Posts: 54 Member
    A few years ago, I drank one two liter of Diet 7-up every day. Then I met a nutritionist who basically had a cow when she heard this. So, long story short, I no longer drink it. Once a year I might have a sip, but when I do, I imagine the soda attacking and destroying my nerves, causing MS, lupus, and other atrocities. I don't try for this image in my brain, but after studying so much about it and listening to my nutritionist go on and on about it, I don't miss it -- not even at all.

    It really is poison, and I wish more people would accept how dangerous it is for your body. It also made me crave more sweets and generally bad stuff...
  • sharonloraine
    sharonloraine Posts: 69 Member
  • brett1117
    brett1117 Posts: 208
    I use to drink 4-5 bottles of diet of Pepsi as day..I gave up pop 4years ago..Haven't had a sip since