starting over

I got off track and I have to start over.....Lets see how this go.......Its very hard......


  • Taniarazo
    Taniarazo Posts: 2
    HI, i'm doing the same myself. I actually also joined Curves to help me out good luck to you
  • shimila1101
    shimila1101 Posts: 119
    I'm in the same boat. I stopped using this and gained almost all the weight back. It is hard, but I'm determined to make it a "for good" this time.

    Good Luck!
  • mello363
    mello363 Posts: 2 Member
    yeah im back where i started but i did the first day of insanity today hopefully i can still move for the encouragement
  • I've gotten off track so many times I can't even count the number now! just try to set some goals and limits that you know you can do. Even challenge yourself a little. You will be surprised what you are capable of. Feel free to add me!
  • zkm4
    zkm4 Posts: 3
    I have recently fallen off track after maintaining a 50 pound weight loss. This summer I am planning to get back into the routine and shed the excess pounds. I would appreciate any advice!
  • BrightEyesx3
    BrightEyesx3 Posts: 335
    Same here! During the summer and winter breaks from the regular semesters I stick to a strict diet and exercise plan, but as soon as the regulat semesters start everything goes out the window and its tough to stay on track
  • Yeah I started over a few weeks ago, but just "restarted" my profile today. I see more progress when i stick with it, so I'm going to keep up with this.
  • MomInPink
    MomInPink Posts: 4 Member
    I'm starting over as well! I am going to post a new weigh in tomorrow to see exactly how much I have gained. We can all help each other!
  • MtnKat
    MtnKat Posts: 714
    Me too.

    I'm queen of the yo yo dieters.

    In fact I was shocked when I looked at my old pictures and realized how much I have struggled with weight all my life. But I figured that each time I start over, I learn something new so that someday, I can be successful too.

    Good luck to you!
  • I'm a month new. For the past 3 years have been starting over and signing up to different community sites also. Im also looking for that extra motivation to keep me on track this time for good. Weight got as high as 206 and im only 5'3