Weight Watchers?

I am thinking about joining weight watchers for the summer since where I am working has weekly meetings during lunch.

Opinions? I do a good job tracking food on here for the most part, but the whole calculating points and such...


  • SunshineDieter
    I tried their new points plan last year and gained a stone on it (I think this is the same with any diet - works for some, not for others). But I did their old plan when I was younger and lost loads. I recently tried it again, but failed, as WW don't run the old points plan anymore and I had to rely on old books etc.

    Its always nice to have a group to talk to about the plan though! :)
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    Hi I joined WW yesterday more for the weigh in sessions. It helps motivate me to know that I am going to be weighed. If I lose 2 lbs a week then I'm ok with it.
  • Cakelover23
    I just left weight watchers lol, lost about 2 stone on the plan overall, it is good and flexible but I felt I was worrying too much about points and was starting to get a bit obsessed with it! But the support you get from meetings is good and if you join online you get access to all the tools such as the tracker etc which can be helpful when calculating points totals! However don't feel forced into buying the weight watchers products for the points! the message boards can be a good way of finding out products that are low in points but not weight watchers, diet, low fat etc :) good luck! xx
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    My mum is on WW atm - a few weeks ago I watched her make a meal that was "in her points allowance". around 300g boiled mixed veg, then 6 rashers of (cheap, high fat) bacon on top of some ciabatta. I worked it out mfp style for her, that plate was around 1000+ cals - and then she was going to the cinema, which involves sweets etc. Some days she doesn't have enough calories (she's a nurse and often only does one of the above style meals in a day). In her case, i think she a) doesn't eat enough calories sometimes, and b) doesn't eat decent stuff. I did get her signed up on here, but I bet she's never checked in since the day I signed her up.

    I don't hold with the "it's free" mind set. It all has calories. Thinking you can eat infite amounts will just lead to downfall, and, in my opinion the biggest problem with this, is it doesn't teach PORTION CONTROL!

    I eat well, but am overweight. This is not due to eating crap, all my meals are made from scratch with very little in the way of processed goods. But I ate TOO MUCH. For me, the WW mentality wouldn't have let me understand what I can, and cannot eat the way mfp has.

    Plus, I wouldn't pay for it! My sister is also doing WW, tends to lose and gain. Her husband follwed the plan for a while and did lose some weight, but in his own words "I did it at home from her stuff, there's no way I would pay to sit in a room with people that cry because the hamburger made them eat it" Says everything I need to know about the mentality of the people that go to my local meetings at any rate! (and it's true, as I suspect my mum is one of them - she spends a fortnight in Canada, doing "all you can eat", then a month in Australia, eating cakes and not worrying about what goes in because she's on holiday, then has a paddy because she's put on weight. Well durr mum!)

    i think it works for some, and not for others. It's not one for me, it might be for you. Good luck!
  • AllergicToExercise
    AllergicToExercise Posts: 436 Member
    I joined WW cos I was banging my head against a wall for months just counting cals and not losing weight. I needed a fresh approach and the weight has now started to come off since I started WW so I'll see how it goes from here. :smile:
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
  • stephie4111
    stephie4111 Posts: 118
    Im a lifetime member of ww. I dont really do the points anymore since i started counting calories. i lost over 40 pounds and am still losing.
    IAMANAN Posts: 7
    WW is a great program..It is like most of them, does not work for everyone, as everyone is different...Many people have lost weight and kept it off...It is a healthy plan to fit any lifestyle. It has been voted the #1weight lose program 2 years in a row.
    WW teaches portion control and anything "free" is just that 0 points and you eat to satisfaction...It is not a "free for all"....They have also discovered that not all calories are created equally....Protein is better for you and carbs are the bad guys.....
    WW teaches a lifestyle, not a diet.
  • roseym10
    roseym10 Posts: 105 Member
    I've restarted weight watchers after having success with it a a few years ago. Recently I started tracking on MFP so i could see my carbs, protein, etc. I discovered i can track on MFP (larger database) then convert my total carbs, protein, etc. using the WW calculator to track my points without having to reenter food in another program.
  • Mrsbrandnewmeslimandtrim
  • Jenism1
    Jenism1 Posts: 149 Member
    Hello! I just left WW. I lost 35 pounds on it and found it to be a great. I took me about 7 months to loose the weight. I agree they teach you about life style and portion control and that you can eat anything you like as long as you are accountable for it. I was on line and paying for a year and decided to cancel my membership and join MFP. I have 10 pounds to go and I am going to use this sight to do it!

    Good luck on the WW journey...I found it worked for me. I am a slow looser but I keep saying....slow and steady win the race!!
  • fervc60
    fervc60 Posts: 70
    I'm a lifetime member, although I've gained some, but not all back. I'm so used the points program, that I find it much easier than tracking actual calories.